- Rúa Benigno Ledo, 27002Lugo
- 982823008 (Conserxaría)
- 982823011 (Dirección)
- eps.secretaria.direccion@usc.gal
The Master in Unmanned Aerial Systems is a title of high specialization, which is unique in the Galician System of Universities and it is one of the two only official offered master’s degrees in drones in Spain. The students will be able to choose either subjects oriented to the operation of unmanned aerial systems offered by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Lugo), or oriented to the development of unmanned aerial systems offered by the University of Vigo (School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering of Orense). This master’s degree also provides the basic knowledge for obtaining the pilot license for drones and allows to access PhD programs and to produce a doctoral thesis.
The master is sponsored by GAIN (Galician Agency for Innovation) and it is developed in collaboration with the RPAS-UO group of the University of Oviedo.