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Woman in a laboratory
CEBEGA has highly qualified staff offering experimental services on demand and innovative equipment to support biomedical research.

CEBEGA's aims are to meet the demand for quality laboratory animals, health-related and genetically defined, to provide unique infrastructures for the performance of the most advanced biomedical experimental techniques based on animal models, as well as to serve as a training centre specialised in laboratory animal sciences.

  • In addition to state-of-the-art facilities, CEBEGA has a staff of highly qualified personnel, who can provide experimental services on demand in a flexible, customised manner:

    • Technical assistance in sample taking, administration of substances, surgeries, etc.
    • Haematological and clinical biochemistry analysis.
    • Experimental irradiation
    • Experimental tumour models: toxicology, biodistribution and anti-tumour efficacy tests in hetero- and orthotopic models (lung, breast, ovary, brain, pancreas, etc.).
    • Genetically modified mice colony management service, including crosses, weanings, marking, genotyping and registration in databases...
    • Metabolic phenotyping service: indirect calorimetry, body composition, GTT, ITT...
    • Preclinical imaging service: microPET/CT, microCT
    • Cryopreservation and rederivation service: sanitary rederivation, embryo and sperm cryopreservation, embryo transfer, IVF...

    In particular, we offer the following services:

    • Production and supply of rodents in SPF conditions (C57Bl/6, Swiss, Sprague-Dawley).
    • Housing and maintenance of rodents (SPF and conventional), zebrafish and rabbits.
    • Daily monitoring of environmental and sanitary conditions.
    • On-site veterinary supervision and assistance.
    • Supply and administration of veterinary medicines.

    Finally, CEBEGA also offers a wide range of training activities, such as practical training workshops, work under supervision to obtain training, specific courses, continuous training activities, etc.

  • With a gross floor area of 5,900 m2, the building has highly automated systems with the most advanced equipment, such as an automatic bottle washing system, an automatic rack washer, a tray washing tunnel, including robotised handling of dirty and clean trays and a comprehensive system for managing dirty and clean shavings, in a clear commitment to energy efficiency and ergonomics in the workplace.

    In the best conditions of health, well-being and environmental enrichment, CEBEGA has areas to house the following species:

    • Rodents (rat and mouse), in conventional and SPF conditions. Capacity: >20,000 mice, 2,500 rats.
    • Zebrafish, about 200 tanks with a capacity of more than 900L.
    • Rabbits, 3 racks with cages for 27 individual adult animals.
  • CEBEGA has a series of equipment of singular scientific-technical value, available to users in different modalities of use, in self-service or with technical assistance:

    • IVIS Spectrum optical imaging system: high sensitivity in vivo 2D optical imaging for fluorescence and bioluminescence
    • Albira Bruker microPET/CT: hybrid equipment allowing in vivo PET metabolic and anatomical CT studies in small animals. Multimodal imaging equipment that allows for fused functional and structural imaging.
    • 1278 Bruker MicroCT SkyScan: allows in vivo anatomical studies in small animals, with a spatial resolution of 50-75 mm. The low radiation allows multiple image captures on the same animal for longitudinal studies.
    • Bruker Minispec LF110 body composition and biopsy analyser: based on the TD-NMR modality, it provides an accurate method for measuring fat, free body fluid and lean tissue values in live rodents or in isolated organs and tissues.
    • TSE Phenomaster indirect calorimetry equipment: Includes locomotor activity module and climate-controlled cabinet. This equipment allows the repeated measurement at adjustable intervals of different parameters related to the physical and metabolic activity of rodents, including: amount of food and drink ingested, movement, volume of CO2 exhaled and O2 consumed or the respiratory exchange rate. All of this eliminating the interference of human interaction and standardising environmental conditions.
  • CEBEGA also has operating theatres, support laboratories and procedure rooms to carry out different invasive and non-invasive techniques, always with the highest quality guarantees.

    The Centre has at the disposal of its users:

    • Small equipment and instruments for procedures (clamps, surgical lamps, peristaltic pump...).
    • Isoflurane anaesthesia equipment.
    • Perfusion cabinets.
    • Microinjectors and micromanipulators.
    • Portable echocardiograph.
    • Cell culture room.
    • Behavioural laboratory.
    • Isotope laboratory.
    • NBS-2 biosecurity laboratory.
  • Centre for Experimental Biomedicine

    Centre for Experimental Biomedicine
The contents of this page were updated on 06.20.2024.