Management of the recognition of the academic effectiveness of studies completed under a curriculum in the process of extinction, subjects taught in the same teaching group of both the same degree and a different one, or studies completed following a curriculum of another university in a curriculum leading to the same official degree. This also covers the validation of university studies taken under one curriculum in another curriculum leading to a different degree.
The adaptations cover the following academic effectiveness recognitions:
- The studies passed in accordance with a curriculum in process of extinction, in another one of new implantation and that replaces it. Subjects that are taught in the same teaching group or that are considered to be joined for the purposes of teaching in the Annual Teaching Plan, whether they correspond to the same degree or to a different one.
- Courses completed under a curriculum of another university, in a curriculum of the University of Santiago de Compostela, in the event that both lead to the same official degree.
Validations that recognise the academic effects of university studies, carried out in accordance with one curriculum, in another curriculum leading to a different degree.
The recognition of studies completed in foreign universities or similar institutions will be carried out through the validation procedure.