Centre Quality Committee
- Coordination of the operation of the CQC
- Transfer to the CQC and the degree committees’ information on learning outcomes, labour market insertion and stakeholder satisfaction, as well as any other information related to outcomes that may affect the quality of training.
- Make proposals to the CQC to improve the QAS of the Centre.
- To be the interlocutor with the Quality and Improvement of Procedures Area.
- To follow the indications and requirements given by the Vice-Rector's Office with competences in quality to implement the adjustments and improvements of the QAS in the centres approved by the Governing Council's Delegated Committee with competences in quality and planning.
- To address the preparation of the centre's quality report.
- Dean. Xoán Ramón Doldán García
- Quality Manager of the Centre. Romina García Chas. Vice-Dean of Quality and Economic Management
- Quality Manager of the Centre. Carlos Pío del Oro Sáez
- Coordinators of the Degree and Master degrees based at the Faculty:
- Sara Cantorna Agra. University Master's Degree in Accounting and Financial Management
- José Leandro Benito Torres. Master's Degree in Urban Tourism and Management of Tourism Companies
- Rosario Díaz Vázquez. Degree in Economics
- José Manuel Maside Sanfiz. Degree in Business Administration and Management
- Ana Iglesias Casal. Inter-university Master's Degree in Economics
- María Bastida Domínguez. University Master’s Degree in Business Management
- Xavier Vence Deza. Master's Degree in Economic Development and Innovation
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Miguel Usón Pérez
- Students' representative. Mar Lois Fuentes
- Student proposed by Center Quality Commitee. Jairo Castro Bouza
Academic Committee for the Degree in Business Administration and Management
- Dean. Xoán Ramón Doldán García
- Quality Manager of the Centre. Romina García Chas. Vice-Dean of Quality and Economic Management
- Coordinator of the Degree in Business Administration and Management. José Manuel Maside Sanfiz
- Coordinators of the Degrees in Business Administration and Management
- 1st year. Pablo Durán Santomil
- 2nd year. José Leandro Benito Torres
- 3rd year. Xulia Guntín Araújo
- 4th year. Concepción Varela Neira
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Miguel Usón Pérez
- Students' representative. Moisés Domínguez Rodríguez
Intercentre Committee for the Degree in Business Administration and Management
- Deans of the centres in Santiago and Lugo:
- Xoán Ramón Doldán García. Dean of the Faculty of Science. Economics and Business Studies in Santiago.
- Roberto Bande Ramudo. Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Management in Lugo
- Quality managers of the centres in Santiago and Lugo:
- Romina García Chas. Faculty of Economics and Business in Santiago
- Jacobo Feás Vázquez. Faculty of Business Administration and Management in Lugo
- Coordinators for the Degree in Business Administration and Management in Santiago and Lugo:
- José Manuel Maside Sanfiz. Faculty of Economics and Business in Santiago
- David Soto Fernández. Faculty of Business Administration and Management in Lugo
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centres
- Miguel Usón Pérez. Faculty of Economics and Business in Santiago
- José Ramón Vázquez Torrón. Faculty of Business Administration and Management in Lugo
- Students’ representatives:
- -. Faculty of Economics and Business in Santiago
- Diego Rivas Regueiro. Faculty of Business Administration and Management in Lugo
- Deans of the centres in Santiago and Lugo:
Academic Committee for the Degree in Economics
- Chairmanship. Ángela Troitiño Cobas. Vice-Dean of Teaching and Degrees
- Quality Manager of the Centre. Romina García Chas. Vice-Dean of Quality and Economic Management
- Coordinator for the Degree in Economics. Rosario Díaz Vázquez
- Coordinators for the Degree in Economics:
- 1st year. Pedro Varela Vázquez
- 2nd year. Adrián Dios Vicente
- 3rd year. Eva Aguayo Lorenzo
- 4th year. Rosa María Regueiro Ferreira
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Miguel Usón Pérez
- Students' representative. Manuel Veiga Caínzos
Academic Committee. Inter-university Master's Degree in Economics
- Dean. Xoán Ramón Doldán García
- Quality Manager of the Centre. Romina García Chas. Vice-Dean of Quality and Economic Management
- Master's Degree Coordinator. Ana Iglesias Casal
- Teaching and research staff representative.
- Manel Antelo Suárez
- Pilar Díaz Vázquez
- María Luz Loureiro García
- Xesús Pereira López
- Juan Carlos Reboredo Nogueira
- Xosé Antón Rodríguez González
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Miguel Usón Pérez
- Students' representative. Yago Atrio Lema
Academic Committee for the Master's Degree in Economic Development and Innovation
- Dean. Xoán Ramón Doldán García
- Quality Manager of the Centre. Romina García Chas. Vice-Dean of Quality and Economic Management
- Master's Degree Coordinator. Xavier Vence Deza
- Teaching and research staff representative.
