ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical TechnologyAreas:
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical TechnologyCenter
Faculty of PharmacyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
-Present to the student the fundamentals of the main techniques available to characterize granulometric properties, rheological and microstructural of powders and compacted solids.
-Familiarize the student with the characterization of solids, powders and compacted equipment management and the use of software useful for the estimation of the most important parameters.
-Promote the integration of the information from different sources and techniques.1. Characterization of the flow properties of powders. Methods based on the determination of shear forces.
2. Characterization of the compactation properties. Force curves and compression models.
3. Microstructural characterization of solids, powders and compacted. Adsorption of gases and Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry.
4. Water-solid interactions: Characterization and models.• R. Martínez Pacheco. Tratado de Tecnología Farmacéutica Vol. 1. Síntesis, D.L, 2016, Madrid.
• Seville, J.P.K., Tuzun, U Y Clift, R. Processing of particulate solids. Blackie Academic & Professional, Londres, 1997.
• Podczeck, F. Particle-Particle Adhesion in Pharmaceutical Powder Handling. Imperial College press, Londres, 1998.
• Carstensen, J.T. Advanced Pharmaceutical Solids. Marcel Dekker, Inc., Nueva York, 2001.Learning outcomes:
• Know the impact of the rheological and microstructural properties of solids on the manufacturing processes and the final properties of solid dosage forms.
Competences: CB1, CE1.
• List and know how to describe the techniques most used in the rheological and microstructural characterization of pulverulent and compacted solids.
Competences: CB1, CE1.
• Know the main information that is derived from the use of the different techniques of characterization of solids and their utility.
Competences: CB1, CE1.
• Know the criteria to select, in each case, the most appropriate solid characterization technique.
Competences: CB1, CB2, CG2, CG7, CE2, CE3.
• Know how to perform the necessary calculations to estimate the parameters commonly used in the characterization of the rheological and microstructural properties of solids.
Competences: CB1, CG7, CE2, CE10.
• Know the basic aspects of solids that condition their interaction with water.
Competences: CB1, CE1.
• Know the techniques to study the interaction of solids with water.
Competences: CB1, CE1.
• Know the repercussions of solid-water interactions in the field of pharmaceutical technology.
Competences: CB1, CE3.
• Know how to search, analyze and synthesize information from different sources to solve a practical case related to the rheology and / or microstructure of solids.
Competences: CB5, CG1, CG4, CG11, CE3, CE4.
• Know how to identify, propose and solve a practical case related to the rheology and / or microstructure of solids.
Competencies: CB5, CG5, CE2, CE3, CE4, CE5, CE6, CE11, CE12, CE13.
• Learn collaboratively
Competences: CB5, CG9.The course will have support and management through the USC virtual platform.
On stage 1
• Lectures in which the most important rheological and microstructural characterization techniques will be presented.
• Interactive seminars in which activities will be carried out aimed at highlighting the impact of these properties on the characteristics of the pharmaceutical form and for the selection of the most appropriate technique / s in each specific situation.
• Visit to the Laboratory of the R&D Pharma Research Group
• Laboratory practice. Evaluation of the flow properties of solids and / or solid / water interaction. Preparation and delivery of the practice report.
In scenario 2:
The lectures and seminars will be face-to-face for a number of students who, depending on the capacity of the classroom, can comply with the established safety regulations. For the rest of the students they will be synchronous non-contact. Students will take turns between these two types of teaching. The practical classes will be held in person, adjusting the size of the practice groups to the current security standard.
On stage 3:
The lectures, interactive classes and tutorials will be non-face-to-face. The practical classes will be replaced with the realization of non-contact activities related to the content of the practical classes.• Attendance to face-to-face classes. Requirement
• Continuous evaluation of student activity (10%).
Competences: CB1, CB2, CG2, CG7, CE1, CE2, CE3, CE1
• Internship report (40%). The evaluation rubric in the virtual classroom of the subject
Competencies: CB5, CG1, CG4, CG5, CG9, CG11, CE2, CE3, CE4, CE5, CE6, CE11, CE12, CE13
• Final written test (50%). The test will consist of solving exercises and short questions.
Competences: CB1, CB2, CG2, CG7, CE1, CE2, CE3, CE10Total work hours of the student (3 ECTS x25 hours / ECTS) ............................... 75 hours
Exhibition classes ............................................... ........................................... 9 hours
Interactive classes ............................................... ..........................................4 hours
Practical classes................................................ ..............................................6 hours
Tutorials ......... .............................................. ................................................2 hours
Final exam................................................ ......................................................2 hours
Total hours work in the classroom or in the laboratory .........................................23 hours
Individual self-study ............................................... ....................................... 38 hours
Resolution of exercises and problems ...................................................................4 hours
Preparation, presentation and presentation of the internship report ...................... 12 hours
Total hours the student's personal work ............................................ ................ 52 hoursBasic knowledge of English and computer software management.
Alvaro Goyanes Goyanes
- Department
- Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
- Area
- Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
- alvaro.goyanes.goyanes@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Ignacio Insua Lopez
- Department
- Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
- Area
- Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
- ignacio.insua.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Researcher: Ramón y Cajal
2º Semester - March 10th-16th Monday 16:30-18:30 Grupo 1/CLE_01 Spanish 5035 Seminar Room for Pharmaceutical Technology 18:30-19:30 Grupo 1/CLIS_01 Spanish 5035 Seminar Room for Pharmaceutical Technology Tuesday 16:30-18:30 Grupo 1/CLE_01 Spanish 5035 Seminar Room for Pharmaceutical Technology 18:30-19:30 Grupo 1/CLIS_01 Spanish 5035 Seminar Room for Pharmaceutical Technology Wednesday 16:30-18:30 Grupo 1/CLE_01 Spanish 5035 Seminar Room for Pharmaceutical Technology 18:30-19:30 Grupo 1/CLIS_01 Spanish 5035 Seminar Room for Pharmaceutical Technology Thursday 16:30-18:30 Grupo 1/CLE_01 Spanish 5035 Seminar Room for Pharmaceutical Technology 18:30-19:30 Grupo 1/CLIS_01 Spanish 5035 Seminar Room for Pharmaceutical Technology