Actions that materialise USC’s institutional commitment to promote the creation of interdisciplinary teams, such as CIFEX, and work networks with a gender perspective and promote shared spaces for reflection through the Galician University Conferences on Gender or the initiatives of the Dissident Masculinities Club.
Galician University Conferences on Gender issues
Since 2013, the gender equality offices of the Galician universities have been collaborating to organise the Galician University Gender Conference on Gender, now in its eighth edition.
Legal and Social Sciences
Assessment and treatment of addictions, eating disorders, mood disorders and health psychology
- Department: Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Coordinator: Elisardo Manuel Ignacio Becoña Iglesias
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Study on risk factors and protection in the development of depressive and eating psychopathology in young men and women.
- Analysis of tobacco consumption depending on gender.
- Addressing concerns about weight as part of a psychological treatment to stop smoking (an issue that is especially in demand by women).
- Analysis of the relationship between smoking and depression within a psychological treatment to stop smoking (depression is especially prevalent among women seeking treatment).
- Causes of relapse in male and female cigarette smokers.
- Tobacco use in pregnant women.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Elisardo Manuel Ignacio Becoña Iglesias.
- Ana López Durán.
- María del Carmen Míguez Varela.
- María del Carmen Senra Rivera.
- María Isabel Vázquez Rodríguez.
Citizenship and Communication
- Department: Communication Sciences.
- Coordinator: Marcelo A. Martínez Hermida.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Communication and gender.
- Communication, community and development from a gender perspective.
- Journalism, specialised journalism and gender
- Prostitution and the media
- Gender violence and the media
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Luís Álvarez Pousa
- Xosé Manuel Outeiriño Gallego
Audiovisual communication: content, formats and technology
- Department: Communication Sciences.
- Coordinator: Margarita María Ledo Andión.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Cinema and gender.
- Communication and gender.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Margarita María Ledo Andión.
De conflictu legum
- Department: Common Law.
- Coordinator: Santiago Álvarez González.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender and Private Law
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- M.ª Paz García Rubio.
- Marta Otero Crespo.
- Margarita Herrero Oviedo.
- Marta Requejo Isidro.
Econometrics and Quantitative Studies of European and International Economic Development
- Department: Quantitative Economics.
- Coordinator: María del Carmen Guisán Seijas.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Causal models of employment by sector from a gender perspective.
- Orientation of effective economic policies for economic development and quality of life from a gender perspective.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Eva Aguayo Lorenzo.
- Teresa Cancelo Márquez.
- Pilar Expósito Díaz.
- Isabel Neira Gómez.
- Emilia Vázquez Rozas.
School of Culture
- Department: Theory of Education, History of Education and Social Pedagogy.
- Coordinator: Miguel Anxo Santos Rego.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Immigration and educational projects in the family and school.
- Education, competences and development of civil society
- Education and pedagogy in prison contexts.
- Early care; Service-Learning; Civic Commitment.
- Labour pedagogy.
- Assessment of programmes and services.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Miguel Anxo Santos Rego.
- Julia Crespo Comesaña.
- Agustín Godas Otero.
- Mar Lorenzo Moledo.
- Diana Priegue Caamaño.
- Alexandre Sotelino Losada.
- Jesús García Álvarez (IFP).
- Cristina Varela Portela (IFP).
Economic Analysis and Modelling Group
- Department: Fundamentals for Economic Analysis.
- Coordinator: Melchor Fernández Fernández.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Wage discrimination.
- Job participation.
- Fertility.
- Health inequalities.
- Academic performance.
- Digital divide.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Melchor Fernández Fernández.
- Manuel Fernández Grela.
- María Dolores Riveiro García.
- Raúl Canay Pazos.
Galician Group of studies for training and insertion into the job market
- Department: Pedagogy and Didactics.
- Coordinator: Antonio Rial Sánchez.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Training, professional insertion and gender.
- Language and gender.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Antonio Rial Sánchez.
- Elisa Jato Seijas.
- Raquel Mariño Fernández.
- M.ª José Méndez Lois.
- M.ª Carmen Sarceda Gorgoso.
- Margarita Valcarce Fernández.
Research, educational diagnosis and assessment
- Department: Pedagogy and Didactics.
- Coordinator: Ana María Porto Castro.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender perspectives in studies on education and insertion into the job market.