- María Cadaval Sampedro.
- Loreto Fernández Fernández
- Ángeles Pereira Sánchez
- Óscar Rodil Marzábal
- María del Carmen Sánchez Carreira
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Miguel Usón Pérez
- Students' representative.
- Stella González Fuentes
- Juan Ignacio Laborda Buela
Academic Committee for the Master's Degree in Business Administration
- Dean. Xoán Ramón Doldán García
- Quality Manager of the Centre. Romina García Chas. Vice-Dean of Quality and Economic Management
- Master's Degree Coordinator. María Bastida Domínguez
- Teaching and research staff representative.
- María Dolores Álvarez Pérez
- Emilio Ruzo Sanmartín
- Óscar Suárez Fernández
- José Antonio Varela González
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Miguel Usón Pérez
- Students' representative. Valentina Pita Zulueta
Academic Inter-centres Committee for the Master's Degree in Business Administration
- Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences. Xoán Ramón Doldán García
- Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Management. Roberto Bande Ramudo
- Quality manager at the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (Santiago). Romina García Chas. Vice-Dean of Quality and Economic Management
- Quality manager at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management (Lugo). Jacobo Feás Vázquez. Vice-Dean
- Coordinator of the Master’s Degree at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences (Santiago). María Bastida Domínguez
- Coordinator of the Master's Degree at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management (Lugo). Ángeles López Cabarcos
- Teaching and research staff representatives
- María Dolores Álvarez Pérez. Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (Santiago)
- Emilio Ruzo Sanmartín. Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (Santiago)
- Óscar Suárez Fernández. Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (Santiago)
- José Antonio Varela González. Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (Santiago)
- Vicente López López. Faculty of Business Administration and Management (Lugo)
- Belén Bande Vilela. Faculty of Business Administration and Management (Lugo)
- Juan Piñeiro Chousa. Faculty of Business Administration and Management (Lugo)
- Marta Portela Maseda. Faculty of Business Administration and Management (Lugo)
- Manager for the Management Unit of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences (Santiago). Miguel Usón Pérez
- Manager for the Management Unit of the Faculty of Business Administration and Management (Lugo). José Ramón Vázquez Torrón
- Students’ representatives:
- Valentina Pita Zulueta. Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (Santiago)
- Cristina Canales Pardo. Faculty of Business Administration and Management (Lugo)
Academic Committee for the Master's Degree in Accounting and Financial Management
- Dean. Xoán Ramón Doldán García
- Quality Manager of the Centre. Romina García Chas. Vice-Dean of Quality and Economic Management
- Master's Degree Coordinator. Sara Cantorna Agra
- Teaching and research staff representative.
- Beatriz Aibar Guzmán
- María Cadaval Sampedro
- Sara Fernández López
- María Celia López Penabad
- José Manuel Maside Sanfiz
- Luis Alberto Otero González
- Alfonso Rodríguez Sandiás
- Óscar Suárez Fernández
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Miguel Usón Pérez
- Students' representative. Alicia do Carme Pastoriza Castro
Academic Committee for the Master's Degree in Urban Tourism and Management of Tourism Companies
- Dean. Xoán Ramón Doldán García
- Quality Manager of the Centre. Romina García Chas. Vice-Dean of Quality and Economic Management
- Master's Degree Coordinator. José Leandro Benito Torres
- Teaching and research staff representatives
- Eduardo Curto Rodríguez
- Adolfo Carballo Penela
- María Teresa García Garazo
- María Luisa Del Río Araujo
- Fidel Martínez Roget
- María José Piñeira Mantiñán
- Xosé Manuel Santos Solla
- María Concepción Varela Neira
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Miguel Usón Pérez
- Students’ representatives:
- Romina Lois Carracedo
- Luis Pousa Contreras
Comité Consultivo Externo de Expertos
- 1 representante do Consello Económico e Social de Galicia
- 1 representante da Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria da Xunta de Galicia
- 1 representante da Consellería de Facenda
- 1 representante do Consello de Contas de Galicia
- 1 representante da Deputación da Coruña
- 1 representante do Concello de Santiago de Compostela
- 1 representante da Federación Galega de Municipios e Provincias
- 1 representante do Consello Social da USC
- 1 representante da Asociación de Antigos Alumnos e Amigos da USC (Alumni USC)
- 1 representante do Colexio de Economistas de A Coruña
- 1 representante da Cámara de Comercio de Santiago de Compostela
- 1 representante da Confederación de Empresarios de Galicia
- 1 representante do Instituto Español de Analistas Financeiros
- 1 representante da Asociación de Empresarios do Polígono de Tambre (AEPIT)
- 14 representantes de entidades Empresariais e banca.
- 1 representante de cada un dos servizos económicos dos tres sindicatos maioritarios (UXT, CC.OO., CIG)