ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 35
Interactive Classroom: 14
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and BromatologyAreas:
Analytical ChemistryCenter
Faculty of SciencesCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
- To acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge about quality management and quality control, as well as about control and assessment activities of a Quality Management System.
- To learn the basic knowledge in order to institute a quality management system in an industry or a laboratory.
- To train the student how to look for information about quality agencies and organizations as well as regulations.- Introduction to Quality
- Evolution and different approaches in Quality Management
- Tools and techniques in Quality Management
- Statistical process control
- Standardization of quality systems
- Certification and Accreditation of Quality
Practical content:
Practical computer sessions will take place in the computers room of the Faculty. The student will acquire and consolidate the skills related to the knowledge explained in the expositive lectures. Several software will be used, e.g. Excel and Statgraphics.Básica
- Administración y control de la calidad. James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay, 6ª Ed., Thomson, México, 2007.
- Garantía de la calidad en los laboratorios analíticos. Ramón Compañó Beltrán, Ángel Ríos Castro, Síntesis, Madrid, 2002.
- Teoría y práctica de la calidad. Marta Sangüesa, Ricardo Mateo, Laura Ilzarbe. Paraninfo, Madrid, 2019
- Calidad. Fundamentos, herramientas y gestión de la calidad para pymes. Pablo Alcalde San Miguel, P. Ed. Paraninfo, Madrid, 2019
- Herramientas para la mejora de la calidad. Métodos para la mejora continua y la solución de problemas. Paloma López Lemos, FC Editorial, Madrid, 2016
- Calidad práctica: una guía para no perderse en el mundo de la calidad. Martí Casadesús Fa, Iñaki Heras Saizarbitoria, Javier Merino Díaz de Cerio. Pearson Education, Madrid, 2005.
- Control de calidad. Dale H. Besterfield. 8ª Ed., Prentice Hall, México, 2009.
- Gestión de la calidad: Conceptos, enfoques, modelos y sistemas. César Camisón, Sonia Cruz, Tomás González. Ed. Pearson Educación, Madrid, 2006
- Gestión Integral de la Calidad. Implantación, control y certificación. Lluís Cuatrecasas Arbós. Ed. Profit, 2017.
- Cómo documentar un sistema de gestión de calidad según ISO:2015, Paloma López Lemos. FC Editorial, Madrid, 2015
- Implantación de Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad. La Norma ISO 9001:2015. José Manuel Sánchez Rivero, Antonio Enríquez Palomino. FC Editorial, Madrid, 2016.BASIC SKILLS:
CB1 – Ability to prove the knowledge and understanding related to a determinate area of study
CB2 – Ability to apply the knowledge to their jobs in a professional way, to defend the arguments and to solve problems in an area of study
CB3 –Ability to collect and interpret relevant data in order to issue a judgment including a consideration about important social, scientific or ethic issues
CB4 –Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to a diverse audience
CB5 –Ability to start new studies with autonomy
CG4 – Ability to solve problems with initiative, decisions making, creativity, critical reasoning and to communicate and transmit knowledge and skills in the field of the Industrial Engineering, Industrial Chemistry specialty.
CG8 – Ability to apply the principles and methods of the quality
CT2 – Ability to use computer applications in the field of the Industrial Engineering
CEOP8 - Knowledge on quality control and managementExpositive lessons: the teacher will explain the fundamental theoretical content of each topic and its importance in the context of the subject. The classes will be developed interactively with the students
Seminars: specific activities or works of the subject will be proposed to be solved individually or in groups. These activities will be presented by the students to their classmates and discussed in class.
Tutorials: students can attend to individual tutorial sessions in order to clarify personal problems. On the other hand, programed tutorial lessons will be dedicated to a specific subject.
Practices in the computer room: Practical computer sessions will be compulsory attendance. They will be dedicated to practical problems using different software. The student must attend these sessions according to the established schedule. The student must prepare a report of the practical lessons with the resolution of the problems set out by the lecturer using the software used in the practical sessions.The training assessment of the students will be derived from the addition the continuous assessment grading and the exam grading.
The training assessment consist of the following items:
• Accomplishment and/or exposure of activities or works (individual or in group): 15%.
Assessed skills: CB2, CB3, CB4, CG4, CG8 y CEOP8
• Practical sessions report: 15%
Assessed skills: CB1, CB2, CB3, CB5, CG8 y CT2
• Final exam: 70%
Assessed skills: CB1, CB5 y CEOP8
The practical sessions in the computer room are compulsory. In addition, students must present a report of the practical sessions that will be evaluated, being essential to achieve a positive assessment of it, which requires reaching a minimum score of 1 point. If a positive evaluation is not obtained on the first opportunity, the student will not be able to pass the subject and must take the final exam on the second opportunity and, in addition, present a new report of the practice sessions which will requerie a positive evaluation to pass the practice (minimum score of 1 point).
In the final exam, both on the first and second opportunity, the student must achieve a minimum grade of 3.5 points. The evaluation of the memory and of the activities/works will increase the grade of the exam up to the final grade which will be at least 5 points to pass.
The practices in the computer room will be kept for 1 academic year, provided that the practical sessions inform has a positive assessment, and the qualification obtained will be maintained; Otherwise, they must repeat the practices and prepare a new report.
"In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the" Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades "will apply.This subject is semester and consists of 6 ECTS credits, which means a workload for students of 150 hours (6 credits x 25 hours / credit).
Expositive sessions: 35 h in-person + 70 h independent work = 105 h total
Interactive seminar sessions: 2 h in-person + 10 h independent work = 12 h total
Practical computer sessions: 12 h in-person + 4 h report = 16 h total
Programed tutorial sessions: 2 h in-person + 2 h independent work = 4 h total
Individual or group assignments: 9 h independent work
Exam and revision: 4 h in-person = 4 h total- Attendance at expository and interactive classes with active participation
- Continuous study of the subject
- Consulting the recommended bibliography
- Take advantage of the practices in the computer room
- Use of individualized tutorials to solve the doubts generated in the study of the subject.