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Quality Policy

The Faculty of Biology of the University of Santiago de Compostela is a public institution that finds its raison d'etre in the search for excellence in the preservation, generation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge in a socially responsible manner.

This is done through the training of quality scientists and highly qualified professionals in the field of biology who are able to meet the challenges of an ever-changing society. The commitment to society is materialised in the training of these professionals who will return, through their services, what society invested in their training through public funding of the university.

The Faculty of Biology’s vision and to have an attractive, up-to-date, diverse range of degrees on offer, in line with the socio-economic development of the environment and the demands of the society that finances it. This offer will attract students with high academic performance and great motivation. It also aspires to be a nationally recognised Faculty of Biology, which becomes a reference and stands out for its academic solvency with students who show high success rates in their studies and graduates with a high rate of employment. On the other hand, it aims to be a faculty with a recognised research activity that responds to the demands of the environment and to criteria of scientific excellence that projects it internationally. Finally, it maintains the purpose of being a participatory faculty in which all strategies are focused on people, their skills and working conditions, in order to ensure that all staff are highly qualified and motivated.

The Faculty of Biology fulfils its duties taking into account ethical values such as: commitment and social responsibility, environmental awareness, critical thinking, integrity, transparency in information and processes, regard for people with disabilities and gender equality. Its professional values include a culture of quality and continuous improvement.

The following are considered the most outstanding values of the Centre:

  • The preservation and enhancement of our own signs of identity.
  • The permanent search for improvement in all university activities.
  • A commitment to a management based on dialogue, participation, trust and shared responsibility
  • The commitment to sustainable development, to equality and to the elimination of all forms of discrimination.
  • The commitment to the transfer of knowledge to society as a contribution to the social and economic development of Galicia

The Faculty is firmly committed to quality assurance and establishes its policy under these principles:

  • Responsibility: to provide training aimed at excellence by guaranteeing an academic offer in accordance with the needs and expectations of our users and society in general.
  • Integration, participation and equality: this Faculty establishes, as one of the key principles of its policy, that all the needs of its interest groups are met and that everyone participates in the development of the Faculty through the established channels, guaranteeing accessibility, participation and equality.
  • Guidance for students: this centre guarantees guidance for students in its educational programme, understanding that they are the main recipients of it.
  • Excellence: the work of the Faculty is carried out with the aim of achieving the excellence that the main models of university quality and recognised Schools and Faculties set out.
  • Transparency: The Faculty bases the management of its educational programme on transparency in its results and the dissemination of these to its stakeholders.
The contents of this page were updated on 04.19.2023.