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The Master's Degrees conclude with the preparation and public defence of a Master's Degree Project (EMP), which must be completed in the final stage of the studies and will be oriented towards the assessment of the skills associated with the degree.

The EMP consists of personal work, directed by a tutor, which allows the application of the knowledge acquired in the subjects of the Master's Degree and must be related to its areas of knowledge.

The EMP will be presented once the rest of the subjects of the Master's Degree have been passed and it is defended before a tribunal in a public session.

The Master's Degree thesis is carried out during the last three months.

The student will choose a subject on which to develop a unique work with the help of a tutor.

Collaboration with companies or other agents external to the master's degree is especially facilitated.

O obxectivo principal do Traballo Fin de Máster (TFM) é a realización dun traballo no ámbito da Enxeñaría Química e Bioprocesos de natureza profesional ou investigadora no que se sinteticen e integren as diferentes competencias adquiridas nas distintas materias que integran a Titulación, contribuíndo así mesmo a complementar a súa formación.

EMP in Environmental Engineering and Bioprocesses

EMP in Massive Data Analysis Technologies: Big Data

EMP in High Performance Computing

Final Master Projects of the center
The contents of this page were updated on 05.04.2021.