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In 1964, the first syllabus in Biology was approved at Santiago de Compostela University, when the Faculty of Biology did not yet exist.

In 1966 these studies began to be taught at the same time as the Biological Sciences Section was created. At that time, the degree was taught in the Faculty of Science (building currently occupied by the Faculty of Chemistry). In 1972, with the inauguration of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Section of Biological Sciences, still part of the Faculty of Sciences, moved to that Faculty. It was in 1977 when, under Decree 1975/1973 of 26 July, the restructuring of the Faculty of Science was authorised, dividing it into the Faculty of Mathematics, the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Biology (MO of 14 October/Official State Gazette(BOE)/11- XI-77). 

The Ministerial Order referred to maintaining the physical situation (Faculty of Pharmacy in the case of the Faculty of Biology) whilst it did not have a new building for each of the new degrees. Thus, in 1982, with the construction of the building of the current Faculty of Biology, it moved to the current location.

At the beginning of the 21st century, it was considered appropriate to expand the Faculty and completely renovate the original building. In this way, a new research building called CIBUS (Centre for Biological Research of the USC) was built, partially linked to the Faculty of Biology and without having the character of a singular research centre, unlike others of our university (CIMUS, CITIUS, CIQUS, etc.). This new building is located next to the Faculty of Biology, in the Vida Campus. 

In 2008 the members of four areas of knowledge (Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) moved permanently to these facilities. At that time, work began on the reform of the Faculty of Biology, where the rest of the areas of knowledge are housed. This work was completed in 2013. 

In addition to the classrooms, laboratories and library, these buildings offer meeting spaces such as the premises for the Student Associations, multi-purpose rooms, graduation hall, conference rooms, assembly hall and cafeteria. It has other important facilities for research and teaching such as the greenhouses and the aquarium. In this way, an environment is created in which comprehensive university education is promoted.

At present, the centre pursues the comprehensive training of its students, from the respect for ethical principles, to the exercise of professional activities that require the application of scientific knowledge and methods, as well as creative activity in all its fields, and seeks the continuous updating of knowledge.

The Faculty of Biology offers undergraduate and postgraduate education within the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area and aimed at meeting the needs of social demand. Its functions are set out in Article 51 of the Bylaws of the University of Santiago de Compostela and in Article 5 of the Internal Regulations. The nominated educational offer includes the teaching of two Degrees: Degree in Biology and Degree in Biotechnology, as well as a Double Degree in Chemistry and Biology (sharing its teaching with the Faculty of Chemistry). At the same time, four Master's degrees are taught, all of them inter-university (with the University of Vigo and the University of A Coruña), three in the field of sciences (Master's Degree in Aquaculture, Master's Degree in Marine Biology and Master's Degree in Terrestrial Biodiversity: Characterization, Conservation and Management) and another in the field of Health Sciences (Master's Degree in Neuroscience). All these master’s degrees, with the exception of the Master’s Degree in Marine Biology, are coordinated by the USC from the Faculty of Biology.

The Faculty is currently home to four departments (comprising teachers from nine areas of knowledge) such as Functional Biology (with the areas of Cellular Biology, Ecology and Plant Physiology), Botany (Area of Botany), Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (Area of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry), and Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology (with the areas of Physical Anthropology, Genetics and Zoology). The staff transferred to CIBUS belong to the areas of knowledge of Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (the last two are not based in the facilities of the Faculty of Biology). The rest of the areas belonging to the departments based in the Faculty of Biology, together with members of the Physiology area, occupy spaces in the Faculty of Biology building.

The contents of this page were updated on 12.14.2022.