Committee for Teaching and Quality of the Centre (CTQ)
The Quality Committee is responsible for drafting the centre's quality policy and objectives; designing, implementing, monitoring and improving the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS); preparing the Annual Quality Report (report on the level of compliance, monitoring report and annual report on the degree(s)), as well as promoting the training of its members in the field of evaluation and quality management, programming training activities for this purpose.
The Committee is made up of the Director of the Higher Technical School of Engineering, who chairs it and acts as quality manager, the representative of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Infrastructures, the coordinator of each of the degrees taught, the External Relations and Mobility manager, a representative of the student body for each degree and the Management Support Unit Manager.
- Chairperson and Quality Manager. Julia González Álvarez
- Secretary. Óscar Rodríguez Figueiras
- External Relations Manager. David Losada Carril
- Coordinator of the Computer Engineering degrees. Juan Carlos Pichel Campos
- Coordinator of the Chemical Engineering degrees. Anuska Mosquera Corral
- Coordinator of the Master's Degree in High Performance Computing. José Carlos Cabaleiro Domínguez
- Coordinator of the Master's degree in Environmental Engineering. Francisco Omil Prieto
- Coordinator of the Master's degree in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses. Julia González Álvarez
- Coordinator of the Master's degree in Information Technology. Manuel Mucientes Molina
- Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Geoinformatics. José Ramón Ríos Viqueira
- Management Support Unit Manager. M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña
- Students' representative. No representation
Academic Committee for Degrees and EDP
The Committee for the degree in Chemical Engineering is in charge of ensuring the correct development of the degree's teaching programme, of informing about the adequacy of the teaching programme of the subjects to the respective study plan and to the USC's rules, and of preparing the proposal for the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP).
- Chairperson and Quality Manager. Julia González Álvarez
- Management Support Unit Manager. M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña
- Coordinator. Anuska Mosquera Corral
- Library manager. Gracia Frutos Martínez
- Representatives of the teaching staff:
- Juan M. Garrido Fernández. Chemical Engineering Area
- M.ª Sonia Freire Leira. Chemical Engineering Area
- M.ª Ángeles Fernández Sotelo. Statistics and Operations Research Area
- Rosa Ana Guerra Pestonit. Engineering Graphic Expression Area
- Students’ representatives. No representation
- Teaching and research staff representative. No representation
Committee for Computer Engineering
The Committee for Computer Engineering is in charge of, among other functions, ensuring the correct development of the degree's teaching programme, informing about the adequacy of the subjects' teaching programme to the respective study plan and to the USC's rules, and of preparing the proposal of the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP).
- Chairman. David Losada Carril. Higher Technical School of Engineering Deputy Director
- Quality manager. Julia González Álvarez
- Management Support Unit Manager. M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña
- Coordinator. Juan Carlos Pichel Campos
- Library manager. Gracia Frutos Martínez
- Representatives of the teaching staff:
- Eduardo Sánchez Vila. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Area
- José Pena Brage. Applied Mathematics Area
- José Carlos Cabaleiro Domínguez. Computer Architecture and Technology Area
- Manuel Lama Penín. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Area
- José Ramón Ríos Viqueira. Language and Computer Systems Area
- Students’ representatives. No representation
- Teaching and research staff representative. No representation
Committee for Computer Engineering
The Committee for Computer Engineering is in charge of, among other functions, ensuring the correct development of the degree's teaching programme, informing about the adequacy of the subjects' teaching programme to the respective study plan and to the USC's rules, and of preparing the proposal of the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP).
- Chairman. David Losada Carril. Higher Technical School of Engineering Deputy Director
- Quality manager. Julia González Álvarez
- Management Support Unit Manager. M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña
- Coordinator. Juan Carlos Pichel Campos
- Library manager. Gracia Frutos Martínez
- Representatives of the teaching staff:
- Eduardo Sánchez Vila. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Area
- José Pena Brage. Applied Mathematics Area
- José Carlos Cabaleiro Domínguez. Computer Architecture and Technology Area
- Manuel Lama Penín. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Area
- José Ramón Ríos Viqueira. Language and Computer Systems Area
- Students’ representatives. No representation
- Teaching and research staff representative. No representation
Committee for the End-of-Degree Project in Computer Engineering
The Committee for the end of degree project in Computer Engineering is established with the aim of supervising and coordinating all activities related to the organisation, planning and tutoring of the end of the degree projects, as well as ensuring the normal development of the processes for presentation and defence of such projects.
- Chairperson. María Jesús Taboada Iglesias
- Computer Engineering Professor:
- Dora Blanco Heras
- Francisco Argüello Pedreira
- Juan Carlos Vidal Aguiar
- Xosé Manuel Pardo López
Committee for the final degree projects in Chemical Engineering
The Committee for the Final End of Degree Projects in Chemical Engineering is established with the aim of supervising and coordinating all those activities related to the organisation, planning and tutoring of the final projects of the degree, as well as ensuring the normal development of the processes of presentation and defence of those projects.
