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Chemical Engineering Degree

  • In extinction
Branch of knowledge
Engineering and Architecture
Higher Technical Engineering School
Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa, s/n, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881816700 (Conserxaría)
881816701 (Dirección)
Santiago de Compostela
enxeñeria química

The Degree in Chemical Engineering must train professionals who know the product and process design, including the conception, calculation, construction, commissioning and operation of equipment and installations where processes are performed in which matter changes its composition, state or energy content. The degree in Chemical Engineering qualifies for the profession of Industrial Engineer.

  • Duration: 4 academic years
    RUCT code: 2502237
    Seats number: 60

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    Almudena Hospido Quintana

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician, English

    MECES Level: 2

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Decreto 150/2010 do 16 de setembro (DOG 23/09/10

    BOE publication date:
    BOE do 22 de febreiro de 2011

    Last accreditation date:

    Professional qualification:
    This qualification entitles the holder to practise the regulated profession of Technical Industrial Engineer in Spain.

    The Degree in Chemical Engineering will teach professionals product and process design, including the conception, calculation, construction, commissioning and operation of equipment and installations where processes are performed in which matter changes its composition, state or energy content, characteristic of the chemical industry and of other related sectors such as the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and environmental sectors. Similarly, this training will qualify you for positions in manufacturing, in design and consulting companies, assignments for technical, legal or business advice, in administration and in teaching at secondary and lower university levels, as well as the free exercise of the profession and the development of expert opinions and reports.

    The degree must involve, on the one hand, general training in basic sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology) and in basic technological materials; on the other, specific training in chemical engineering to tackle the study of systems in which substances undergo a change in composition, energy content or physical state.

    O Grao en Enx. Química posúe a acreditación internacional IchemE

    IAD_logo University accreditation_3.jpg

  • No se contempla

  • Mentions are not completed

  • The degree in Chemical Engineering must train professionals to learn about the design of processes and products, including the conception, calculation, construction, start-up and operation of equipment and installations where processes are carried out in which the subject undergoes changes in its composition, state or energy content, characteristic of the chemical industry and other related sectors such as the pharmaceutical, biotechnological, food or environmental one. Likewise, this training will allow you to hold positions in the manufacturing industry, in design and consulting companies, to undertake technical, legal or commercial advisory tasks, work in administration and in secondary or undergraduate teaching, as well as free practice of the profession and expert opinions and reports.
    On the one hand the degree must involve general training in the basic sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology) and in the basic technology subjects; on the other hand it involves specific training in chemical engineering enabling one to deal with the study of systems where substances undergo a change in their composition, energy content or physical state.

  • Mobility

    La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa):

    Portal Internacional


    La materia Aula Profesional (obligatoria de 6 créditos y de 4º curso) brindará dos posibilidades al alumno:
    1. La realización de prácticas en empresas;
    2. La asistencia a cursos, seminarios y talleres del Aula Profesional.
    La realización de los créditos de prácticas en empresas implicará que el alumno realice prácticas en una o más empresas, durante un máximo de 150 h a efectos de reconocimiento, dentro de aquellas con las que se haya llegado a un convenio.
    Los alumnos que realicen prácticas en empresas tendrán un tutor de la universidad que realizará un seguimiento al alumno y velará por la calidad del trabajo efectuado a lo largo de las prácticas.

  • El TFG lo realizará individualmente cada alumno o en grupo bajo la dirección de alguno de los profesores de la titulación y aplicará los contenidos desarrollados en la titulación haciendo hincapié en las competencias generales que es necesario adquirir en profundidad.
    Se recomienda haber seguido la estructura curricular del título, dado que en el Trabajo Fin de Grado deberán plasmar los contenidos y competencias adquiridos en las mismas

  • Graduates in Chemical Engineering from USC who want to access the Degree in Chemical Engineering should take the following compulsory subjects:

    Those with qualifications from other universities can consult information about the bridging course at this address:

  • Faculty
    José Luis Ares Sainz
    Andrea Arribas Jimeno
    Patricia Barral Rodiño
    Pastora Maria Bello Bugallo
    Tamara Bouso Rivas
    Maria Del Pilar Brocos Fernandez
    Marta Carballa Arcos
    Mª Del Carmen Casais Laiño
    Olinda Nelly Condori Fernandez
    María Raquel Domínguez González
    Gemma Maria Eibes Gonzalez
    Carlos Manuel Estevez Valcarcel
    Daniel Jose Franco Ruiz
    Maria Amaya Franco Uria
    Maria Sonia Freire Leira
    Juan Manuel Garrido Fernandez
    Alvaro Gil Gonzalez
    Diego Gomez Diaz
    Maria Dolores Gomez Pedreira
    Julia Gonzalez Alvarez
    Julio Gonzalez Diaz
    Sara Gonzalez Garcia
    Almudena Hospido Quintana
    Paula López Martínez
    Sugey De Jesus Lopez Perez
    José Ramón Lorenzo Llarena
    Iván Lozano González
    Anton Luaces Calvin
    Patricia Maña Fosado
    Mauro Mato Gomez
    Miguel Mauricio Iglesias
    Sandra Méndez Martínez
    Rosa Maria Montes Goyanes
    Ramon Felipe Moreira Martinez
    Anuska Mosquera Corral
    Isabella Narvaez Prado
    Pablo Nuñez Otero
    Francisco Omil Prieto
    Fernando Rafael Pardo Seco
    Rosa Maria Pedrido Castiñeiras
    Alba Pedrouso Fuentes
    Carlos Pernas Fraguela
    Alberte Regueira Lopez
    Enrique Roca Bordello
    David Rodeiro Pazos
    Eva Rodil Rodriguez
    Óscar Rodríguez Figueiras
    Hector Rodriguez Martinez
    Antonio Rumbo Gómez
    Adrian Sanchez Fernandez
    Inés Sánchez Sellero
    Maria Luisa Seoane Martinez
    Jose Luis Sieira Lopez
    Jorge Sineiro Torres
    Ana Maria Soto Campos
    Jose Antonio Souto Gonzalez
    Gabriel Tojo Suarez
    Maria Tomas Gamasa
    Maria Angeles Val Del Rio
    Alejandra Vale Gómez
    Brais Vázquez Vázquez
    Laura Vicente Garcia
    Maria Isabel Vidal Tato
    Carlota Vijande Álvarez De Linera
The contents of this page were updated on 06.01.2024.