The Gender Equality Committees promote and boost equality and diversity activities in USC Faculties, Schools and Research Centres.
Gender Equality Committees at USC Centres
Gender Equality Committee for the Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering
- President: Fernández Rodríguez, M.ª Dolores.
- Centre representative: Romero Franco, Rosa. Assistant Director for Internships.
- Teaching staff representatives:
- García Arias, Ana Isabel. Secretary.
- González Hernández, María del Pilar.
- Pérez Fra, María do Mar.
- Rodríguez López, María Teresa.
- Ruiz Nogueiras, Benigno.
- Student representatives:
- Fernández Piñeiro, Ángela.
- García Pena, Abraham.
- Administrative and services staff representative: Vacant.
Equality Committee for the Higher Technical School of Engineering
- President: González Álvarez, Julia. Director.
- Teaching staff representatives:
- Calvo Iglesias, M.ª Encina.
- Hospido Quintana, Almudena.
- Student representatives:
- Portela Sobrino, Sandra.
- Rodríguez Oreiro, Adriana Aurora.
- Administrative and services staff representatives: Palacios Oubiña, M. Carmen.
Gender Committee for the Faculty of Business Administration and Management
- Committee President: Bande Ramudo, Roberto. Dean.
- Centre representatives: Féas Vázquez, Jacobo. Vice dean.
- Committee Secretary: Portela Maseda, Marta. Centre secretary.
- Teaching staff representatives:
- Álvarez Rodríguez, Antonio.
- Gómez Barreiro, María.
- Vázquez Rodríguez, Paula.
- Vacant.
- Student representatives:
- Iglesias Andrade, Natalia Carolina.
- López Ventura, Lucía.
- Administrative and services staff representative: Galego Varela, Julia.
Gender Committee for the Faculty of Biology
- President: López Romalde, Jesús. Dean.
- Representatives of the permanent teaching and research staff:
- Aira Rodríguez, M.ª Jesús.
- Candal Suárez, Eva.
- Gómez Rodríguez, Carola.
- Pontevedra Pombal, Xabier.
- Representatives of the non-permanent teaching and research staff: Vacant.
- Student representatives:
- Bañobre Álvarez, Lucía.
- Martínez Conchas, María Josefa.
- Administrative and services staff representatives: Martínez Villaverde, Cristina.
Gender Equality Committee for the Faculty of Sciences
- President: Romero Rodríguez, M.ª Ángeles.
- Secretary: Regal López, Patricia.
- Teaching staff representatives:
- Barcia Vieitez, Ramiro.
- Maneiro Maneiro, Marcelino.
- Novo Rodríguez, M.ª de la Merced.
- Rodríguez Silva, Laura.
- Seijas Vázquez, Julio Antonio.
- Vázquez Vila, M.ª José.
- Student representative: Alonso Martínez, Nair.
- Administrative and services staff representative: Díaz Gesto, M.ª del Mar.
Extracurricular and Gender Activities Committee for the Faculty of Communication Sciences
- President: Antía López Gómez. Vice dean.
- Secretary: Rodríguez Vázquez. Ana Isabel. Permanent teaching and research staff.
- Members:
- Pérez Pereiro, Marta. Permanent teaching and research staff.
- Vaz Álvarez, Martín. Non-permanent teaching and research staff.
- Fernández Morete, Malena. Student.
- García Núñez, Elena. Student.
- Blanco Álvarez, Ramón. Administrative and services staff.
Equality Committee for the Faculty of Education Sciences
- President: Abeal Pereira, Cristina. Centre secretary.
- Teaching staff representatives:
- Mariño Fernández, Raquel.
- Mosteiro García, M.ª Josefa.
- Valcarce Fernández, Margarita.
- Varela Portela, Cristina.
- Student body representatives:
- Santamaría Parada, Melina.
- Travieso Varela, Elena.
Gender Committee for the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
- President: Vidal Lopo, María Rosario. Vice-dean
- Teaching staff representatives:
- Freire Esparís, María del Pilar
- Sánchez Carreira, María del Carmen
- Student body representative: Nande Fernández, Iria María.
- Administrative and services staff representative: Vacant.
Gender Equality Manager at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences
- Manager: Rodríguez Manzano, María Irene. Centre secretary.
Equality Committee for the Faculty of Law
- President: Natalia Pérez Rivas. Vice dean.
- Representatives of the permanent teaching and research staff:
- Carballo Fidalgo, Marta.
- Framiñán Santas, Javier.
- López Portas, M.ª Begoña.
- Miranda Boto, José María.
- Trigo García, Belén.
- Representatives of the other teaching and research staff categories: Iglesias Casais, José Manuel.
- Representative of the degree and master’s degree student body: Agra Costa, Beatriz.
- Administrative and services staff representative: Pérez Suárez, Mónica Carmen.
Standing Committee for the Faculty of Nursing
- President: Silveira Rodríguez, Ana Isabel. Dean.
Standing Committee for the Faculty of Pharmacy
- President: Laguna Francia, M.ª de los Reyes. Dean.
