ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and BromatologyAreas:
Food TechnologyCenter
Faculty of SciencesCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
The student must acquire basic knowledge about the conservation and processing methods of food.
In this way, the future graduate wil be able to understand the basic principles of food processing technology, and to establish relations between the modifications of food compounds with the technological processes used in food manufacture.THEORY PART
Unit 1. Introduction and general concepts. Fresh food spoilage.
Main agents of food spoilage: biological, physical and chemical agents.
Unit 2. Preservation by heat.
Lethal action of heat on microorganisms. Thermobacteriology. Thermal destruction of enzymes and nutrients. Thermal treatments applied to the food industry. Thermization. Pasteurization. Sterilization. Methods.
Unit 3.
Preservation at low temperatures. Methods of low temperature application. Thawing.
Effect of the fall of temperature in the parameters that define the quality of the food. Refrigeration. Freezing. Storage. Thawing. Methods. Nutritional value and quality of frozen foods.
Unit 4. Preservation by atmosphere modification. Preservation by water activity reduction.
Modified atmosphere preservation: vacuum packaging, modified atmosphere packaging and controlled atmosphere storage. Preservation by water activity reduction: evaporation, dehydration. Quality and conservability of dried foods.
Unit 5. Electromagnetic radiations used in food industry.
General concepts. Ionizing electromagnetic radiations: irradiation. Irradiation plants. Effect in the parameters that define the quality of the food. Applications. Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations. Microwave and infrared radiations. Equipment, effects on food quality and applications.
Unit 6. Food packaging. Functions, matherial and types of packages.
Unit 7. Chemical preservation of food. Other preservation methods.
Chemical preservatives. Salting. Preservation by sugar addition. Smoking of foods. Technologies and effects on food quality. Preservation by combined methods.
Unit 8. Biological food conversion processes. Fermentation. Starter cultures. Use of enzymes. Types of fermentation. Fermented foods. Starter cultures: definition and applications. Use of enzymes in food industry: types and origin of the enzymes, and food applications.
Unit 9. Food processing. Methods. Food conversion technologies. Effects on food quality. Applications.
Unit 10. Combined methods. New technologies in food preservation and processing. Food storage, transport and distribution.
a) Problems solving, related with program topics.
b) Food structure.
Laboratory practices: Study of processing and control methods in food manufacture.
a) Food processing: emulsification. Study of food emulsions.
b) Fermented foods: development of gas with biological and chemical yeasts.
c) Effects of the modification of different parameters in the elaboration of bakery products.
d) Study of main food packages characteristics
Students also carry out essays/reports related to the subjects of the course, practical cases, new technologies, etc..BASIC BOOKS:
DELGADO ADÁMEZ, J. 2019. Tecnología alimentaria. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid.
FELLOWS, P. 2018. Tecnología del procesado de los alimentos: principios y prácticas. Acribia. Zaragoza.
GARRIDO ÁLVAREZ M. 2020. Procesos tecnológicos en la industria alimentaria. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid.
GIL GIL. G. 2017. Innovación alimentaria. Editorial Síntesis, Madrid
ORDOÑEZ, J.A., GARCIA DE FERNANDO, G., SELGAS, M.D., GARCIA, M.L., CAMBERO, M.I., FERNANDEZ, L., FERNANDEZ M, HIERRO E. 2019. Tecnologías Alimentarias. Volumen 1. Fundamentos de química y microbiología de los alimentos -- Volumen 2. Procesos de conservación -- Volumen 3. Procesos de transformación Ed. Síntesis. Madrid.
RODRIGUEZ, F., AGUADO, J., CALLES, J.A., CAÑIZARES, P., LÓPEZ, B., SANTOS, A., SERRANO, D.P. 2002. Ingeniería de la Industria Alimentaria. Vol. II. Operaciones de procesado de alimentos. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid.
RODRIGUEZ, F., AGUADO, J., CALLES, J.A., CAÑIZARES, P., LÓPEZ, B., SANTOS, A., SERRANO, D.P. 2002. Ingeniería de la Industria Alimentaria. Vol. III. Operaciones de conservación de alimentos. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid.
BARTHOLOMAI, A. 2001. Fábricas de alimentos: procesos, equipamientos, costos.
BRENNAN, J.G., GRANDISON, A.S. 2011. Food processing handbook. Wiley-VCH Verlag. Weinheim, Germany.
CASP, A. (Coord.). 2014. Tecnología de los alimentos de origen vegetal. Vol. 1 y 2. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid.
CLARK, S., JUNG, S., LAMSAL, B. 2014. Food processing. Principles and applications, 2nd edition. Wiley Blackwell. Chichester, UK.
EVANS, J.A. 2018. Ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos congelados. Acribia. Zaragoza.
JEANTET, R., CROGUENNEC, T., SCHUCK, P., BRULÉ, G. 2010. Ciencia de los alimentos. Acribia. Zaragoza
JEANTET, R., et al. 2016. Handbook of food science and technology. 1: food alteration and food quality. Wiley Blackwell. Chichester, UK.
JEANTET, R., et al. 2016. Handbook of food science and technology 2: food process engineering and packaging. Wiley Blackwell. Chichester, UK.
JEANTET, R., et al. 2016. Handbook of food science and technology. 3: Food biochemistry and technology. Wiley Blackwell. Chichester, UK.
MADRID VICENTE, A. 2013. Ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos. Vol 1. AMV. Madrid.
RAVENTÓS SANTAMARIA M. 2005. Industria alimentaria, tecnologías emergentes. Edicions UPC. Barcelona.
SCOTT J.S., HUI, Y.H. 2004. Food processing. Principles and applications. Blackwell Publishing. Ames, USA.
SINGH, R.P. 2013. Explore food engineering. Material diverso accesible no enlace: http://www.rpaulsingh.com/
TSCHEUSCHNER, H.D. 2001. Fundamentos de tecnología de los alimentos. Acribia. Zaragoza.
-Web of Science, Scopus, etc.
Journals: Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Trends in Food Science & Technology, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Food Reviews International…The skills that will be worked in this course are:
CB1 – That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that is based on the general secondary education, and is typically at a level which, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that involve knowledge of the forefront of their field of study.
CB2 – That students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competences typically demonstrated through the development and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study.
CB3 - That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical topics.
CB4 - That students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
CB5 - That students have developed those skills needed to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
CG5 - Communicates effectively, both orally and in writing with people, health professionals or industry and the media, knowing how to use the information and communication technology especially those related to nutrition and lifestyle.
CG6 - Understand, critically evaluate and know how to use and apply sources of information related to nutrition, food, lifestyle and health aspects.
CG9 - Know the basic processes in the production, processing and preservation of food of animal and vegetable origin.
CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT3 - Capacity for teamwork (included in CG2)
CT4: - Demonstrate ethical commitment (including in CG1)
CT7 - Ability to solve problems.
CE12 - Know the production systems and the basic processes in the production, processing and preservation of the main food products.Theory program (expositive lectures; 30 hours) will be taught by the teachers in charge of the course, using audiovisual presentations by computer and video projector, with the help of notes on the blackboard.
The interactive seminars (4 hours) consist of complementary activities related to the lectures, which will be taught by the teachers and / or students being supervised by them.
The practical classes (15 hours) consist of laboratory practices that include a brief introduction and practical guides detailing the procedures to be developed as support material.
Students will present individual / group work related to the subjects of the subject. They will also do individual work consisting of problem solving.
The orientation of all the activities and tasks carried out by the students will be carried out by the teachers in the group tutoring sessions (2 hours).
The USC Virtual Campus will be used to support teaching.Theoretical content (60% of the final grade). It will be evaluated by assessing the knowledge of the students in class through different tests (questionnaires, short answer questions and / or test type, etc.). Students must obtain a score greater than 50% of the maximum grade for this score to be taken into account in the final grade for the course.
Competences assessed: CB1, CB5, CG9, CE12.
Evaluation of practices and seminars (thermobacteriology problems, food structure, etc.) (20% of the final grade) It will be carried out by assessing the knowledge of the students through a practical written exam (evaluation of the practical notebook) and evaluation on thermobacteriology, food structure and other issues related to the seminars.
Competences assessed: CB1, CB5, CG9, CE12.
The completion of work (20% of the final grade) will consist of the presentation of an individual / group work on topics related to the subject, assumptions, etc.
Competences assessed: CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CG5, CG6, CT1, CT3, CT4, CT7, CG9, CE12.
Only students who have not carried out any activity throughout the course will be classified as Not Presented.
There will be no difference in the evaluation system between the 1st and 2nd opportunity. There will be no different criteria for repeating students or for students with attendance waivers.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades” will apply.The subject consists of 6 ECTS credits. The total number of hours the student is 150 hours, of which 36% attendance and 64% are hours of student work. The detailed distribution is in the teaching guide for the subject.
We recommend the resolution of doubts in the tutorial sessions.
Pay attention in lectures, seminars and practical.
Consultation of recommended bibliography.
Study of a reasoned and not just memorization.Teaching languages are spanish and galician.
Olga Diaz Rubio
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- olga.diaz.rubio@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Angel Cobos Garcia
Coordinador/a- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- angel.cobos@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Tuesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish 0P CLASSROOM 5 GROUND FLOOR Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish 0P CLASSROOM 5 GROUND FLOOR Thursday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish 0P CLASSROOM 5 GROUND FLOOR Exams 01.15.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 0P CLASSROOM 5 GROUND FLOOR 01.15.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 0P CLASSROOM 6 GROUND FLOOR 06.25.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 0P CLASSROOM 5 GROUND FLOOR 06.25.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 0P CLASSROOM 6 GROUND FLOOR