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The Faculty of Teacher Training is a centre of the University of Santiago de Compostela that carries out its activity in the Lugo Campus. Its origin goes back to 30 October 1842, the date in which the Normal School for Teachers of Lugo was officially inaugurated, although its activity could not be consolidated until 1849, when some annexes to the Santo Domingo Convent were fitted out for this purpose. This circumstance has turned the Faculty of Teacher Training into the university centre with the greatest tradition in the Lugo Campus.

Although the Law on Public Instruction, dictated by Claudio Moyano in 1857, considered normal schools as centres of a professional nature, the reduction of the number of students and the budgetary restrictions motivated the promulgation of a royal decree, signed in 1901 by the Count of Romanones, by virtue of which the incorporation of the studies of Teaching to the General and Technical Institutes was passed. The implementation of this regulation meant the temporary disappearance of the Normal School for Teachers in Lugo, which became part of the Institute that same year. On the other hand, the royal decree that provided Lugo with a Normal School for Teachers was delayed until 1916, when the new centre started its activity in the Pazo of the County Council.

In 1931, the entry into force of the republican regime gave the Normal Schools for Primary Teachers - that was their new name - a truly professional nature, being organised on a co-educational basis and with teachers of both sexes. After the Civil War, however, the Franco government enshrined the principle of strict separation of the sexes in centres dedicated to the training of teachers. The Teacher Training Colleges, the name given by the 1945 Primary Education Law to the institutions dedicated to the training of these professionals, began their activities as early as the 1945-46 academic year, in accordance with the provisions of that Law, so that they began to operate completely independently for boys and girls. In compliance with this new gender segregationist regulation, the Teacher Training College of Lugo was immediately divided into two centres, one of them female (which was already operating) and the other male.

As mentioned above, the Teacher Training Colleges (male and female) at that time occupied premises of the Pazo of the Provincial Council in very precarious conditions, which were not resolved until the construction of a new building located in Avenida de Ramón Ferreiro, its current location. The works started in 1949 were completed in 1954, when they were inaugurated by the Minister of National Education, Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez.

Nine years later, it was decided to reunite the two centres that had hitherto been dedicated separately to teacher training, although the Ministry of National Education did not make it operational until the beginning of the 1964-65 academic year. From that moment on, the Bishop Odoario Male Teacher Training College and the Santa María Female Teacher Training College became a single Teacher Training College, with a single director, secretary and staff.

In 1970, the enactment of the General Education Law brought with it two immediate repercussions for Teacher Training Colleges: on the one hand, the old denomination of "teacher" was replaced by that of "teacher” of EGB (Basic General Education), with the rank of university graduate and with the possibility of access, once they had passed an adaptation course, to the fourth year of certain degrees; and on the other hand, this type of centre was integrated into the university with the consideration of University Schools for the Teacher Training of Basic General Education.

Thus, in accordance with the curriculum of 1971, the University School of Teacher Training for EGB in Lugo was awarded the specialities of Philology, Physics and Mathematical Science and Human Science, which would be extended to the speciality of Preschool Education ten years later. This academic design, with slight variations, would be maintained until 1993 when the implementation of the Teacher Training Courses in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Physical Education and Foreign Language began.

As of the 2010-2011 academic year, the development of the European Higher Education Area determined the progressive replacement of the old degrees by the new degree courses in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education. Two masters are also taught: the University Master's Degree in Teaching of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching and the University Master's Degree in Management of Educational Activities in Nature.

At the same time, since the process of adaptation to the EHEA does not only mean the modification of the degrees of the previous arrangement of university education, but also that of the centres that had been teaching them, the Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria (Regional Ministry of University Education and Planning) of the Xunta de Galicia, by proposal of the Governing Council of the USC and with the favourable report of its Social Council and the Galician Council of Universities, enacted Decree 233/2011, of 2 December (Galician State Gazette (DOG) of 22 December), which authorised the modification of the name of the University School of Teacher Training for EGB on the Lugo Campus, to be called the Faculty of Teacher Training, in order to adapt it to the structure of the new degrees.

The contents of this page were updated on 05.10.2021.