- Diagnosis and assessment in educational studies from a gender perspective.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Cristina Abeal Pereira.
- Felicidad Barreiro Fernández.
- José Cajide Val.
- Beatriz García Antelo.
- María Josefa Mosteiro García.
- Ana María Porto Castro.
- Elisa Teresa Zamora Rodríguez.
Applied Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychogerontology
- Departments: Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology; Developmental and Educational Psychology.
- Coordinator: Fernando Díaz Fernández.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender and sex hormone differences and neuropsychological performance.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- M.ª Teresa Carrillo de la Peña.
- Dolores Rodríguez Salgado.
New Media (Trends, Cybermedia, Print)
- Department: Communication Sciences
- Coordinator: Xosé López García.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Media and gender
- Stereotypes on television
- Innovation and gender
- Cyberjournalism and gender
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Víctor Fernández Freixanes.
- Berta García Orosa.
- Xosé Antonio Neira Cruz.
- Xosé Pereira Fariña.
- Alba Silva Rodríguez.
- José Miguel Túñez López.
Conflict and gender-sensitive conflict resolution mechanisms
- Department: Special Public and Company Law
- Coordinator: Raquel Castillejo Manzanares.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender-based violence.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Raquel Castillejo Manzanares.
- María Ángeles Catalina Benavente.
- Lourdes Noya Ferreiro.
- Milagros María Otero Parga.
- Ana Rodríguez Álvarez.
- Bernardino J. Varela Gómez.
- Cristina Torrado Tarrío (IFP)
Social problems: analysis, assessment and intervention
- Departments: Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology; Social and Basic Psychology and Methodology.
- Coordinator: José Manuel Otero López.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender, aggression and crime.
- Gender identity.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- María Lourdes Mirón Redondo.
Reasoning, discourse and argumentation
- Department: Geography; Applied Didactics.
- Coordinator: Ramón López Facal.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender and education.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Montserrat Pena Presas.
Human Resources and Performance
- Department: Political Science and Sociology.
- Coordinator: Jesús Fernando Salgado Velo.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Law, equality and discrimination
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- María Bastida Domínguez.
- Silvia Moscoso Ruibal.
Research Network on Equality, Rights and Welfare State.
- Department: Public Law and State Theory.
- Coordinator: María da Alba Nogueira López
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender studies.
- Public equality policies and the setbacks that are occurring in them.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Isabel Diz Otero
- Marta Irene Lois González
Network of Researchers in Demography, Economic History and Migrations
- Department: Applied Economics.
- Coordinator: María Xosé Rodríguez Galdo.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Economics and gender.
- Gender and welfare.
- Uses of time.
- Women's History.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- María Xosé Rodríguez Galdo.
- José Cordero Torrón.
- María Pilar Freire Esparís.
Study feminism gender
- Department: Political Science and Sociology
- Coordinator: Rita María Radl Philipp
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender relations and education, socialisation processes, media, social changes and the processes for the definition and transformation of gender roles and relations.
- Gender and social change in Galicia.
- Transformations of gender relations in old age.
- Violence and symbolic violence against women.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Rita María Radl Philipp.
- Jorge García Marín.
- Begoña Gómez Vázquez.
- Pilar Torréns Calle.
Forensic Psychology Unit
- Department: Political Science and Sociology.
- Coordinator: Ramón Arce Fernández.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Forensic assessment of the psychological imprint, forensic assessment of evidence.
- Forensic assessment of harm in cases of sexual abuse and assault.
- Victimisation.
- Intervention with women and minors who are victims of gender and domestic violence.
- Prison treatment of abusers.
- Assessment of risk of re-offending.
- Study of the abuser.
- Socialisation and sexist attitudes.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Ramón Arce Fernández.
- Mercedes Novo Pérez.
- Dolores Seijo Martínez.
- Esther Arias Martínez (FPI).
- Bárbara González Amado (FPI).
- Judith Velasco Rodríguez (FPI).
Arts and Humanities
Discourse and identity. Multidisciplinary GI for the study of language, literature and culture in English.
- Department: English and German Philology.
- Coordinator: Laura María Lojo Rodríguez.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender Studies / Women's Studies.
- Ecocriticism and Ecofeminism.
