The centre began its activities in the 1991-92 academic year with the first cycles of Biology, Chemistry and the second cycle graduate degree in Food Science and Technology.
In the 1993-94 academic year, the degree for Industrial Technical Engineering (speciality in Industrial Chemistry) was introduced, and the first cycles of Biology and Chemistry disappeared. Later, in the 1999-2000 academic year, the second cycle of the degree in Chemistry (speciality in Agricultural Chemistry) was introduced.
In 2007, the Master's Degree in the Prevention of Occupational Risks began to be taught, which was modified in the 2009-10 academic year, becoming the Master's Degree in the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environmental Health, which is currently in a period of extinction.
Due to adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the academic offer of the centre underwent a significant transformation, introducing, in the 2010-11 academic year, the Degree for Human Nutrition and Dietetics and the Degree for Engineering of Industrial Chemical Processes, at the same time as the extinction of the degrees not adapted to the EHEA.
The 2017-18 academic year saw the start of the Master's Degree for Innovation in Food Nutrition, Safety and Technology, in 2019-20 the Master's Degree for Food Processing Engineering and in the academic year 2020-21 the implementation of the Degree in Biochemistry and the Open Degree 5USC Engineering, which constitute the current academic offer of the Faculty of Sciences.
Since its creation, many events of great importance have taken place for the Faculty, the USC and the city, amongst which it is worth mentioning the holding of seminars, national and international congresses, summer courses...