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Master in Agronomical Engineering

  • In extinction
Branch of knowledge
Engineering and Architecture
Santiago Pereira Lorenzo

Its aim is to train senior technicians so that they are capable of planning, projecting, organizing, controlling and managing the systems and production processes developed in the agrifood sector, providing them with powers to exercise the regulated profession of Agronomic Engineer and manage natural renewable resources in a rational manner.

  • Duration: 2 academic years
    RUCT code: 4314243
    ECTS Number: 90
    Seats number: 25

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    Santiago Pereira Lorenzo

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Orde do 05/12/2013 (DOG do 20/12/2013)

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    The general goal of this master is to train senior technicians so that they are capable of planning, projecting, organizing, controlling and managing the systems and production processes developed in the agrifood sector, including the infrastructure and facilities necessary for the efficient discharge of the cited productive activities, all of this in a framework for the protection and conservation of the environment and development and improvement of the rural environment.

    The students, through their scientific and technological knowledge and their creative ability, will be capable of designing systems to make good financial use of nature's resources to obtain and transform food, fibres for textiles and other plants or animals that are useful to mankind. Students will be trained for the exercise of the regulated profession of agronomic engineer and to manage renewable natural resources in a rational manner.

  • Completion requirements:

    Compulsory: 60
    Optional: 18
    External internships 10
    Master’s Final Project: 12
    Total: 100

    The Master's Degree in Agronomic Engineering offers the following specializations:

    -Milk production engineering

    In order to obtain the specialization, the student must take the 6 optional subjects of 3 ECTS each (18 ECTS in total) that make up the corresponding specialization module, as well as carry out the External Internships (EP) and the Master's Thesis (TFM) in subjects related to the chosen specialization. Students may also obtain the degree without any specialization; in this case, they may freely choose the 6 optional subjects they wish, without being obliged to take them from the same module, as well as carry out the External Internships and the Master's Thesis in any subject related to the proposed title.

  • Its aim is to train senior technicians so that they are capable of planning, projecting, organizing, controlling and managing the systems and production processes developed in the agrifood sector, providing them with powers to exercise the regulated profession of Agronomic Engineer and manage natural renewable resources in a rational manner.

  • Modality: with limited vacancies and general criteria

    Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Rural Environment, and Degree in Engineering of Agro-food Industries by the USC (as well as the degrees of other Spanish universities that grant the competences established in the Ministerial Order CIN /325/2009; e.g.: Degree in Agricultural Engineering by the UVIGO).

    Technical Agricultural Engineering (with complements, which must be taken before or simultaneously with the 1st year of the master's degree).

    Information is updated in each enrolment call

  • Mobility

    Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):

    Portal Internacional


    Internships will consist in the realization, by the student, of an internship in a company or organization for 240 hours (6 weeks) plus the elaboration of the corresponding report, in order to obtain 10 equivalent credits.
    The Higher Polytechnic School counts with approximately 400 agreements with companies and institutions so that students of the different degrees taught there can carry out external internships.

  • The teaching methodology to be used will be the personalized interactive teaching with the aim to meet the specific needs of each Master’s Thesis which, in compliance with the requirements that affect the regulated profession of agronomist engineer, must be an original and individual exercise.

    The contents of the Master’s Thesis will be within the professional field of Agronomic Engineering. To determine the appropriateness of a topic, the student must submit a proposal following a standardized form to the monitoring committee. Once the proposal has been approved, the Master's thesis may be prepared and presented for defense.

The contents of this page were updated on 06.01.2024.