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Business Management Degree

Branch of knowledge
Social and Legal Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
Avda. do Burgo, s/n, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881811726 (Conserxaría)
881811504 (Decanato)
Santiago de Compostela
clase de ade

The Degree in Business Management aims to train professionals who are capable of performing management advisory and evaluation tasks in productive organisations. These tasks can be developed in the global scope of the organisation or any of its functional areas: production, human resources, finance, marketing, investment, management or accounting.

  • Duration: 4 academic years
    RUCT code: 2501106
    Seats number: 200

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    Jose Manuel Maside Sanfiz

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    MECES Level: 2

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Decreto 385/2009 do 27 agosto (DOG 16/09/09)

    BOE publication date:
    5 de marzo de 2010

    Last accreditation date:

    The Degree in Business Management studies the way in which companies obtain and use the resources they have at their disposal to achieve certain goals and objectives. Therefore, it follows the way in which the resources, processes and results of their activities are managed.

  • No se contempla

  • Mentions are not contemplated.

  • The Faculty has 37 classrooms for theoretical teaching-seminar, with capacity from 25 to 500 seats and 7 computer rooms for teaching, with a total of 120 computers.

    Among the areas designated for students, the centre has a computer room that are free to use and equipped with computers, 3 workrooms for students, two study lounges and a collaborative workspace.

    We can also highlight that wireless Internet connection is available everywhere in the Faculty.

    The library serves students from grades in Economics and Business Administration. Its space is distributed over three floors and has over 340 reading stations.

  • Training of professionals who are able to performmanagement tasks, counselling and evaluation in productive organizations. These tasks can be developed at the global level of the organization or any of its functional areas: production, human resources, finance, marketing, investment, management or accounting.

    Graduates must know the normal development of thesefunctional areas within the overall objectives of the company and other organizations in the global context of the economy and must be able to contribute with their activity to the good performance and to the progress of their results. Specifically, graduates must be able to identify and anticipate opportunities, allocate resources, organize information, select and motivate people, make decisions, achieve objectives and evaluate results

  • Mobility

    La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa):

    Portal Internacional


    Reconocimiento de créditos optativos por realización de prácticas externas máximo 6 créditos.

  • El trabajo de Fin de Grado tendrá 6 créditos y sólo podrá inscribirse una vez superados 150 créditos, entre ellos, todos los de la primera mitad de la titulación.

  • It is considered that compulsory and elective subjects of Diplomas in Business Studies from the University of Santiago de Compostela are enough to prove the competences and knowledge established for three first courses of degree in Business Management.

    The Bridge Course is intended for Diplomas in Business Studies from the University of Santiago de Compostela and has the same structure as the 4th year of the Degree in Business Management: a load of 60 ECTS credits distributed into 2 four-month terms; in the first 18 compulsory and 13.5 elective credits will be studied and in the second 22.5 elective credits and the Final Year Project with a load of 6 credits.

  • Faculty
    Eva Maria Aguayo Lorenzo
    Beatriz Aibar Guzman
    Cristina Aibar Guzman
    Paula Alvarez Gonzalez
    Maria Dolores Alvarez Perez
    José Manuel Amoedo Meijide
    Manel Antelo Suarez
    Luis Enrique Arjona Bejar
    Bran Barral Buceta
    Jose Fernando Barros Fornos
    Maria Bastida Dominguez
    Jose Leandro Benito Torres
    Maria Cadaval Sampedro
    Zaira Camoiras Rodríguez
    Adolfo Campos Vazquez
    Maria Teresa Cancelo Marquez
    Sara Cantorna Agra
    Manuel Cao Fernández
    Maria Imelda Capote Martin
    Adolfo Carballo Penela
    Martiño Castiñeira Carracedo
    Maria Del Carmen Castro Casal
    Maria Luisa Chas Amil
    Damian Copena Rodriguez
    Eduardo Curto Rodriguez
    Maria Luisa Del Rio Araujo
    María Del Pilar Díaz Vázquez
    Alberto Dominguez Ojea
    Ignacio Elpidio Dominguez Ruiz
    Bruno Esperante Paramos
    Maria Del Carmen Espido Bello
    Pilar Exposito Diaz
    María Belén Fernandez Castro
    Mª Loreto Fernandez Fernandez
    Melchor Fernandez Fernandez
    Manuel Fernandez Grela
    Sara Fernandez Lopez
    Ángel Fernández-Albor Baltar
    Romina García Chas
    Maria Teresa Garcia Garazo
    Maria Luz Garrido Gonzalez
    Maria Garrido Ruso
    Jaime Gaya Moreno
    Jesus Giraldez Rivero
    Maria Teresa Gomez Deus
    Maria Carmen Gonzalez Ferro
    Pilar Gonzalez Murias
    Xulia Guntin Araujo
    Ana Iglesias Casal
    Ruben Lado Sestayo
    Santiago Lago Peñas
    Nelida Cecilia Lamelas Castellanos
    Marina Lois Mosquera
    Mª Del Carmen Lopez Andion
    Analia Lopez Carballeira
    Maria Celia Lopez Penabad
    Sugey De Jesus Lopez Perez
    Patricia Maña Fosado
    Jose Manuel Maside Sanfiz
    Fernando Manuel Miranda Torrado
    Luisa Maria Muñoz Abeledo
    Carlos Pio Del Oro Saez
    Luis Alberto Otero González
    Miguel Angel Otero Simon
    Julio Pallas Gonzalez
    Maria Angeles Pereira Sanchez
    Miguel Perez-Nievas Montiel
    Manuel Fernando Picon Garcia
    Maria Del Pilar Piñeiro Garcia
    Jose Ramon Porto Pedrido
    Raquel Esther Querentes Hermida
    Uvenny Quirama Estrada
    Lucia Rey Ares
    Manuel Rieiro Garcia
    David Rodríguez González
    Maria Jesus Rodriguez Gulias
    Alfonso Rodriguez Sandias
    Noelia Maria Romero Castro
    Emilio Ruzo Sanmartin
    Diego Sande Veiga
    Javier Seijo Villamizar
    Jose Luis Sieira Lopez
    Victor Manuel Sixto Sanjose
    Oscar Suarez Fernandez
    Maria Mercedes Tato Rodriguez
    Rafael Trelles Gonzalez
    Angela Troitiño Cobas
    Maria De La Concepcion Varela Neira
    Maria Emilia Vazquez Rozas
    Antonio Vazquez Sanmartin
    Miguel Angel Vazquez Tain
    Alexandre Vecino Aguirre
    Juan Jose Verdes Gomez
    Rosa Maria Verdugo Mates
    Maria Del Rosario Vidal Lopo
    Jose Ignacio Vidal Portabales
    Valentin Vittori Romero
    Maria Milagros Vivel Bua
The contents of this page were updated on 11.27.2023.