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Business and Technology Degree

  • New offer
  • In extinction
Branch of knowledge
Social and Legal Sciences
Faculty of Business Administration and Management
Avda. Alfonso X O Sabio, s/n, 27002
982824430 (Conserxaría)
982824403 (Decanato)
Entrada da Facultade

The Degree in Business and Technology combines knowledge in business administration and management and technology, so that students understand that business management is linked to a reality marked by digital processes and services.
This Degree prepares professionals capable of dealing with the technological changes that are taking place in the business world.

  • Duration: 4 academic years
    RUCT code: 2504171
    Seats number: 35

    Dean or center director:

    Title coordinator:
    Ada Maria Perez Pico

    Use languages:
    Spanish, Galician

    MECES Level: 2

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
    Orde do 16/06/2020 (DOG do 1/07/2020)

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    The degree in Business and Technology has been recently introduced in the USC, more specifically at the Lugo Campus. It is offered at the Faculty of Business Administration since the 2020/2021 academic year. It is a unique degree, only offered in three other Spanish universities in Madrid and Barcelona.

    This degree aims at training professionals who will be able to manage firm´s technical innovation, with a deep knowledge in the application of technical solutions to business administration. To this end, the degree combines specific topics on both business and technology management, promoting the development of managing skills for business initiative through a highly applied perspective.

    These professionals will end up the degree with a wide and deep knowledge on business administration and management and on the technological context, which comprises a diversity of competences and skills in the context of digital marketing, strategic business management and innovation, digital economy, integrated management systems, web and mobile applications, technologies for processes in smart-industries or project management, among others.

  • This degree includes two mentions:

    -Mention in Business Development and Entrepreneurship.
    -Mention in Information and Technology Management.

    Students can choose to obtain the degree with a specialisation, for which they must take the 31.5 optional credits of the modules of the corresponding specialisation module. Students may also choose to obtain the degree without a mention, and may choose optional subjects from either of the two mention modules indifferently.

  • The Faculty of Business Administration and Management is located in a modern, functional building adapted for disabled people.

    The spaces dedicated to teaching are 8 large theatre classrooms, 4 computer rooms and 4 seminars. All of them are equipped with a computer, digital whiteboard and video projector, and have the technical means necessary for streaming.

    Among the spaces for the use of the students, the reading room and the group work room stand out, with capacity for 40 students each. It should also be noted that the Biblioteca Intercampus (library of the Lugo Campus) is located only a few meters away from the Faculty, with more than 1600 reading seats among 9 rooms, including a group workroom.

    The building has also a Main Room (Aula Magna) and an assembly hall with capacity for 240 and 91 people respectively, well suited for workshops, conferences, etc . It also has a meeting room prepared for videoconferences with capacity for 30 people.

    Fast  internet access is guaranteed in all areas of the building, both by cable and by Wi-Fi.

    Finally, it should be noted that the Faculty has a cafeteria and dining room service with regulated prices.

  • The new Degree in Business and Technology is aimed at training professionals with a flexible mindset and a vision for the future, with extensive knowledge in information and communication technologies (ICT), and in the management and analysis of information so that they can adopt business decisions with greater guarantees of success. Training in technological skills in the educational system is a fundamental pillar to increase the competitiveness of companies, with the ultimate goal of improving economic development and contributing to social well-being. So, the new will impart specific knowledge of business and technological subjects, promoting in a practical way the development of management skills for business initiative, such as leadership, initiative, creativity, decision-making, communication and teamwork, among others.

    Another of the fundamental objectives formulated for the Degree in Business and Technology is the training of professionals to act as a communication bridge between the technical and management communities of organisations, providing management with new ways of using technology and providing technologists with guidance on how create or how best to adapt your creations to the real needs of the business.

  • Mobility

    The planning and management of student mobility programmes is developed through the coordinated action of several actors: the Vice-Chancellor responsible for external relations and the University's External Relations Service at a centralised level; the Academic Mobility Officer (RAM); the Academic Coordinators of the different programmes and the Centre and Department Management Unit (UGCD) at faculty level. Each of them has certain functions that are included in the "Regulation of Interuniversity Exchanges".

    The mobility of local students is carried out from the second year of studies in the degree, in semester or annual periods. The selection and assignment of destinations to candidates is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the corresponding call and the "Regulations for Interuniversity Exchanges".

    Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):

    Portal Internacional


    Degree students must take 16.5 credits of internships carried out in companies related to the degree. This subject is offered in the last semester.

    The fundamental objective is for the students to develop the skills acquired in the subjects of the Degree through their immersion in a working environment representative of their future professional context.

    The internships will be organised in order to guarantee quality, academic recognition and the most appropriate use by the students. For this, the students will have an external tutor belonging to the institution where the internships are carried out, who will coordinate with an academic tutor who will carry out the evaluation based on the report that the student will make, and the report issued by the external tutor.

  • Students must complete a final dissertation of 6 credits offered in the last semester of the degree. The topic of the TFG should be related to internships in companies, the different mentions or the digitization of an area of the company.
    Upon completion of the subject, the student will be able to:

    - Make and present a project in which they prove the skills acquired throughout their studies.
    -Clearly explain verbally and in writing the fundamental aspects of their work, using their own business terminology and digital technologies.

The contents of this page were updated on 06.01.2024.