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Work placements

External academic work placements constitute a central module in the syllabus, serving as a backbone for the various subjects that make up the curriculum of the degrees and master’s degrees. In addition, they constitute a space for the professional socialisation of students.

External academic work placements (EAW) place students in real professional scenarios that favour the acquisition of knowledge and the implementation of the necessary skills and abilities in their future labour insertion. In this context, students observe, analyse, reflect and learn to make decisions and act. It also allows students to approach the professional world from different dimensions and development, in a specific spatial-temporal context, of the fundamental professional skills of the degree.

The educational nature of EAWs revolves around two areas:

  • To articulate theory and practice through a global approach to problems and real situations in the workplace, putting into play the knowledge obtained through the different subjects of the syllabus.
  • To reflect on action allowing for reflective learning, beyond mere action.
The contents of this page were updated on 02.06.2025.