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Master in Business Administration (2ªed)

Branch of knowledge
Social and Legal Sciences
Ambit of knowledge
Ciencias económicas, administración y dirección de empresas, márquetin, comercio, contabilidad y tur
Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
Avda. do Burgo, s/n, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881811726 (Conserxaría)
881811504 (Decanato)
Santiago de Compostela
Maria Bastida Dominguez

Through a participatory methodology this degree seeks that students acquire advanced knowledge in Business Administration and the ability to apply it, simultaneously developing management skills. The degree has three curricular orientations: academic, professional and research.

  • Duration: 1 academic year
    RUCT code: 4311754
    ECTS Number: 60
    Seats number: 23

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    Maria Bastida Dominguez

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Decreto 434/2009 do 3 de decembro (DOG 15/12/2009)

    Last accreditation date:

    The objective of the Official Master's Degree in Business Administration at the Santiago campus (MBA) is to provide students with key management skills, offering a comprehensive view of the functional areas of a company, both from a theoretical and applied perspective.
     Official Master's Degree in Business Administration at the Santiago campus (MBA) has three curricular orientations: academic, professional and research.
     The participatory methodology used in the classroom; case studies, problem solving, role play, debates, presentations, together with the Final project and Compulsory Internships in the professional orientation, contributes towards their success in the labour market in the fields of:
      •Business Administration
      •Strategic Administration
      •Consulting and advisory services for companies.
      •Company creation
      •Operations management
      •Accounting and Financial Management
      •Sales Management
      •Human Resources Management, etc.

  • Completion requirements:

    Compulsory: 36
    Optional: 18
    Master’s Final Project: 6
    Total: 60

    The Official Master’s Degree on business Administration has two curricular orientations:

    - Academic orientation
    - Professional orientation

    Students of the professional orientation must realize the optional external internship of 3,5 ECTS. The rest of the students will obtain the Master’s Degree for the academic orientation.

  • Through a participatory methodology this degree seeks that students acquire advanced knowledge in Business Administration and the ability to apply it, simultaneously developing management skills. The degree has three curricular orientations: academic, professional and research.

  • Modality: with limited vacancies and general criteria

    a) 10 vacancies for graduates in the Degree in Business Administration and Management or equivalent qualifications.
    b) 6 vacancies for graduates in the Degree in Economics or equivalent qualifications.
    c) 4 vacancies for the following degrees by order of preference:

    1º) Engineering or equivalent qualifications.
    2º) Degree in or equivalent qualifications.
    3º) Other University Degrees

    Students coming from countries with a language other than Galician, Portuguese or Spanish must accredit the Galician language level: Celga II, or Spanish: B2, in accordance with the Agreement of the Governing Council of the USC of July 30, 2018.

    If they do not have any of the qualifications, the USC will give them a level test and, if they do not pass it, they must attend an intensive course of Galician or Spanish in the first semester until they reach the required level.

    Information is updated in each enrolment call

  • Mobility

    Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):

    Portal Internacional
    In addition, the faculty counts on the colaboration of sveral professors that act as academic coordinators and whose function is to tutorize and help our own and host students in their academic decissions.


    The optional subject ‘Internships in a Company’ must be taken by the students that want to get the Master's Degree for professional orientation. These are programmed in the second semester so that the students will possess the major part of the competencies developed in the obligatory subjects. The main aim is that students develop competencies through their immersion in a work environment representative of the future professional context.

    The specific activities to be carried out will vary depending on the position and the organization (company or institution) in which the student carries out the internship, always linked with the established competencies. Each academic year a list of the companies and institutions with which collaboration agreements have been signed will be made public.

  • The Master’s Thesis will consist of the planification, elaboration, presentation and defense of an original project that demonstrates the acquired competences throughout the Master’s Degree. This project will include, at least, tasks of bibliographic search and review, reading and integration of information, elaboration of outlines, writing, presentation and defense of the final work. depending on the topic to be dealt with it may also include an empirical part or a case study.

    For the planification and elaboration of the Master’s Thesis and its defense, the tutor will guide and advise the student about the documentary sources to be used, the format and the structure of the project, and, finally, about its posterior elaboration and presentation.

The contents of this page were updated on 05.23.2023.