ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 98
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 31
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Higher Technical Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
To acquire the managing, under a practical approach, of the diverse technologies that allow a correct and rigorous exposition, withdrawal, analysis and interpretation of information specially focused the development of new products and processes as well as the development of the existing ones.
These aims centre on the foundations and basic models of the statistical methods and on the exploratory analysis and inferencial of the information specially directed chemical engineers.1. Descriptive Statistics
Introduction to Statistics. Qualitative and quantitative variables. Discrete and continuous variables. Frequency distribution. Graphic representations. Central measurements. Dispersion and shape measurements.
2. Probability
Historical introduction to Probability. Basic concepts. Random experiment. Sample space. Events. Definition of probability. Conditional probability. Independence. Classical theorems: Product rule, Law of total probabilities and Bayes' theorem.
3. Discrete random variables
Definition of random variable. Discrete random variable: probability distribution and distribution function. Main discrete distributions: Bernoulli, Binomial and Poisson.
4. Continuous random variables
Continuous random variable. Density function and distribution function. Characteristic measures of a random variable: mathematical expectation, variance and standard deviation. Typification of a random variable. Uniform distribution. The Exponential distribution. The Normal distribution. Approximation of other distributions by the normal distribution. Central Limit Theorem.
5. Estimation and confidence intervals
Introduction to estimation. Properties of the estimators. Confidence interval concept. Confidence interval for a proportion. Estimation and confidence intervals for the mean and variance of a normal population. Applications to the determination of the sample size.
6. Test of hypotheses
The problem of hypothesis testing: types of hypotheses, types of errors and their associated probabilities. Critical level or p-value. Hypothesis testing on a proportion. Tests on the mean and variance of a normal population.
7. Two-sample problem
Paired samples and independent samples. Comparison of two means in paired samples and in independent samples. Testing two variances. Testing two proportions.
8. Linear regression
The simple linear regression model. Estimation of the coefficients by least squares. Covariance and correlation coefficient. Estimation of the error variance. Properties of the estimators. Inference about the parameters. Prediction.
9. Introduction to linear programming
Formulation of linear programming problems. Graphical solution of the linear programming problem. Solution using R software.Basic bibliography:
Notes of the course in the virtual campus and the following books :
Dalgaard, P., 2008. Introductory Statistics with R. Springer (second edition). Accesible en https://link-springer-com.ezbusc.usc.gal/book/10.1007%2F978-0-387-79054…
Holický, M., 2013. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for engineers. Springer. Accesible en https://link-springer-com.ezbusc.usc.gal/book/10.1007%2F978-3-642-38300…
Complementary bibliography:
DEVORE J.L., 2005. Probabilidad y Estadística para Ingeniería y Ciencias. 6º edición. México: Thomson. ISBN 9789706864574
FREUND J.E., MILLER I., MILLER M. 2000. Estadística Matemática con Aplicaciones. 6ª edición. México: Pearson. ISBN 9701703898
MENDENHALL, W, SINCICH, T., 2016. Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences. 6ª edición. Boca Ratón: CRC Press. ISBN 9781498728850
MONTGOMERY D.C., RUNGER G.C., 1996. Probabilidad y Estadística aplicadas a la Ingeniería. 2ª edición. México: Limusa. ISBN 9789681859152
NAVIDI W., 2006. Estadística para ingenieros. México: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 9701056299
PEÑA, D., 2008. Fundamentos de Estadística. 2ª edición. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. ISBN 9788420683805
QUESADA-PALOMA V., ISIDRO A., LÓPEZ L.J., 1982. Curso y Ejercicios de Estadística.2ª edición. Reimpresión. Madrid: Alhambra. ISBN 8420508780(As it appears in the official curriculum of the degree)
Specific competencies
CB.1. That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that part of the basis of general secondary education, and is typically even level, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, includes also some aspects that imply knowledge of the forefront of their field of study .
General competitions
CG.3. Knowledge in basic and technological matters, which it qualifies for the learning of new methods and theories, and provide them with versatility to adapt to new situations.
CG.4. Aptitude to solve problems with initiative, capture of decisions,
Creativity, critical reasoning and of reporting and transmitting knowledge,
Skills and skills in the field of the chemical industrial engineering.
CG. 8 Aptitude to apply the beginning and methods of the quality.
CG.10 Aptitude to be employed at a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.
Transverse competencies
CT.1. Capacity of analysis and synthesis
CT.2. Aptitude to organize and plan
CT.3. Oral and written communication
CT.4. Skills for the use and development of of IT applications
CT.5. Capacity of management of the information
CT.6. Resolution of problems
CT.8. Teamwork
CT.11. Aptitude to communicate with experts of other areas
CT.12. Critical reasoning and ethical commitment
CT.13. Aptitude to apply the knowledge in the practice
CT.17. Creativity
CT.19. Autonomous learning
CT.20. Initiative and entrepreneurship
Basic specific competencies
FB.1.4 Ability to solve mathematical problems that may
arise in engineering .
Ability to apply knowledge of Statistics and OptimizationThis is a subject that begins its extinction in the 2024-2025 academic year, so it is a non-teaching subject.
The evaluation will be carried out by means of an exam, the grade for which will correspond to 100% of the subject.
For cases of fraudulent performance of tests or exercises, the “Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and review of grades” will be applied.This is a subject that begins its extinction in the 2024-2025 academic year.
This is a subject that begins its extinction in the 2024-2025 academic year.
This is a subject that begins its extinction in the 2024-2025 academic year.
Julio Gonzalez Diaz
- Department
- Statistics, Mathematical Analysis and Optimisation
- Area
- Statistics and Operations Research
- Phone
- 881813207
- julio.gonzalez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Exams 01.16.2025 09:15-14:00 Grupo de examen Work Classroom 05.28.2025 09:15-14:00 Grupo de examen Classroom A3 05.28.2025 09:15-14:00 Grupo de examen Classroom A4 07.08.2025 09:15-14:00 Grupo de examen Classroom A1