The University Residency Service (SUR) offers accommodation to people who are not members of the USC university community, and they are invited to this university for some teaching, research or cultural activity.
USC staff can also stay occasionally as guests in the SUR when it is required for work reasons.
A visitor is any person who is not a member of the USC university community but comes to this university to develop a teaching, research or cultural activity.
The reservation of accommodation for visitors must be made by any organizational structure of the USC (departments, deans, etc.), as well as by a public administration or cultural or sports entity previously authorized.
Teachers or directors of research teams can make a reservation for their researcher/guest staff.
USC staff can occasionally stay as guests in SUR centres for work reasons. In this case, they must make the request for accommodation through the online application form available on this website.
When the period of stay is not occasional, USC staff must apply for accommodation according to the relevant call, provided that the deadline is open (Ordinary Call or Summer Call). If the deadline is closed, they should email to asking for available places.
Staff from other Universities can apply for accommodation during the summer (June, July and August) using the online application form provided in the Summer Call.
Summer Call accepts accommodation reservations for members of other universities and their companions.
Requests must be made using the online application forms available on this web.
Upon entering the dates in the form, only available rooms/apartments will be displayed.
When the form has been completed, you will receive an automatic email confirming that the request has been registered.
After that, our service will check that the request is correct and email both the applicant and the visitor accepting the reservation.
Otherwise, the applicant will receive a warning to correct the errors observed by re-entering the web application.
There are different payment options depending on who is going to pay for the reservation:
- Payment by a visitor/guest: our service will send an email with a link to a secure payment gateway. Payment can be made by debit or credit card.
- Payment by a USC departmet/service: through an internal charge issued after receiving signed authorization.
- Payment by other authorized administration or cultural or sports entity: by bank transfer to SUR bank account.
Cancellations and modifications of reservations must be communicated by sending an email to
The request to cancel a reservation must be done at least seven days before de date of entry. In this case, there will be no charge.
If there is no communication justifying the cancellation within the indicated period, the applicant person, service or administration must assume the full accommodation payment.
The request to change the dates of a reservation must be done at least seven days before the date of entry to the residence or college.
The collection of necessary information to process accommodation requests in SUR centres is included in the USC Register of Data Processing Activities. The data provided by interested parties or by authorized USC personnel are collected through the web form.
Visitors must sign the data processing authorization before entering the center where they will be housed.
University Residence Service
- University Residence Service. Students Pavilion
- Rúa de Lope Gómez de Marzoa, 4. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
- 881 814 525
- 881 815 246
- 881 814 560