ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 13.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 229.5
Hours of tutorials: 13.5
Expository Class: 40.5
Interactive Classroom: 54
Total: 337.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Work placements for Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Organisation of Companies and CommercialisationAreas:
Business OrganisationCenter
Faculty of Economics and Business StudiesCall:
Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's DegreesTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The training period in a company is compulsory in order to get an professional orientation.with the necessary skills by means of their immersion in a work environment which is representative for their future professional context. Furthermore, it its expected that they finish the master with some professional experience in this field.
To be admitted to the training period it is a prior requirement to pass 70% of the compulsory credits.Professional training period in business management.
CG03 - Ability to apply the knowledge acquired to business reality
CG04 - Ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments.
CG06 - Ability to communicate information, ideas, business management problems - whether general or specific - and solution proposals.
CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.
CB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
CT02 - Ability to think critically.
CT03 - Ability to analyze and synthesize.
CT04 - Ability to plan and organize.
CT05 - Ability to argue and communicate.
CT06 - Ability to integrate and work in teams of diverse composition.
CE01 - Comprehensive vision of the company and its environment, allowing for the diagnosis and understanding of complex problems, analyzing them, and making appropriate decisions, being aware of their scope.Each year there are training periods in companies that enter into a collaboration agreement with the university. The students do the training in a company under the supervision of a professional tutor and so they come into contact with the professional activity. As for the training activities to carry out, they will be specified in a programme depending on the features, objectives and function of each workplace. The students will have the opportunity to carry out different activities typical of their workplaces, but always under the supervision of the professional tutor responsable for them. During the training period, the students will periodically be in touch with the academic tutor who monitors the tasks that the students perform. Thus he/she assesses if the training period contributes to the acquisition of skills or not, and at the same time the tutor guides together with the professional tutor the students in their development.Lastly, the students have to present a report that is aimed to reflect, systematize and recount about all the activities they carried out during the training period.
The assessment takes into account the following:(1) Report of the professional tutor in which it is assessed the fulfillment of the basic professional role, the attitude towards the tasks, development of abilities and transverse skills, use of the knowledge and skills acquired during the master and which are related to the workplace, cooperation spirit, etc.(2) Report of the academic tutor based on the information he/she got by means of the contact with the student and the professional tutor during the training period. (3) Report of the student about the training at the end of the period. This report has to include the following aspects: description of the workplace and of the activities the student performed; the acquired or developed skills; a self-assessment of the experience, etc.
The subject is of 13.5 credits and each credit is equivalent to 25 hours (337.5)Final report of the student: 7.5 hoursSo, the duration of the training period will be 330 hours and has to be carried out in the second term
In order to make the best of the learning process during the training period it is convenient to be periodically in touch with the academic and professional tutor and to inform immidiately about any problem or doubt.