The figure of institutional accreditation opens up a new scenario, in which the Quality Report of each centre must constitute the document that includes the monitoring of the degrees and the Quality Assurance System (QAS) itself. Thus, from the 2016-17 academic year, the Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering analyses the development, results and improvement plans of its degrees as well as the functioning of its Quality Assurance System, taking into account its strategic planning and objectives, within the framework of the institution's planning.
The QAS of the EPS
The Centre's Quality Assurance System aims to guarantee the quality of all degrees by constantly updating the academic offer and continuously improving training programmes to meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders:
- Students and graduates
- USC staff
- Society, third sector and suppliers
- Companies and institutions
- Schools, universities and institutions
- Public Administrations
To guarantee a systematic, structured and continuous commitment and attention to the quality of the degrees taught at the centre:
- It identifies the needs and expectations of its stakeholders
- It identifies the processes required for the quality management system and its application to meet the needs of stakeholders.
- It determines the sequence and interaction of these processes.
- It determines the criteria and methods necessary to ensure that both the operation and the monitoring of these processes are effective and meet the needs of the stakeholders.
- It ensures the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes.
- It monitors, measures and analyses these processes.
- It implements the necessary actions to achieve the planned objectives and continuously improve its processes to meet the needs of the stakeholders.