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Master in Unmanned Aerial Systems

  • New offer
Branch of knowledge
Engineering and Architecture
Ambit of knowledge
Arquitectura, construcción, edificación y urbanismo, e ingeniería civil.
María De La Luz Gil Docampo

The Master in Unmanned Aerial Systems is a title of high specialization, which is unique in the Galician System of Universities and it is one of the two only official offered master’s degrees in drones in Spain. The students will be able to choose either subjects oriented to the operation of unmanned aerial systems offered by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Lugo), or oriented to the development of unmanned aerial systems offered by the University of Vigo (School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering of Orense). This master’s degree also provides the basic knowledge for obtaining the pilot license for drones and allows to access PhD programs and to produce a doctoral thesis.
The master is sponsored by GAIN (Galician Agency for Innovation) and it is developed in collaboration with the RPAS-UO group of the University of Oviedo.

  • Duration: 1 academic year
    RUCT code: 4317743
    ECTS Number: 60
    Seats number: 12

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    María De La Luz Gil Docampo

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela University of Vigo

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Orde do 8 de xullo de 2021 (DOG 16/07/2021)

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    This master’s degree meets the rise of the sector in Galicia, which combines the boost by companies’ operators that operate in global markets and companies that develop their own systems. The effort carried out by the private sector is supported by the one provided by the regional Galician administration through the creation of the Rozas Airborne Research Center (CIAR) INTA-Xunta in Lugo, the development of the Associate Degree in Aircrafts Maintenance in the IES As Mercedes of Lugo, the set out of the Civil UAS Initiative and, inside this initiative, to Business Factory Aero (BFAero) accelerator, the support of the Galician Innovation Center in Aerospace (CINAE) in the industrial park Porto do Molle in the Zona Franca of Vigo, and the creation of the School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering of Ourense in the University of Vigo. Another factor that indicates the continuous development of the sector is the training of local entrepreneurial associations, such as the Galician Association of Unmanned Intelligent Systems (AGASINT).

    This master’s degree is held the university campuses of Lugo and Ourense. Both are equipped with new installations and technological resources to guarantee the quality of the education.

  • Completion requirements:

    Compulsory: 24
    Optional: 18
    External internships 9
    Master’s Final Project: 9
    Total: 60

    The new master's degree does not include specialisations, but the syllabus has been designed with the aim of building a well-defined and recognisable curriculum in terms of professional profile. The optional subjects offered are designed to intensify students' knowledge in areas related to unmanned aerial systems engineering and applications of unmanned aerial systems.

  • This master’s degree contemplates the realization of a total of 60 credits ECTS, of which 24 ECTS are mandatory and 18 ECTS are optional. Part of the subjects will be taught in Lugo (USC) and they will be applied-oriented, while another part will be taught in Ourense (UVigo) and they will focus on systems engineering. The theoretical contents can be followed in person or online. In addition, 9 ECTS credits will consist in a mandatory external internship and 9 ECTS credits will correspond to a master thesis.

    The structure of the master is designed so that it can be compatible with the professional activity. 

    • 24 ECTS credits are mandatory, scheduled for the first four-month period and they consist of the following subjects:
      • Fundamentals of unmanned aerial systems (Lugo/Oviedo)
      • Operations, regulations, and certification (Lugo)
      • Aerodynamics and mechanics of flight and propulsion (Ourense)
      • Observation systems (Ourense)
    • 18 credits consist of optional subjects for the second four-month period. The students must choose three of them:
      • Methods of data analysis (Lugo)
      • Applications in the agroforestry and environmental fields (Lugo)
      • Applications in engineering and architecture (Lugo)
      • Control systems (Ourense)
      • Navigation and communication systems (Ourense)


  • Modality: specific criteria

    Access qualifications in order of preference:

    Most valued Degrees:

    - Degree in Aerospace Engineering.
    - Degree in Agricultural Engineering.
    - Degree in Agricultural and Agri-Food Engineering.
    - Degree in Civil Engineering.
    - Degree in Energy Engineering.
    - Degree in Mining and Energy Resources Engineering.
    - Degree in Electrical Engineering.
    - Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering.
    - Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering.
    - Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering.
    - Degree in Forestry Engineering.
    - Degree in Forestry and Environmental Engineering.
    - Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
    - Degree in Geomatics and Topography Engineering.
    - Degree in Physics.
    - Degree in Robotics
    - Degree in Airline Transport Pilot

    Further degrees:

    Other degrees in the branches of Science and Engineering and Architecture.

    Students coming from countries with a language other than Galician, Portuguese or Spanish must accredit their level of the Galician language: Celga II, or Spanish: B1, according to the Agreement of the Governing Council of the USC ( 28th February 2019.)

    If they do not have any of these qualifications, the USC will give them a level test and, if they do not pass it, they will have to attend an intensive course of Galician or Spanish in the first semester until they obtain the required level.


    - Academic record: max. 80%.
    - Accredited experience in the sector: 20%.
    - The score obtained in the above scale will be weighted with the following factors:
    -Factor "1": Students coming from degrees included in the recommended entry profile.
    -Factor "0.5": Students who do not come from degrees included in the recommended entry profile

  • Mobility

    Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):

    Portal Internacional


    The master's degree includes 9 credits of compulsory external internships.

    The Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Santiago de Compostela and the School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering of the University of Vigo have an extensive programme of agreements for work placements in companies that will allow students of this Master's degree to be supervised. The agreements are approved by the Governing Council of the respective universities and are monitored by the degree's Academic Committee.

    In order to meet the demand from students of the new degree, a sufficient number of work placements must be ensured for enrolled students, to be carried out in either of the two semesters of the academic year, taking into account that students can study the degree on a part-time basis. Students in the first year of full-time enrolment must carry out the work placement in the second term. However, they will be offered in both semesters for students who opt for part-time dedication. In subsequent years, students will be able to do them in any of the four-month periods.

    In addition, procedures will be defined for the selection, monitoring, drafting of the internship report and presentation of the student's use of the internship, adapting the current regulations to the specificities of the Master's degre.

  • The master's degree includes the completion of a Master's Thesis of 9 ECTS credits, which consists of a project related to the engineering of unmanned aerial systems or applications involving their operation.

    The Master's Final Project is an original exercise that must be carried out individually and consists of a comprehensive project of a professional nature that synthesises the competences acquired in the Master's Degree. In order to pass it, it will be defended before an examining board made up of lecturers from the degree. Each student will have at least one tutor who will guide the student throughout the process and ensure the quality of the work.

    The offer of Final Master's Degree Projects will be carried out in each term of the academic year, thus responding to students enrolled on a part-time basis. Each offer may also include work offered by collaborating companies and research centres and work offered by Master's lecturers.

    The offer of Master's Degree Final Projects must be sufficient for all students enrolled in the degree. Students will be able to defend their Master's thesis when they have passed all the other credits of the syllabus.

  • The teaching staff of the master’s degree is formed by lecturers of the Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Lugo (USC), of the School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering of Orense (UVigo), with the participation of professionals of companies, institutions and public organisms, including the group of RPAS-OR of the University of Oviedo and GAIN.

The contents of this page were updated on 04.13.2022.