- British women's literature.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Laura María Lojo Rodríguez.
- José M. Barbeito Varela.
- Susana M.ª Doval Suárez.
- Margarita Estévez Saa.
- M.ª de los Ángeles Gómez González.
- Elsa González Álvarez.
- Cristina Mourón Figueroa.
- Manuela Palacios González.
- Jorge Sacido Romero.
- M.ª Teresa Sánchez Roura.
Synchronic/diachronic German linguistics and German-language literature from the Enlightenment to the present day
- Department: English and German Philology.
- Coordinator: María Dolors Sabaté Planes.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender studies.
- Literature written by women in the German language since 1945.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- María Dolors Sabaté Planes.
- Jaime Feijóo Fernández.
- Rosa Marta Gómez Pato.
Galician literature. Children's and young people's literature. Literary, artistic, intercultural and educational research.
- Department: Galician Philology
- Coordinator: Blanca-Ana Roig Rechou.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Image of women.
- Role of women.
- Comparisons between authors.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Blanca-Ana Roig Rechou.
- María Jesús Agra Pardiñas.
- Marta Neira Rodríguez.
- María Xesús Nogueira Pereira.
- Eulalia Agrelo Costas (IFP).
- Mar Fernández Vázquez (PA).
- María del Carmen Ferreira Boo (IFP).
- Vanessa Ferreira da Silva (IFP).
- Geovana Gentili Santos (IFP).
- Karina de Oliveira (IFP).
- Collaborators of the group that research gender issues:
- Isabel Mociño González.
- Celia Vázquez García.
Comprehensive Methodologies
- Departments: Galician Philology; Spanish Language and Literature, Theory of Literature and General Linguistics.
- Coordinator: Claudio Rodríguez Fernández.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Power, social change, women, gender, sex and literature.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Carmen Blanco García.
Romance Studies. Philology, Medieval Literature
- Department: Galician Philology.
- Coordinator: María Mercedes Brea López.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Women in medieval literature
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- María Mercedes Brea López.
- Mariña Arbor Aldea.
- María Esther Corral Díaz.
- Elvira Fidalgo Francisco.
- Pilar Lorenzo Gradín.
- Santiago López Martínez-Morás.
- Gerardo Pérez Barcala.
Justice and equality
- Department: Philosophy and Anthropology.
- Coordinator: María Xosé Agra Romero.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Feminist critical theory.
- Citizenship, equality and cultural diversity.
- Equality; gender; feminism.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- María Xosé Agra Romero.
- Beatriz Fernández Herrero.
Health Sciences
Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Sciences
- Department: Forensic Sciences, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics.
- Coordinator: María Sol Rodríguez Calvo.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Domestic violence.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- María Sol Rodríguez Calvo.
- Rebeca Diéguez Méndez (IFP).
- Mercedes Domínguez Fernández (IFP).
Clinical Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- Department: Psychiatry, Radiology and Public Health.
- Coordinator: Raimundo Mateo Álvarez.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Prevalence and risk factors for gender violence.
- Psychological repercussions of gender violence.
- Prevention, awareness and detection of gender violence.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Fernando Lino Vázquez González.
- Ángela Juana Torres Iglesias.
Bioinorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry
- Department: Inorganic Chemistry.
- Coordinator: Marcelino Maneiro Maneiro.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Women and science.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Manuel Rafael Bermejo Patiño.
- María Isabel Fernández García.
- Esther Gómez Forneas.
- Ana María González Noya.
- Rosa María Pedrido Castiñeiras.
- Laura Rodríguez Silva.
- Sandra Fernández Fariña (IFP).
- Luis Miguel González Barcia (IFP).
- Xoana Pintos Barral (IFP).
Engineering and Architecture
Projects and Planning
- Department: Agroforestry Engineering.
- Coordinator: Manuel Francisco Marey Pérez.
- Lines of research on gender issues:
- Gender and rural development.
- Quality of life of rural women.
- Health and safety in women's work.
- University youth: equality and gender violence.
- Members of the group that research gender issues:
- Manuel Francisco Marey Pérez.
- Montserrat Valcárcel Armesto.