- Chairperson. Anuska Mosquera Corral
- Secretary. Sonia Freire Leira
- Members:
- Alberto Arce Arce
- Juan M. Garrido Fernández
- Sara González García
- Almudena Hospido Quintana
- Héctor Rodríguez Martínez
- Marta Carballa Arcos
- Amaya Franco Uría
Committee for the Master's Degree in High Performance Computing
The Committee for the Master's degree in Environmental Engineering is in charge ensuring the correct development of the degree's teaching programme, informing about the adequacy of the teaching programme’s subjects to the respective study plan and to the USC's rules, and preparing the proposal of the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP).
- Chairperson. Vice-rector of Degree and Post Graduate Studies
- Higher Technical School of Engineering Director. Julia González Álvarez
- Coordinator. Tomás Fernández Pena
- Representatives of the teaching staff:
- Javier Díaz Bruguera
- Francisco Fernández Rivera
- Francisco Argüello Pedreira
- Dora Blano Heras
- José C. Cabaleiro Domínguez
- Antonio J. García Loureiro
- Management Support Unit Manager. M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña
- Students’ representatives. Pending
Committee for the Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering
The Committee for the Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering is the collegiate body that manages the degree and deals with those issues that affect the normal development of the study programme established in the report, in accordance with the internal regulations and/or the QAS of the centre.
The regulations of the Degree Committee are based on the general regulations of the USC approved on 28 July 2017.
Among other duties, the Committee for the Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering is in charge of ensuring the correct development of the degree's teaching programme, informing about the adequacy of the teaching programme’s subjects to the respective study plan and to the USC's regulations, and preparing the proposal of the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP). More specifically, the following duties are highlighted:
- To formulate the proposal for the offer of places and admission criteria.
- To formulate the proposal for the annual teaching programme (ATP) and the assignment of the teaching of the subjects of the degree to areas of knowledge.
- To analyse the teaching guide (programming) of each subject previously approved by the department that has been assigned the teaching assignment, to supervise that the programme and other parts of the annual programming of each subject are adapted to the verified degree report in force.
- The coordinator of the Master’s Degree, together with the Degree Committee and the Quality Committee of ETSE, are responsible for monitoring and quality assurance of this postgraduate programme. The main elements they have to carry out their work are:
- Academic performance assessment
- Individual assessment surveys of teaching staff (official USC surveys).
- Internal surveys to evaluate the modules together, as well as all those complementary activities carried out: field practices and visits to industrial facilities, as well as the talks given by guest speakers.
- Information sent by the "module coordinators," is given by one of the teachers who teach each module, through the meetings of the ETSE Quality Committee.
- Meetings with students.
- Meetings with the teaching staff.
- Ex officio members:
- Julia González Álvarez. Chairperson and Quality Manager.
- Francisco Omil Prieto. Deputy Director of the Higher Technical School of Engineering Master's Degree Coordinator
- M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña. Support and Management Unit Manager of Centres and Departments of the ETSE, acting as secretary).
- Representatives of the teaching staff.
- Gumersindo Feijoo Costa
- M.ª Carmen Monterroso Martínez
- Beatriz Prieto Lamas
- M.ª Carmen Barciela Alonso
- Alejo Carballeira Ocaña
- Sarah Fiol López
- Ramón Méndez Pampín
- Students' representative:
- María Teresa Chantada Vázquez. 2nd year full member representative
- Juan Conde Couselo. 2nd year substitute representative
- Lucía García Santos. 1st year full member representative
- Carlos Velasco Olmos. 2nd year substitute representative
- Ex officio members:
Committee for the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses
The Committee for the Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering is in charge, among other functions, of ensuring the correct development of the degree's teaching programme, informing about the adequacy of the teaching programme’s subjects to the respective study plan and to the USC's rules, and preparing the proposal of the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP).
- Coordinator. Julia González Álvarez
- Representatives of the teaching staff:
- Cristina Díaz Jullien
- Gumersindo Feijoo Costa
- Juan M. Lema Rodicio
- M.ª Trinidad de Miguel Bouzas
- Ramón Moreira Martínez
- María Teresa Moreira Vilar
- Anuska Mosquera Corral
- Eva Rodil Rodríguez
- Manuel Dámaso Rodríguez Fernández
- Ana M.ª Soto Campos
- Students’ representatives:
- Isaac Ferradás Villanueva
- Cristina Cambeses Franco
- Management Support Unit Manager. M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña
- Quality Representative of the Higher Technical School of Engineering. Antonio Mosquera González
- Representative of Higher Technical School of Engineerings' Management. Francisco Omil Prieto
Committee for the Master's Degree in Mass Data Analysis Technologies: Big Data
The Committee for the Master's Degree in Mass Data Analysis Technologies: Big Data, among other duties, is in charge of ensuring the correct development of the degree's teaching programme, of informing about the adequacy of the teaching programme’s subjects to the respective study plan and to the USC's rules, and preparing the proposal of the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP).
- Ex officio members:
- David E. Losada Carril. Deputy Director of the Higher School of Engineering, who acts as chairman.
- Manuel Mucientes Molina. Degree coordinator, who also acts as secretary of the Committee.
