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‘Encoro do Con’ Hydrobiology Station

The ‘Encoro do Con’ Hydrobiology Station is a centre specialised in the study of river quality and biodiversity, having established scientific collaborations with different countries in Europe and Latin America. The EHEC has its own boats, laboratories, classrooms and capacity to accommodate 14 students and professors.

‘Encoro do Con’ Hydrobiology Station


The ‘Encoro do Con’ Hydrobiology Station is located on the banks of the O Con reservoir, in Castroagudín (Cea), in the municipality of Vilagarcía de Arousa. This centre aims to be a bridge in the cooperation between management bodies and research bodies, where opinions based on an adequate knowledge of natural aquatic ecosystems are provided.

EHEC facilities

The station has an analysis laboratory and a ‘wet’ laboratory, equipped with aquariums and two artificial rivers, pumping, filtering and temperature regulation systems for the aquariums, freezers and a workshop for the development of research equipment. 

Activities and services

In its scientific activity, the station works on aspects of basic research, on aquatic invertebrates and migratory fish, and on applied research, in everything related to the control and assessment of pollution in continental aquatic environments.

The EHEC's priority goal is to promote research into the fauna of freshwater fish, dealing with issues as diverse as inventories and mapping, faunistic and autoecological studies of the species of important groups of aquatic invertebrates, the study of the structure and temporal evolution of fish populations, the biological quality of the water, progress in habitat restoration and the impacts of biological invasions.

In terms of applied aspects, the improvement of the methodology for characterising the biological quality of epicontinental waters (biotic indices, teratological analyses, toxicity tests, impact assessment, etc.), which enable improved management of resources, making social demand for water and the conservation of ecosystems compatible.


The teaching activity covers the practical training of university students, the development of courses and master's degrees in direct contact with the aquatic environment; environmental education at non-university levels.    


In 2009 the ‘Encoro do Con’ Hydrobiology Station of the USC (EHEC) obtained, through an external certification process by the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management), the ‘Seal of Commitment to European Excellence 200+’ for its management system.

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Coordinador científico

Xosé Luis Otero Pérez

Departamento de Edafoloxía e Química Agrícola. Facultade de Bioloxía. Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa, s/n, 15782 Santiago de Compostela
The contents of this page were updated on 06.20.2024.