Interdisciplinary Centre for Feminist Research and Gender Studies (CIFEX)
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Feminist Research and Gender Studies (CIFEX) is an interdisciplinary research centre within the context of the University of Santiago de Compostela's own centres, which has the express support of non-university institutions and organisations considered to be of social and political interest. This will be a centre whose main aim is (interdisciplinary) research, teaching, training and counselling on specific issues related to the social relations and roles of men and women, i.e. gender relations, empirically situated in the specific context of the Galician Autonomous Community.
In terms of objectives, we take the central idea of the need for the Interdisciplinary Centre for Feminist Research and Gender Studies to constitute a comprehensive research centre of its own, from which all research and teaching projects and tasks related to gender relations and women's issues will be coordinated. In fact, the main aim is to pursue the preparation and dissemination of scientific knowledge about gender relations and women from multiple scientific perspectives, from a polyparadigmatic angle, anchored in the specific socio-cultural context in which the University of Santiago de Compostela is inserted, but with the firm conviction that this knowledge is fundamental for the social development of today's society, especially Galician society.
Starting from this global aim, we focus on the following unique goals:
- Research into gender and women's relations and roles, especially from the point of view of social relevance, particularly with a view to educational, psychological, social, historical, linguistic, philosophical, biological, medical and legal knowledge, among others. The Interdisciplinary Centre for Feminist Research and Gender Studies acts as an umbrella and coordinating centre.
- The promotion, organisation and teaching of specific courses, both in the first, second and third university cycles (including the fourth cycle, if possible), in relation to the knowledge of gender relations and roles and women, especially from an interdisciplinary point of view. The Interdisciplinary Centre for Feminist Research and Gender Studies is understood here as the primary centre for coordination.
- The social and political dissemination of knowledge regarding knowledge about gender and women's roles and relations, also from an interdisciplinary point of view, in order to achieve the aim of social feedback in terms of knowledge about gender and women's roles and relations.
- The general and specific organisation from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Feminist Research and Gender Studies of all types of scientific activities with a scientific, social and political impact, such as scientific congresses, symposiums, seminars, postgraduate courses, master's degrees, PhD programmes, summer courses, etc. of both national and international scope. This aim specifically includes the work of social collaboration and the editing and publication of regular reports, as well as of manuals and activity reports.
- The Interdisciplinary Centre for Feminist Research and Gender Studies actively promotes in-depth knowledge of social transformation processes that are generated in our society, both with respect to social and scientific structures, in order to achieve greater equality in relations between men and women, and a change in the scientific and social image of women, linking up with international and European recommendations and regulations in this respect.
Management team
- Director: Teresa Moure Pereiro
Address: Faculty of Philology.
Avda. de Castelao, s/n. North Campus. 15782 Santiago de Compostela
Email: cifex@usc.gal
Website: https://cifex.usc.gal/Founding members of CIFEX
- Prof. Dr. Rita Radl Philipp (Department of Sociology).
- Prof. Dr. M.ª do Carme García Negro (Department of Applied Economics).
- Prof. Dr. Jorge García Marín (Department of Sociology).
- Prof. Dr. Ana Porto Castro (Department of MIDE).
- Prof. Dr. Cristina Abeal Pereira (Department of MIDE).
- Prof. Dr. Mª José Agra Romero (Department of Logic and Moral Philosophy).
- Prof. Dr. Carmen Pallares Méndez (Department of Medieval and Modern History).
- Prof. Dr. Montserrat Villarino Pérez (Department of Geography).
- Prof. Dr. Mª José Rodríguez Galdo (Department of Economic History and Institutions).
- Prof. Dr. María García Añón (Department of Political Science and Administration).
- Prof. Dr. Milagros Domínguez Juan (Department of Sociology).
- Prof. Dr. Mar Llinares García (Department of History I).
- Prof. Dr. Teresa Moure Pereiro (Department of Spanish Literature, Theory of Literature and General Linguistics).
- Prof. Dr. Pilar Torrens Calle (Department of Sociology).
The university community is actively engaged in contributing to changes in the world. One of the most necessary of these has to do with equity, with respect for gender. Great progress has been made in recent years thanks to the impetus provided by feminism, which now directly challenges men.
The Patriarch Dissident Masculinities Club promotes initiatives to rethink patterns, values, behaviours and thoughts associated with hegemonic masculinities, maintaining an attitude of change in which gender discrimination and inequality are no longer tolerated in our daily practices.