ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 24ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 570
Hours of tutorials: 30
Interactive Classroom: 6
Total: 606Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Final Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Chemistry EngineeringAreas:
Chemical EngineeringCenter
Higher Technical Engineering SchoolCall:
Sin docencia (Extinguida)Enrolment:
No Matriculable -
The Degree Final Project is required for the Chemical Engineering Degree as it is indicated in the curriculum.
Its main objective is the development of a project in which all basic, common, and specific competencies defined for the degree are integrated.The work can be done individually or in groups with three people as maximum, under the tutorship of a professor assigned by the Project Commission, according to the Final Grade Project normative.
The contents can be adapted according to the following categories:
-An industrial plant, section or unit design. It can be performed as a basic project or an implementation project, depending on the extent and detail.
-Design of an installation at pilot plant scale, when the significance and /or novelty of the process are justified.
In any case, in general, the project will include:
-Objective of the project. Alternative study
-Mass and Energy balances
-Equipment design and mechanical design
-Control and instrumentation
-Facility Safety Study
-Environmental study
-Budget and study of economic feasibility (when applicable)Due to the nature of this subject, which covers many different aspects of a project, only one book is not recommended. Various books are suggested:
-BACKHURST, R., J.H. HARKER, Process plant design, Ed. Heinemann Educational Books (1973), ISBN: 0-435-72563-7. SINATURA ETSE: 142 17
- PERRY, R. H., GREEN, D. W., MALONEY, J. O. Manual del Ingeniero Químico. Ed. McGraw-Hill (2001), ISBN 84-481-3008-1 (O.C.); 84-481-3342-0 (v.1); 84-481-3343-9 (v.2); 84-481-3344-7 (v.3); 84-481-3345-5 (v.4). SINATURA ETSE: 100 3 H 1, 100 3 H 2, 100 3 H 3 y 100 3 H 4)
- PETERS, M. S., TIMMERHAUS, K. D., WEST, R. E. Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers. 5th ed. Ed. McGraw Hill (2004), ISBN 9780071240444. SINATURA ETSE: 140 17
- SEIDER, W.D., SEADER, J.D. E LEWIN, D.R. Product and Process Design Principles - Synthesis, Analysis and Evaluation, 3ª ed. EE.UU: John Wiley and Sons, (2010), ISBN 978-0470-04895-5. SINATURA ETSE: A150 10 C
- SINNOT, R., TOWLER, G. Chemical Engineering Design. Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Volume 6, 6th Ed., Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann (2020), ISBN 9780081025994 and 9780081026007 (electronic book)
- VIÁN, A. El pronóstico económico en química industrial, 4ª ed., Publicación Madrid: Eudema (1991), ISBN: 84-7754-082-9. SINATURA ETSE: A146 4 H
- KIRK-OTHMER. Concise encyclopedia of chemical technology, 5th ed., Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience (2007). ISBN: 0-471-51700-3.
-Encyclopedia of chemical processing and design, ed. John J. Mcketta, Ed. Marcel Dekker, (1999). SINATURA USC: 139 4 1-10
-Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry, 5th ed., Weinheim: VCH, cop. 1985-1996 and Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry [Electronic Book], Weinheim [etc.]: Wiley, (2000). ISBN: 9783527306732General
CG.1 Capacity for writing, signing and developing of projects in the field of chemical engineering with the aim of construction, alteration, repair, maintenance, demolition, manufacturing, assembly, installation or operation of structures, mechanical equipment, energy facilities, electrical and electronic installations and industrial plants and manufacturing processes and automation.
CG.2 Capacity for leadership of the activities which are the aim of the projects of engineering described in the previous section
CG.3. Acquisition of knowledge in basic and technological subjects, learning of new methods and theories, and acquisition of versatility for the adaptation to new situations.
CG.4. Capacity to solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity, critical thinking, and to communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of industrial chemical engineering
CG.5. Knowledge to perform measurements, calculations, assessments, appraisals, surveys, studies, reports, working plans and similar works
CG.6. Capacity to manage specifications, regulations and mandatory standards
CG.7. Capacity to analyse and assess the social and environmental impact of the technical solutions
CG.8. Capacity to apply the quality principles and methods
CG.9. Planning and management capacity focused on the company, and others institutions and organizations
CG.10. Ability to work and interact effectively in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment
CG.11. Knowledge, understanding and capacity to apply the necessary legislation in the practice as Industrial Technical Engineering
CG.12. Integration of basic, common and specific competences of the industrial area through the degree final project
CT.1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis
CT.2. Capacity for organization and planning
CT.3. Skills for oral and written communication in native and foreign language
CT.4. Skills for the use and development of IT applications
CT.5. Capacity for information management
CT.6. Troubleshooting
CT.7. Decision making
CT.8. Teamwork
CT.9. Capacity for work in an interdisciplinary team
CT10. Skills in interpersonal relationships
CT.11. Ability to communicate with experts in other areas
CT.12. Critical reasoning and ethical commitment
CT.13. Ability to apply knowledge in practice
CT.14. Adapting to new situations
CT.15. Motivation for quality
CT.16. Feeling to the environmental topics
CT.17. Creativity
CT.18. Leadership
CT.19. Autonomous learning
CT.20. Initiative and entrepreneurshipThe students have the final responsibility of their Degree Final Project, however, various tutorial sessions must be programmed preferentially face-to-face by the tutor with the students, as indicated the Normative and the Tutorization section (Titorización P02-TFG-GrEQ), although they may be done virtually, by MS Teams or via email, if this is agreed between tutors and students.
The tutor's role is defined in the normative as follows:
• Provide basic information about the project structure
• Recommend the general bibliography necessary to develop the Degree Final Project
• Guide the student in the development of the project
• Advise the student on the report presentation
• Report on the assessment according to competences section (Section B)
In the procedures, there is a form available for the follow up of the tutorial sessions (F04-TFG-GrEQ_Seguimento Titorías) where tutors and students will leave proof of these sessions.
The Project can be done individually or in groups with a maximum number of three students. The tutor will define the tasks indicated in the norms.
The general and cross-curricular competences will be integrated and/or achieved by the students during the Project preparation and until its delivery: CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG9, CG10, CG11, CG12; CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT10, CT11, CT12, CT13, CT14, CT15, CT16, CT17, CT19 and CT20; CT8, CT9 and CT18 for students in group.Taking into account the Normative of the project (RegulamentoTFGGREQ_aprobadoCGoberno.pdf), the students will present and defend their project, face-to-face, to an examining board comprising three lecturers from the degree. The students’ learning process is also followed up in the tutorial sessions and evaluated by the tutor.
The individual mark or the students performing the Degree Final Project will consider the following items: Project contents and Oral Presentation for the examining board, and the degree of compliance of transversal skills for the tutor.
The Assessment report is available on the ETSE website: P03-TFG-GrEQ - Assessment Report, which must be covered by each member of the tribunal and the tutor. In order to assess the contents of the Degree Final Project, a procedure ("Rúbrica") that is in the Procedures section as P05-TFG-GrEQ and P05bis-TFG-GrEQ will be applied.
The marks for each section are an average value, which is then weighted with the percentages that are defined. If the minimum requirements are not met, according to Regulations, in Block A (Contents Assessment), the grade will be Fail. In group TFGs, students will be qualified individually, according to what is indicated in Article 6 of the Regulations and as set out in the P03-TFG-GrEQ procedure.
As stated in the USC normative, those students who have delivered their work and whose conditions for their defense have been verified, do not show up for the defense of the TFG on the assigned date, will have the qualification of Fail on this opportunity.
In the assessment report it is also indicated that the following competences are also evaluated:
A. PROJECT CONTENTS (by examining board): CG1, CG2, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG12, CT16
B. DEGREE OF COMPLIANCE OF TRANSVERSAL SKILLS (by tutor): CG2, CG4, CT1, CT2, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT12, CT13, CT14, CT17, CT18, CT19, CT20
C. ORAL PRESENTATION (by examining board): CG4, CT3, CT4, CT15
Once the provisional qualification has been communicated, students will have two days of revision on the dates published by the ETSE for each call for presentation and defense of the academic course. The Qualification and Review indications are included in the Procedures in P04-TFG-GrEQ - Qualification and Review.
Students who have to go to the second opportunity will be assessed in the same way as indicated previously.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or probes, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades will apply.The subject has 24 ECTS obligatory according to the Degree Memory. These ECTS correspond to a total number of 600 h
It is recommended to follow the curricular structure of the degree as the Degree Final Project will comprise the acquired the corresponding knowledge and skills.
The acquisition of computers with an MS Windows environment is recommended, since other platforms, for example, do not support the ASPEN HYSYS software.All the information about the Final Degree Project is shown on the ETSE website.
Information will also be available through the Final Degree Project Coordination classroom on the USC Learning Management System (LMS).