Equality Committee for the Faculty of Philology
- President: Malingret, Laurence.
- Teaching and research staff representatives from each department based at the centre:
- Department of Classical, French and Italian Philology: De Carlos Villamarín, Helena.
- Department of Galician Philology: Rodríguez Prado, María Felisa.
- Department of English and German Philology: Alonso Alonso, María.
- Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Literary Theory and General Linguistics: Moure Pereiro, María.
- Representatives of the degree and master’s degree student body:
- Durán Chapela, Daniel.
- Liñares Cereixo, Iria.
- Gómez Souto, Martín.
- Administrative and services staff representative: López Casal, Fernando José.
Gender Equality Committee for the Faculty of Philosophy
- President: De Donato Rodriguez, Javier. Dean.
Gender Equality Committee for the Faculty of Physics
- President: Beatriz Fernández Domínguez (vice dean).
- Teaching staff representatives:
- Armesto Pérez, Néstor.
- Baldomir Fernández, Daniel.
- Balsa Rúa, Ramón.
- Barbosa Fernández, Silvia.
- López Agüera, Ángeles.
- Mouriz Cereijo, M.ª Dolores.
- Student representative:
- Baliño Rodríguez, Aldán.
- Martínez Montejo, Jimena.
- Administrative and services staff representative:
Gender Committee for the Faculty of Teacher Training
- President: Carmen Sarceda Gorgoso. Dean.
- Teaching staff representatives:
- Barreira Cerqueiras, Eva María.
- Díaz Queizán, Óscar.
- López Gómez, Santiago.
- Sarceda Gorgoso, M. Carmen.
- Students:
- Simil Romero, Isabel.
- Administrative and services staff representative: Brao Viña, Ana María
Equality Committee for the Faculty of Humanities
- President: Fernández Suárez, Gonzalo Francisco. Dean.
- Secretary: Anguita Jaén, Jose María.
- Teaching staff representatives:
- Baliñas Pérez, José Carlos.
- Blanco García, Carmen.
- Cabana Iglesia, Ana.
- Freire Paz, Elena.
- Student body representatives:
- Álvarez Sánchez, Marco Antonio.
- Gómez Rodríguez, María Anjhara.
- Administrative and services staff representative: Franco Vázquez, Marcos.
Equality Committee for the Faculty of Mathematics
- President: Vázquez Cendón, María Elena. Dean.
- Representatives from each department based at the centre:
- López Somoza, Lucía.
- Salgado Rodríguez, M.ª Pilar.
- Vázquez Abal, M.ª Elena.
- Student representatives:
- Comesaña García, Alejadra.
- Rodríguez Acevedo, Iria.
Equality Manager at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
- Manager: Torres Iglesias, Ángela Juana. Vice dean.
Gender Committee for the Faculty of Optics and Optometry
- President: Magariños Ferro, Beatriz.
- Teaching and research staff representatives:
- González Pérez, Javier.
- Yebra-Pimentel Vilar, Eva.
- Student representative: Pena Freire, Ana.
- Administrative and services staff representative: Miñones Conde, Mercedes.
Gender Equality Committee for the Faculty of Psychology
- President: Cutrín Mosteiro, Olalla. Vice dean.
Gender Committee for the Faculty of Chemistry
- President: Bermejo Barrera, Pilar. Dean.
- Secretary: Sanmartín Matalobos, Jesús. Secretary.
- Members:
- Rodríguez Dafonte, Pedro. Vice dean
- Rodríguez Prieto, Flor. Teaching and research staff
- Labisbal Viqueira, Elena. Teaching and research staff
- Llompart Vizoso, M.ª. Teaching and research staff
- Illodo Brea, Sara. Student.
- Lorenzo Moure, Olalla. Student.
- Frutos Martínez, Gracia. Administrative and services staff
Gender Committee for the Faculty of Labour Relations
- President: Souto Blanco, María Jesús. Vice dean.
Gender Committee for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- President: Quiroga Berdeal, María Isabel. Vice dean.
- Representative of permanent PhD teaching staff: Vacant.
- Representative of the other teaching staff: Losada García, Ana Paula.
- Representatives of degree students:
- Saucedo, Irene.
- Gómez, María.
- Administrative and services staff representatives: García Pardo, María Belén.
Gender Equality and Diversity Committee for the Centre for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CiQUS)
- President: Pérez Meirás, M. Dolores. Deputy Director of CiQUS
- Secretary: García Fernández. Almudena. Strategic Management Manager.
- Members:
- Correa Chinea, Juan Francisco. Associate Researcher.
- Estévez Cabanas, Juan Carlos. Main Researcher (MR)
- Fazal, Sajid. Post-doctoral researcher.
- Giménez López, María C. Main Researcher (MR)
- Fernández Iglesias, Antía. Pre-doctoral researcher.
- Rodríguez Martínez, Lucía. Administrative and services staff.
- Sánchez Gascón, Paula. Pre-doctoral researcher.
- Torrente Filgueira, Noela. Senior Research Technician.