ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Chemistry EngineeringAreas:
Chemical EngineeringCenter
Higher Technical Engineering SchoolCall:
Sin docencia (Extinguida)Enrolment:
No Matriculable -
The aim of the course is understanding and acquiring the knowledge related to the transformation of heat into work and vice versa, based on the approach of ideal and real behavior systems and property balances, and the evaluation of different thermodynamic properties of irreversible nature that allow deepening in the fields of Thermodynamics applied to Chemical Engineering. The course has a clear practical character and aimed at the calculation and design of power generation and cooling equipment, power cycles, etc., with a large application to practical cases related to different industrial processes. On the other hand, the bases of the thermodynamics of the solutions and the applications of the balance between phases, particularly the liquid-vapor operations will be treated. These contents are fundamental for different subjects of later courses in the Degree in Chemical Engineering.
It is intended that the student achieve a basic training for understanding the aspects of the application of thermodynamics, skill in calculations of thermodynamic nature, and at the same time that understand the complexity of the heat-work operations. On the other hand, the student must have acquired the basic knowledge in Physics (previous secourse), since this subject requires this knowledge in solving problems in the first lessons.
It is essential, from the beginning of the course, skills in the use of programmable calculators to develop calculations in complex problems and/or certain techniques (iterative calculations, for example). Likewise, the student has to use spreadsheets for calculations.
It is convenient to have certain knowledge for the search of bibliography in databases to improve the learning based on the explanations given in the class.1. Basic concepts. Thermodynamic systems.Principles of thermodynamics.
2. Thermodynamic properties of pure substances. Surfaces P-V-T.Equation of State for ideal and non-ideal gases.Incompressible substances.
3. Energy analysis and volumes of control. Thermodynamics of flow processes.
4. Second principle of thermodynamics. Entropy.Exergy.
5. Gas and steam power cycles. Refrigeration and liquefaction systems.
6. Thermodynamics of mixtures. Chemical potential. Fugacity. Excess properties
7. Heterogenous systems. Phase equilibrium: líquid-vapor, líquid-líquid, solid-líguid. Aire-water interaction.Basic:
WARK, K. y RICHARDS, D.E. Termodinámica. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2003. ISBN: 84-481-2829. Signature: A040 14 and on-line version
SMITH, J. M., VAN NESS, H. C., y ABBOTT, M. M. Introducción a la termodinámica en ingeniería química. México, Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2007.ISBN: 9789701061473. Signature: A041 1
MORAN, M. J. y SHAPIRO, H. N. Fundamentos de termodinámica técnica. Barcelona, Reverté, 2005, ISBB: 978-84-291-4313-3. Signature: A040 13
ÇENGEL, Y. A. y BOLES, M. A. Termodinámica. Madrid, McGraw-Hill, 2015. ISBN: 978-607-15-1281-9. Signature: A041 4
SEGURA, J. Termodinámica Técnica, J.Barcelona, Reverté, 1993. ISBN: 84-291-4352-1. Signature: A042 12
Also, additional material will be provided by the professorsThe skills included in this subject in agreement with the memory of the grade studies are:
Specific skills:
CI.1.1 Knowledge about applied thermodynamics. Basic principles and applications to solve problems associated to chemical engineering processes.
General skills:
CG.3. Knowledge basic and technological concepts in the learning of new methods and theories to contribute versatility and adaptation to new situations.
CG.4. Skill to solve problems with initiative to take suitable decisions, creativity, critical thinking and communicate the knowledge, abilities and skills in the industrial chemical engineering field.
Transversal skills
CT.1. Analysis and synthesis skills
CT.6. Solution of problems
CT.7. Decision making
CT.13. Application of knowledge to the reality. Work exhibition.
CT.19. Autonomous learning.
Knowledge related to safety in industrial processes will be included in relation with skills CG3 and CG4, in the solution of problems. Also theoretical contents regarding risk analysis and safety will be included in the subject.The methodology related to the lecture sessions will consist of providing the students with an adequate forecast of the material developed by the professors through the "Campus virtual" (LMS). The student will need to use this material during personal work time to prepare the lecture sessions that will be developed later than the one that will have an eminently practical nature, theoretical concepts and applications. This allows the theoretical classes to be carried out with greater agility and dynamics. The teacher will explain (lectures) the basic concepts and will develop them with explanations that are relevant. In the problems lessons (interactive lessons), the kinetics and rhythm of the class will be more detailed explaining with all rigor the structural, content and application aspects of each problem, answering the questions of the students with great dedication. students and, in turn, establish a student-teacher dynamic that enriches the acquisition of knowledge and training aspects. The student must leave each lesson with sufficient knowledge to confidently address the resolution of other problems of the same type without difficulties in their personal work. Finally, some of the problems of the subject will be solved with a spreadsheet.
