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Work placements

The Work Placement programme in companies and institutions is a training complement for students, which allows them to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired in the degree and to have a first professional experience that prepares them for future employment.

Empresas con convenio coa ETSE

This programme is aimed at all students who have passed 50% of the credits of their degree at the time of starting the course. It is based on an educational cooperation agreement, so there is no employment relationship with the company where the Work Placement is carried out.

The internships are a way to obtain knowledge, professional experience and credits in the Bachelor Degrees: Computer Engineering (GrEI), Chemical Engineering (GrEQ) and Artificial Intelligence (GrIA).

At the end of the first term or the beginning of the second term, and before the end of the application period, an information session will be organised to present the programme for each degree and to resolve any queries that may arise.

The dissemination of these sessions will be carried out through the website, the information screens and the information panels of the School.

Coordination of work placements

The contents of this page were updated on 07.22.2024.