The EDP consists of the preparation of a project as a synthesis work. The purpose of the EDP is the preparation of a personal project by the student where the knowledge and skills developed during the studies carried out in the Degree, as well as their capacity of creativity, are applied and integrated. The project undertaken must be original and independent, with its own identity.
The EDP in Computer Engineering is a compulsory subject with a load of 16.5 ECTS.
The EDP registration is undertaken in the common period, like any other subject. You can register for the End of Degree Project when there are only a maximum of 75 credits left, at the beginning of the course, (excluding those corresponding to the EDP).
The preliminary project will have to be presented to the Computer Engineering Final Project Committee on the last working day of February for its defence in July, on the last working day of March for its defence in September or on the last working day of October for its defence in February.
To carry out the EDP in a company it is necessary to previously sign a collaboration agreement ETSE-Enterprise.
The EDP in Chemical Engineering has 24 mandatory ECTS assigned.
The EDP must meet one of the following categories:
- Design of an industrial facility, a section or a unit of the facility. The basic project or execution level can be taken into account, depending on the extension and the level of specification.
- The design of a facility on a pilot scale, when the importance and/or novelty of the process to be addressed justifies it.
The EDP can be carried out individually or in a group. The maximum number of members of the group will be 3.