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Dispensation from class attendance

In application of Instruction no. 1/2017, of the General Secretary's Office, on the dispensation of class attendance in certain circumstances, a period is opened at the beginning of each semester of the academic year to formalise the request.

Students may request, within the established deadlines, or subsequently, in the event of unforeseeable and unforeseen circumstances, to be excused from class attendance, by means of a reasoned and accredited request.

The reasons for requesting dispensation from classes are:

  1. Serious illness or medical treatment that cannot be postponed and which prevents the student from attending the school.
  2. The care of dependents up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, duly accredited.
  3. The provision of services as an employee or self-employed person, accredited (with the registration in the General Regime or in the Self-employed Regime of the Social Security, copy of the receipt of payment of the last contribution), provided that the student is not eligible for the part-time enrolment regime.
  4. The person who filed a complaint for harassment, or for other similar behaviour, provided that he/she considers the dispensation to be more appropriate for his/her health.


The contents of this page were updated on 07.31.2024.