- M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña. Support Unit Manager for the Management of Centres and Departments of the Higher School of Engineering
- Julia González Álvarez. Director of the Higher School of Engineering and centre quality manager.
- Teaching staff:
- Beatriz Pateiro López. Statistics and Operations Research Area
- Paula López Martínez. Electronics Area
- Tomás Fernández Pena. Computer Architecture and Technology Area
- Eduardo M. Sánchez Vila. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Area
- Students' representative. Marcos Fernández Pichel
- Ex officio members:
Comisión da titulación Máster en Intelixencia Artificial
The Committee for the Master's Degree in Mass Data Analysis Technologies: Big Data, among other duties, is in charge of ensuring the correct development of the degree's teaching programme, of informing about the adequacy of the teaching programme’s subjects to the respective study plan and to the USC's rules, and preparing the proposal of the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP).
- Ex officio members:
- David E. Losada Carril. Deputy Director of the Higher School of Engineering, who acts as chairman.
- Manuel Mucientes Molina. Degree coordinator, who also acts as secretary of the Committee.
- M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña. Support Unit Manager for the Management of Centres and Departments of the Higher School of Engineering
- Julia González Álvarez. Director of the Higher School of Engineering and centre quality manager.
- Teaching staff:
- Beatriz Pateiro López. Statistics and Operations Research Area
- Paula López Martínez. Electronics Area
- Tomás Fernández Pena. Computer Architecture and Technology Area
- Eduardo M. Sánchez Vila. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Area
- Students' representative. Marcos Fernández Pichel
- Ex officio members:
Comisión da titulación Máster en Visión por Computador
The Committee for the Master's Degree in Mass Data Analysis Technologies: Big Data, among other duties, is in charge of ensuring the correct development of the degree's teaching programme, of informing about the adequacy of the teaching programme’s subjects to the respective study plan and to the USC's rules, and preparing the proposal of the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP).
- Ex officio members:
- David E. Losada Carril. Deputy Director of the Higher School of Engineering, who acts as chairman.
- Manuel Mucientes Molina. Degree coordinator, who also acts as secretary of the Committee.
- M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña. Support Unit Manager for the Management of Centres and Departments of the Higher School of Engineering
- Julia González Álvarez. Director of the Higher School of Engineering and centre quality manager.
- Teaching staff:
- Beatriz Pateiro López. Statistics and Operations Research Area
- Paula López Martínez. Electronics Area
- Tomás Fernández Pena. Computer Architecture and Technology Area
- Eduardo M. Sánchez Vila. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Area
- Students' representative. Marcos Fernández Pichel
- Ex officio members:
Comisión Interuniversitaria de Xestión Sostible da Auga
A Comisión da titulación Máster Internuniversitario en Xestión Sostible da Auga, entre outras funcións, está encargada de velar polo correcto desenvolvemento da programación docente da titulación, de informar sobre a adecuación da programación docente das materias ao respectivo plan de estudos e ás normas da USC e de elaborar a proposta de Plan Docente Anual (PDA).
- Presidente: Óscar Rodríguez Figueiras (Sudirector da ETSE)
- Coordinadora e Secretaria: Marta Carballa Arcos
- Responsable de Calidade: Julia González Álvarez (Directora da ETSE)
- Responsable da Unidade: M. Carmen Palacios Oubiña
- Representantes do profesorado:
- Almudena Hospido Quintana, Área de Enxeñaría Química
- Jesús R. Aboal Viñas, Área de Ecoloxía
- Anuska Mosquera Corral, Área de Enxeñaría Química
- Representantes do estudantado: Jesús Montoiro Castelao, Margarita La Rosa Gil
Comisión de Máster en Internet das Cousas (IoT)
Comisión de Máster en Internet das Cousas (IoT)
A Comisión da titulación Máster Internuniversitario en Internet das Cousas (IoT), entre outras funcións, está encargada de velar polo correcto desenvolvemento da programación docente da titulación, de informar sobre a adecuación da programación docente das materias ao respectivo plan de estudos e ás normas da USC e de elaborar a proposta de Plan Docente Anual (PDA).
- Membros natos:
- Nelly Condori Fernández. Secretaria da Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñería, que actúa como presidenta
- José Manuel Cotos Yáñez. Coordinador do título, que actúa tamén como secretario da Comisión
- M.ª Carmen Palacios Oubiña. Responsable da Unidade de apoio á xestión de Centros e Departamentos da ETSE
- Julia González Álvarez. Directora da Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñería e responsable de calidade do centro
- Profesorado:
- José Ramón Ríos Viqueira. Área de Linguaxes e Sistemas Informáticos.
- Sebastián Villarroya Fernández. Área de Linguaxes e Sistemas Informáticos.
- José Ángel Taboada González. Área de Ciencia da Computación e Intelixencia Artificial.
- Purificación Cariñena Amigo. Área de Ciencia da Computación e Intelixencia Artificial.
- Representante alumnado. Raúl José Salgado García, Manuel José Causín Forneas
- Membros natos: