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Doctoral Programme in Veterinary Medicine and Health

Branch of knowledge
Health Sciences
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela

The Doctoral Programme in Veterinary Medicine and Science originates from the updating of the initial Doctoral Programme offered at the Lugo campus and titled Introduction to Research in Animal Pathology (1989) to the different national and regional doctoral studies legislations. Its basic aim was to train doctors who could occupy the highest academic, administrative and professional posts. This statement is confirmed by the excellent curriculums of the doctoral students who graduated from our Department.

  • Duration: 3 academic years
    RUCT code: 5600508
    Seats number: 16

    Title coordinator:
    Ceferino Manuel Lopez Sandez

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    ISCED codes:
    (641) Veterinaria
    (420) Ciencias de la vida
    (0841) Veterinaria

    El Programa de Doctorado de Medicina y Sanidad Veterinaria proviene de la actualización de aquel primer programa de doctorado en el Campus de Lugo denominado Introducción a la Investigación en Patología Animal (1989) a las distintas legislaciones estatales y autonómicas de los estudios de doctorado, y que su fin fundamental fue formar doctores que pudieran desarrollar los más altos puestos académicos, administrativos y profesionales; esta afirmación lo confirman los excelentes currículos de los doctorandos egresados en nuestro departamento.

    El programa forma doctores pero también personas, que se sepan desenvolver en el amplio campo de la Veterinaria, para desarrollar sus conocimientos así como para obtener en el futuro otros nuevos, que permitan a estos doctores ser líderes y personas de confianza en grandes empresas, administración y educación. Todo ello se consigue haciendo atrayente la búsqueda del conocimiento general y específico, estimular la crítica y el buscar las soluciones al problema planteado.

    Todo esto basado en la comunicación y en el respeto mutuo profesor – doctorando, y como es normal en el currículo de cada uno de los profesores que forman el claustro docente de doctorado, reconocido por sus amplios méritos investigadores, docentes y asistenciales.

    The Programme not only trains doctors, but people to be capable of developing in the wide field of Veterinary Science, to develop their learning and acquire future knowledge which will enable these doctors to become leaders and trustworthy members of large corporations, the administration and the field of education. All this is achieved by making the search for general and specific knowledge attractive, stimulating criticism and seeking solutions for problems posed. All this is based on the communication and mutual respect between professor - doctoral student, and as is normal in the curriculum of each of the teachers that make up the faculty of the doctoral programme, recognized by its high merits in research teaching and health care.

  • Students holders of official Spanish Graduate degrees in Veterinary Science, Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology, Biochemistry, Science and Technology of Food or other degrees that the Academic Committee evaluates and considers acceptable, plus a Master's Degree in Research in Veterinary Medicine and Health or others that the Committee considers equivalent, will not need to take supplementary training.

    Graduates in Veterinary Science with 300 ECTS credits, who have completed the subject Final Project with a research project equivalent in training value to the credits for research from the master's studies, may also access.

    Should this equivalence not exist, which will be evaluated by the Doctoral Programme Academic Committee, it is compulsory for students to take supplementary training.

    Other profiles:

    Holders of another Spanish doctoral degree in equivalent areas obtained as per the previous university planning standards.

    International students:

    Students with a foreign degree can apply for admission to doctoral studies, without certification, after verification by the University that they demonstrate a level of studies equal to the Spanish official University Master's Degree in Research in Veterinary Medicine and Health. The degree from the issuing country must also provide access to doctoral studies.

  • The selection of students for admission to the program will be based on the following criteria:

    1. Academic transcript:: maximum 25%.
    2. Curriculum: maximum 25%.
    3. Dissertation proposal: maximum 40%.
    4. Knowledge of English: maximum 10%.

    In the event that the proposal or report is uncertain, the candidate and the proposed guardian/co-director shall be heard before the Commission. All students applying for admission to the program must accompany their request for at least one feasibility report, which will consist of a Letter of Reference from one of the teachers tutoring the program that guarantees the feasibility of the realization of a thesis in the line of research to which the student will be linked.

  • Scientific statistic with R algorithms

    • E2091A11

    Introduction to network analysis using R. Application to veterinary epidemiology.

    • E2091A12

    Supporting digital tools for the creation of research articles.

    • E2091A13

    Design and preparation of presentations.

    • E2091A14
  • El Programa de Doctorado de Medicina y Sanidad Veterinaria proviene de la actualización de aquel primer programa de doctorado en el Campus de Lugo denominado Introducción a la Investigación en Patología Animal (1989) a las distintas legislaciones estatales y autonómicas de los estudios de doctorado, y que su fin fundamental fue formar doctores que pudieran desarrollar los más altos puestos académicos, administrativos y profesionales; esta afirmación lo confirman los excelentes currículos de los doctorandos egresados en nuestro departamento.

    El programa forma doctores pero también personas, que se sepan desenvolver en el amplio campo de la Veterinaria, para desarrollar sus conocimientos así como para obtener en el futuro otros nuevos, que permitan a estos doctores ser líderes y personas de confianza en grandes empresas, administración y educación. Todo ello se consigue haciendo atrayente la búsqueda del conocimiento general y específico, estimular la crítica y el buscar las soluciones al problema planteado.

    Todo esto basado en la comunicación y en el respeto mutuo profesor – doctorando, y como es normal en el currículo de cada uno de los profesores que forman el claustro docente de doctorado, reconocido por sus amplios méritos investigadores, docentes y asistenciales.

  • This doctoral programme enables the training of highly qualified professionals, with a profile in demand by different sectors of society. A large number of graduates find employment in the field of teaching and research, especially as professors at different universities. We can also highlight the industrial sector's demand for students trained in this doctoral programme, in order to bring research and innovation to agricultural companies that allow them to improve their competitiveness. Finally, it is also interesting to point out the creation of technological companies and Start-Ups by some students who completed their doctorates within the Veterinary Medicine and Health Programme.

    In short, this doctoral programme allows future graduates to open new, more specialised and more promising career opportunities.

  • The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

  • Title Reading date Authorship Direction
    Detection of regulated, emerging and modified mycotoxins in the food chain. Tesis por compendio de publicaciones 16/12/2024 Inés Rodríguez Cañas Maria Amparo Alfonso Rancaño
    Jesús María González Jartín
    Repeat breeder cow syndrome: incidence, etiology and treatment. 07/03/2025 Sofía Lara Villar Fernández
  • Coordinator
    Ceferino Manuel Lopez Sandez

    Juan José Becerra González

    Jose Luis Benedito Castellote
    Alberto Prieto Lago
    Jose Manuel Miranda Lopez
    Maria Amparo Alfonso Rancaño
    Cristiana Filipa Cazapal Monteiro
    Victor Pereira Lestayo

The contents of this page were updated on 07.07.2023.