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Transport and sending of samples

Transport of samples between the Lugo and Santiago campuses.

There is a sample transport service between both USC campuses. The service is carried out by the vehicle provided by the waste management service, taking advantage of the weekly route between Lugo and Santiago.

The transport is carried out every Wednesday. The samples leave the CACTUS in Santiago at 8:15 am to be delivered to the CACTUS in Lugo two hours later. Samples to be transported to Santiago will leave the CACTUS in Lugo at 12 noon. Therefore, the timetable for receiving samples for transport will be Tuesday morning and afternoon (Sample preparation laboratory, ground floor, CACTUS Santiago) and Wednesday morning before 12:00 noon (Ground floor, CACTUS Lugo). Once the samples have been analysed, the users themselves must collect them at the point of departure.

It is reminded that it is compulsory to bring the duly completed Waybill Form with the samples in order to make use of this transport service.

Sending of samples to Santiago for NMR of liquids

The Research Infrastructures area provides its users with a daily transport of samples for NMR of liquids in the following cases:

  • The Lugo NMR equipment (500 MHz WB) is using a probe other than the liquid probe.
  • The Lugo NMR equipment (500 MHz WB) is undergoing maintenance or has been out of service.

The transport of these samples will be done on the following days:

Monday, Thursday and Friday by the company SEUR, which will deliver them to the CACTUS in Santiago the following day before 10 a.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday by the USC's own sample transport, which will deliver them to the CACTUS in Santiago before 2 p.m. on Wednesdays.

Rules for the transport of samples by SEUR company:

  • The staff of the CACTUS of Lugo will be informed of the need for shipment before 11 am on the same day on extensions 22817, 22816 or 22818, or by e-mail: carlosmanuel.roca [at] (carlosmanuel[dot]roca[at]usc[dot]es).
  • The samples must be available at the CACTUS in Lugo before 2 pm.
  • The NMR Service will provide the packaging and other materials necessary for shipments.
  • The size of the tubes may not exceed 180 mm.

Rules for the transport of samples by the USC's own transport

Samples must be at the CACTUS in Lugo before 11 am on Wednesdays and with the transport form completed. This form can be accessed through this link.

The contents of this page were updated on 06.20.2024.