In the seminar sessions there will be activities related to the theory and problems previously worked during theoretical sessions. In this way, the seminar sessions will be separated by approximately one week from the corresponding contents taught in the teaching sessions.
Additionally, a computer session will be held using the Aspen Hysys simulator in order to familiarize students with thermodynamic models and the importance of a proper choice using examples related to the subject.
Lessons timetable (aprox)
Week 1. Exp (4h) corresponding to chapter 1.
Week 2. Exp (3h)corresponding to chapter 2 and Sem (1h)
Week 3. Exp (3h) corresponding to chapter 2 and 3 + Sem (1h)
Week 4. Exp (2h) corresponding to chapter 3
Week 5. Exp (2h) corresponding to chapters 3 and 4 + Sem (1h)
Week 6. Exp (3h) corresponding to chapter 4 + Sem (1h)
Week 7. Exp (3h) corresponding to chapters 4 and 5 + Sem (1h)
Week 8. Exp (2h) corresponding to chapterl 5 + Sem (1h)
Week 9. Exp (3h) corresponding to chapters 5 and 6 + Sem (1h)
Week 10. Exp (3h) corresponding to chapter 6 + Sem (1h)
Week 11. Exp (3h) corresponding to chapters 6 and 7 + Sem (1h)
Week 12. Exp (3h) corresponding to chapter 7 + Sem (1h)
Week 13. Exp (2h) corresponding to chapter 7
Week 14. Sem (2h)
Expositive lessons: CI.1.1, CG.3, CT.1, CG.4 CT.6, CT.13
Seminars and group tutorials CI.1.1, CG.3, CT.6, CG.4, CT.7, CT.13, CT.19
Individual tutorials CI.1.1, CG.3, CT.6, CG.4, CT.7, CT.13. CT.19Learning will be evaluated through activities, problem solving individually or in teams, with an emphasis on the use of spreadsheets. There will be a final exam focused on the most outstanding aspects of the subject and mainly in relation to aspects of calculation and application.
The mark will be divided into activities related to the continuous assessment and the exam.
1- Continuous evaluation (30%)
1.1- Resolution of short-term exercises in the lectures and seminars: 25%
1.2- Delivery of an exercise using MS Excel and Aspen Hysys: 5%
2- Exam (70%). This final test is mandatory and complementary to the continuous assessment.
It will be necessary to achieve a minimum of 3 points out of 10 in the exam qualification to pass the course.
The grades corresponding to the continuous assessment activities will be communicated to the students before the exam.
In each call, in the second opportunity, the grades obtained in the first opportunity are maintained, to be added to the new final exam.
The different competences indicated above are achieved through the final exam (CI1, CG3, CT1), in problem solving in seminar classes (CI1, CT6, CG4, CT1, CT7), work with spreadsheets (CI1, CT6), group work (CG4, CT13, CT19).
Extraordinary call: There will be a final exam with the characteristics indicated above. In this case it will be 100% of the qualification.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of grades will be applied.The teaching time (for the student) of lectures, seminars and interactive classes, and tutorial is of 37, 12 and 2 hours, respectively.
Student work hours:
Lectures: 82 h
Seminars: 26 h
Group tutorials: 10 h
Subtotal 118 h
Individualized tutorials: 5 h
Exam and revision: 27 h
Total: 150 hours (ECTS = 6.0)It is essential, given the length and difficulty of the course, to have a sustained conviction along the time in order to improve the learning of the contents and pass the subject.
The student must study Thermodynamics books to have a vision that goes beyond explanations during classes. Also, the information search by internet is recommended.Given the length and difficulty of the subject, it is essential to have a sustained conviction throughout the course that the subject can be understood, its contents acquired and passed it on the first call.
It should be used to consult thermodynamics books to have a vision that goes beyond what the classes give, as well as the consultation and familiarization with the information provided by the network (internet).
a) The lessons and all the didactic material will be developed and taught mainly in Spanish.
b) The necessary material for the development of the exhibition sessions and the work in the seminar sessions will be delivered in advance.
c) The "Campus virtual" (LMS) of the University of Santiago de Compostela will be used to teach the subject, as well as to carry out activities such as tests.
Ramon Felipe Moreira Martinez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816759
- ramon.moreira@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Diego Gomez Diaz
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- diego.gomez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer