ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.5
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 28
Interactive Classroom: 9
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Chemistry EngineeringAreas:
Chemical EngineeringCenter
Higher Technical Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
The main aim of the course is to provide the methodology necessary for the design of water and wastewater treatment systems, which make feasible to reduce the pollutants emissions and to control the water quality. The specific objectives are the following: 1). To introduce the main physical and chemical water characteristics, and more common pollutants in water;- 2) To know the legal requirements and standards associated with water and wastewater treatment; 3) To study the different Physical, Chemical and biological treatment systems; 4) To select the most suitable technology for water and wastewater treatment.
The course is composed of 7 lessons:
Lesson 1.- Properties of water and pollutants in water
1.1. Physical water properties
1.2. Chemical water properties
1.3. Pollutants in water.
Lesson 2. Water treatment and reduction of consumption
2.1. Sources of water supply.
2.2. Drinking water treatment
2.3. Boiler water treatment.
2.4. Cooling water treatment.
2.5. Reduction of water consumption in industry.
2.6. Water reuse.
Lesson 3. Physical-chemical treatment processes.
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Coagulation-flocculation
3.2 Chemical precipitation
3.3 Flotation
3.4 Oxidation-reduction reactions
Lesson 4. Anaerobic biological processes
4.0 Introduction to biological processes
4.1. Aerobic versus anaerobic biological processes.
4.2. Anaerobic digestion fundamentals
4.3. Influence of temperature and mixing
4.4. Anaerobic digestion in wastewaters
4.5. Main anaerobic reactors.
4.6. COD balances, methane generation.
Lesson 5. Nutrients removal processes.
5.1. Organic mater removal
5.1.1. Activated sludge process.
5.1.2. Biofilm processes.
5.2. Nitrogen removal processes
5.3. Design of nitrogen removal processes.
5.4. Phosphorus removal processes
5.5. Design of phosphorus removal processes.
5.6. Aeration systems.
Lesson 6. Tertiary treatment
6.1. Disinfection
6.2. Filtration
6.3. Adsorption
Lesson 7. Sludge line
7.1. Sludge Thickening
7.2. Sludge Stabilization
7.3. Sludge Dehydration
7.4. WWTP sludge managementBasic literature
METCALF-EDDY INC. Wastewater engineering: treatment and resource recovery. Boston. McGraw-Hill, 2014. ISBN 978-0-07-340118-8
HENZE, M., VAN LOOSDRECHT, M.C.M., EKAMA, G.A. and BRDJANOVIC, D. Biological wastewater treatment: Principles, Modelling and Design. Londres. IWA Publishing, 2008. ISBN 978-1-84-339188-3
Ebook downloaded from this link:
Complementary books
NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY. The Nalco Water Treatment Handbook. New York. McGraw-Hill, 2009. ISBN 978-0-07-154883-0
RAMALHO, R.S. Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales. Barcelona. Editorial Reverte S.A., 1996. ISBN 84-291-7975-5
SPEECE, R.E. Anaerobic biotechnology for industrial wastewaters. Tennessee. Archaea Press, 1996. ISBN 978-0-96-502260-6
SPERLING, M.V. Biological wastewater treatment -Volume 5: Activated sludge and aerobic biofilm reactors. London. IWA Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-1-84-339165-4In this course the student will acquire or perform a series of general skills, desirable in any university degree, and a series of specific characteristics linked to Chemical Engineering. Within the framework of competencies that are designed for certification, students will be instructed in the following competences:
CI10. Basic knowledge and application of environmental and sustainable technologies
CG.7. Capacity to analyse and assess the social and environmental impact of the technical solutions
CG.11. Knowledge, understanding and capacity to apply the necessary legislation in the practice as Industrial Technical Engineering
CT.6. Solve problems in an effective way
CT.8. Team work
CT.11. Capacity to communicate with experts in other fields
CT.16. Feeling to the environmental topics
CT.19. Work in an autonomous wayLectures will be used to develop a large part of the syllabus, promoting the active participation of the students. Besides, interactive lessons will be used to collaborative learning activities, to solve problems (some of them using a spreadsheet) and for oral presentation. After the completion of each lesson or group of lessons, an assessment test will be carried out in the classroom, consisting of solving problems and short questions or test questions, with the aim of encouraging the daily follow-up of the subject and the acquisition of knowledge. .
The Learning Management System (LMS) will be used as the main communication tool with the students, offering information about the teaching schedule and the evaluation tests throughout the course, making available to the student various complementary materials.
This subject participates in the technical visit scheduled for the 2nd semester of 3rd year, in coordination with the compulsory subjects of Environmental Engineering and Chemical Reactors.
Competence to be acquired by the student along the different matters and activities are showing in the next table:
Topic/ Activity Specífic General Transverse
Tema 1 CI.10 CT.11; CT.19
Tema 2 CI.10 CG.7 CT.6; CT.19
Tema 3 CI.10 CG.7; CG.11 CT.6; CT.19
Tema 4 CI.10 CG.7 CT.6; CT.19
Tema 5 CI.10 CG.7; CG.11 CT.6; CT.19
Tema 6 CI.10 CG.7; CG.11 CT.6; CT.19
Tema 7 CI.10 CG.7; CG.11 CT.6; CT.19
Tutorial CI.10 CG.7 CT.6; CT.19
Coop work CI.10 CG.7; CG.11 CT.6; CT.8; CT.11; CT.16;CT.19The final mark will be the adjusted addition of the:
I Final exam (40%)
II Group tutorial and group work (25%).
III Continuous evaluation (35%). Collection of activities during the course
The exam and the group work are considered compulsory activities. The person that has not done any of them will get a NO SHOW.
Before the final exam, students will know the other marks (II and III). To add those, it will be required to achieve a minimum score of 3/10 in the exam.
For the second opportunity, marks for items II and III will be maintained.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations on the assessment of students' academic performance and the review of qualifications shall apply.
Next table shows the activities and the different competences evaluated there:
Activity General Transverse Specífic
Lectures CG7 CT16 CI10
Seminars CG7; CG11 CT6 CI10
Tutorial CG7; CG11 CT6;CT8;CT11; CT19 CI10
Exam CT11; CT19 CI10
________________________________________________________________________The subject has a workload of 4.5 ECTS which supposes 112.5 h of total work for the student (table 1).
Activity______Hours (class)____Working hours (student)___ECTS
Seminars _____________9,0_________________11,0________0,8
Tutoríals (group)___________1,0__________________4,0________0,2
Tutoríals (individual)___1,0__________________2,0________0,1
Total__________________44,0_________________68,5_______4,5It is highly recommended that the students follow the subject of Environmental Engineering.
It is also advisable to have knowledge in the use of Microsoft Word and Excel, as well as to be familiar with the use of some simulation program. A basic command of English is also recommended to facilitate the consultation of books, scientific articles and web pages.
It is recommended the continuous study of the subject throughout the semester.The course will be taught in Spanish and Galician, although part of the material delivered will be in English.
Francisco Omil Prieto
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816805
- francisco.omil@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Almudena Hospido Quintana
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816797
- almudena.hospido@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Thursday 13:00-14:00 Grupo /CLIS_01 Spanish Classroom A3 Friday 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom A3 Exams 01.09.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLIS_01 Work Classroom 01.09.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Work Classroom 06.02.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLIS_01 Classroom A1 06.02.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom A1 07.01.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom A2 07.01.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLIS_01 Classroom A2