Research Infrastructures Area Documentation
The USC Research Infrastructures Area is the organisational structure that integrates the instrumental infrastructures of common use, whose main mission is to …
Research Infrastructures Area Regulations.
(Approved by resolution of the Governing Council on 30 October 2020)
Internal Management (Private Area)
Access only for staff of the Research Infrastructures Area:
Purchase orders
Corporate signature holder
Generate quotes
Employee portal
Information for users
Access to the equipment reservation calendars that the Research Infrastructures area offers on a self-service basis is regulated individually by each Unit, thr…
External user registration form on the @LIMS platform
Anyone who does not belong to the University of Santiago de Compostela or who, while belonging to the USC, wishes to request services on behalf of another enti…
Transport and sending of samples
Transport of samples between the Lugo and Santiago campuses.
There is a sample transport service between both USC campuses. The service is carried out by th…
As tarifas son aprobadas polo Consello Social da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Scientific publications
Publications in 2021
O. Lantes Suárez, J.M. Vázquez Varela: "Arqueometría de cerámica arqueológica y tradicional de Gran Canaria. Comparación con análisis d…
Request for visits to the units
To request visits to the units of the Research Infrastructures area, please fill in the following form indicating your name, the organisation you represent and…
Equipment status
Equipment out of order and out of service until further notice.
Electron and Confocal Microscopy:
HRTEM Libra-200FE electron microscope.
X Rays: