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Mathematics Degree

Branch of knowledge
Faculty of Mathematics
Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa, s/n, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881813219 (Conserxaría)
881813130 (Decanato)
Santiago de Compostela
estudante de matematicas

Mathematics has a millennial tradition, both as a scientific field as in its applied aspects, having remarkable disciplinary improvements, which have increased its contribution in fields such as Physics and Engineering and other more innovative such as Economics, Biology or Medicine.

  • Duration: 4 academic years
    RUCT code: 2500172
    Seats number: 110

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    Rosana Rodríguez López

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    MECES Level: 2

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Decreto 154/2008 do 17 de xullo (DOG 30/08/2008)

    BOE publication date:
    16 de febrero de 2009

    Last accreditation date:

    Mathematics has a millennial tradition, both as a scientific field as in its applied aspects. Moreover, it had remarkable disciplinary improvements, which have increased its contribution in fields such as Physics and Engineering, and other more innovative such as Economics, Biology or Medicine.

    Being Mathematics an essential field for a developed society, the person who graduates in the Degree of Mathematics in our Faculty develops and strengths some skills very valued both in the academic and professional field. Therefore, the graduate student can opt for the highest categories in the public function, and this person will be qualified for the mathematical formulation, analysis, solution and, in that case, technological treatment of problems corresponding different interdisciplinary fields from the basic sciences, social and life sciences, engineering, finances, consulting, etc., looking into the applications, research and/or education, and in order to become part of interdisciplinary teams.

  • No se contemplan

  • No se contemplan

  • Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to students with the following degrees/ diplomas or studies, or any other recognized as equivalent to these:

    • A.1. Spanish Bachiller, European Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate.
    • A.2. Baccalaureate from European Union Member States’ education systems or other countries withinternational agreements.
    • A.3. Advanced Technician in Vocational Training, Advanced Technician in Plastic Arts and Design orAdvanced Technician in Sports Education, from the Spanish Education System.
    • A.4.Studies carried out in European Union Member States or in other countries with international reciprocal agreements which meet the academic requirements in those States to access their university study programmes.
    • A.5. Official Spanish university degrees of Diplomado, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico, Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero, Graduado or Máster Universitario.
    • A.6. Partial (foreign or Spanish) university studies.

    Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is also possible for:

    • B.1. People over twenty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
    • B.2. People over forty with work or professional experience related to a university field of knowledge.
    • B.3. People over forty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.

    Likewise, access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to:

    • C.1. People meeting the requirements to enter university according to the Spanish Education System regulations prior to Ley Orgánica 8/2013, of December 9."
  • The Faculty of Mathematics has 10 rooms with different capacity and with teaching equipment. Furthermore, it has five computing rooms used in teaching and one is intended to the free access for the student. Moreover, it uses external facilities such as Astronomical Observatory.

    Most of the subjects taught in the degree are expected to be combined with the virtual teaching platform from the USC.

    The centre has both a library and study rooms. The library has more than 250 reading points, which are divided in two floors and it holds bibliographical collections including books reserved to the students and general works as well as research books. Moreover, the students have access to the Library of the Astronomical Observatory Ramón María Aller.

    It is important also to mention that from every place in the Faculty there is wireless Internet connection.

  • 1. To train students in the nature, methods and aims of the most relevant branches of Mathematics, preparing them for entry into the job market or for the undertaking of further study with a high degree of autonomy in scientific or technological disciplines.
    2. To enable students develop analytic and abstraction capabilities, intuition, and logical and rigorous thinking.
    3. To make students understand that Mathematics is an integral part of education and culture, so that they come to appreciate its presence in nature through science, technology and art.
    4. To instil in students respect for equality of rights between men and women, for human rights, and for the principles of equal opportunities, non discrimination and accessibility of disabled people

  • Mobility

    La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa):

    Portal Internacional


    Según el Art. 12.6 del R.D. 1393/2007, los estudiantes podrán obtener reconocimiento académico de un máximo de 6 créditos optativos por realización de prácticas externas relacionadas con el título. Las prácticas externas no forman parte de la oferta académica permanente de la Facultad, aunque esta colaborará con los órganos responsables de la Universidad en la organización de estas cómo oferta académica complementaria en la formación de sus estudiantes.

  • Los alumnos podrán inscribirse una vez superados 192 créditos obligatorios. Para poder presentarlo deberán tener superados, cuando menos, 228. A Facultade ofrecerá trabajos de fin de grado en ambos dos cuatrimestres.

  • Faculty
    Fernando Alcalde Cuesta
    Maria Alonso Pena
    Leovigildo Alonso Tarrio
    Jose Antonio Alvarez Dios
    Jesús Antonio Álvarez López
    Raul Alvite Pazo
    Anton Barreiro Iglesias
    Maria Isabel Borrajo Garcia
    Sebastian Buedo Fernandez
    Alberto Cabada Fernandez
    Paula Cambeses Franco
    Eva Maria Candal Suarez
    Daniel Cao Labora
    Jose Manuel Carballes Vazquez
    Maria Angeles Casares De Cal
    Balbina Virginia Casas Mendez
    Eva Cernadas García
    Angel Cidre Diaz
    Mercedes Conde Amboage
    Victor Cora Calvo
    Maria Cristina Costoya Ramos
    Rosa María Crujeiras Casais
    Pablo Alfonso Del Pino Gonzalez De La Higuera
    Jose Carlos Diaz Ramos
    Érika Diz Pita
    Manuel Febrero Bande
    Manuel Fernandez Delgado
    Francisco Javier Fernandez Fernandez
    Rosa Mª Fernandez Rodriguez
    Fernando Adrian Fernandez Tojo
    Samuel Funes Hernando
    Felipe Gago Couso
    Eduardo Garcia Rio
    Antonio Garcia Rodicio
    Maria Soledad Garcia Tasende
    Ignacio Gómez Casares
    Antonio M. Gómez Tato
    Julio Gonzalez Diaz
    Laura Gonzalez Llera
    Wenceslao Gonzalez Manteiga
    Ana Jeremías López
    Manuel Eulogio Ladra Gonzalez
    Anton Manoel Leira Campos
    Raul Lois Cuns
    Óscar López Pouso
    Rodrigo Lopez Pouso
    Lucia Lopez Somoza
    Jorge Losada Rodriguez
    Alejandro Omar Majadas Moure
    José Javier Majadas Soto
    Trinidad Mendez Morales
    Diego Mojon Alvarez
    Rafael Muñoz Sola
    Begoña Nicolas Avila
    Juan José Nieto Roig
    Lois Omil Pazos
    Maria Victoria Otero Espinar
    Andrea Otero Torron
    Maria Pilar Paez Guillan
    Beatriz Pateiro Lopez
    Francisco Jose Pena Brage
    Ana Peon Nieto
    Miguel Picos Maiztegui
    Peregrina Quintela Estevez
    Brais Ramos Perez
    Oscar Rivero Salgado
    Iria Rodríguez Acevedo
    Alberto Rodriguez Casal
    Jeronimo Rodriguez Garcia
    Jorge Rodríguez López
    Rosana Rodríguez López
    Jonatan Rodríguez Parra
    Mario Julian Rodriguez Sanchez De Toca
    Daniel Romaus Sanjurjo
    Maria Del Pilar Salgado Rodriguez
    Modesto Ramon Salgado Seco
    Mª Ángeles Sánchez González
    Cesar Andres Sanchez Sellero
    Victor Sanmartin Lopez
    Maria Luisa Seoane Martinez
    Antonio Topete Camacho
    Rosa Mª Trinchet Soria
    Rafael Vazquez Hernandez
    Juan Manuel Viaño Rey
    Maria Vidal Garcia
    Mouhcine Yousfi Khoumsi
The contents of this page were updated on 07.03.2023.