ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 39
Interactive Classroom: 10
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Chemistry EngineeringAreas:
Chemical EngineeringCenter
Faculty of SciencesCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
* Ability to generate alternatives for the creation of a new process.
* Knowledge of the process synthesis techniques, which is based on the elimination of molecular differences of composition and temperature, pressure and phase between raw materials and products.
* Know the different types of processes by comparing the use of different operations in each case based on the use of raw materials and the optimization of the process for obtaining a product.
* Interpretation of drawings and flow diagrams identifying its elements and analyzing the fundamental values of the process variables.
* Propose alternatives to carry out the same process, compare and select the best one.* Block I. - Analysis and design of chemical processes.
-Strategy in process engineering.
-Synthesis of chemical processes.
-Heuristics for process synthesis.
-Introduction to process integration.
* Block II.
- Chemical-industrial use of raw materials and energy resources:
-Fossil fuels.
-Hydrosphere and Atmosphere
-Replacement, reuse and recycling of raw materials.*Basic bibliography:
-JIMÉNEZ GUTIERREZ, A. Diseño de procesos en ingeniería química. Barcelona ; México, D.F. Reverté. 2006. ISBN: 968-6708-51-0. (Sinaturas USC: QUT 404, 151 8)
-TURTON, RICHARD, SHAEIWITZ J. A., BHATTACHARYYA D., WHITING W. B., Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical processes, Fifth edition, Boston : Prentice Hall, 2018. ISBN: 978-0-13-417740-3, (Sinaturas USC: QUT 444, QUT 220, A 151 9)
*Further reading:
-RAMOS CARPIO, M. A., Refino de petróleo, gas natural y petroquímica. Madrid. Fundación Fomento e Innovación Industrial, D.L. 1997. ISBN: 84-605-6755-9. (Sinaturas USC: QUT 212, QUT 213, QUT 214, A131.1 2)
-SINNOT R. y TOWLER G., Diseño en ingeniería Química. Barcelona. Ed. Reverté D.L. 2012. . ISBN: 9788429171990. (Sinaturas USC: QUT 398, QUT 399, QUT 400, QUT 401, QUT 410, A140 11 C, A140 11 D, A140 11 E, 140 16 B)
-SMITH, R. Chemical Process Design and Integration. Chichester, West Sussex, England. John Wiley & Sons. 2010. ISBN: 9780471486817. (Sinaturas USC: A151 13)
-SEIDER, W.D. et al. Product and Process Design Principles. Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation. 3ª Ed. New York. John Wiley & Sons cop. 2010. ISBN: 9780470414415. (Sinaturas USC: QUT 356, QUT 405, A150 10 C, A150 10 D)
-DOUGLAS, J.M. Conceptual Design of Chemicals Processes. New York. Ed. McGraw-Hill cop. 1988. ISBN: 0-07-017762-7. (Sinaturas USC:151 5C, 151 5 A)Those included in the degree report, which will work more intensively on this subject are:
* Basics:
-CB2: Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study.
-CB3: That students have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature.
-CB4: That students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
* Generals:
-CG1: Ability to write, sign and develop projects in the field of Industrial Engineering in their specialty in Industrial Chemistry that are intended, in accordance with the knowledge acquired as established in section 5 of Order CIN / 351 / 2009, the construction, reform, repair, conservation, demolition, manufacture, installation, assembly or exploitation of: structures, mechanical equipment, energy installations, electrical and electronic installations, industrial plants and facilities, and manufacturing and automation processes.
-CG4: Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity, critical thinking and to communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of Industrial Engineering in the specialty of Industrial Chemistry.
-CG6: Ability to handle specifications, regulations and mandatory standards.
-CG7: Ability to analyze and assess the social and environmental impact of technical solutions.
* Transversals:
-CT1: Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
-CT3: Ability to manage information.
-CT4: Capacity for teamwork.
-CT8: Ability to use information technology and communication.
-CT13: Capacity to transmit knowledge: included in CG4.
-CT14: Demonstrate critical thinking: included in CG4.
-CT15 - Ability for oral and written communication
* Specifics:
-CE20: Knowledge of material and energy balances, biotechnology, mass transfer, separation operations, chemical reaction engineering, reactor design, and recovery and processing of raw materials and energy resources.
-CE21 - Ability to analyze, design, simulate and optimize processes and products.The methodology for teaching and learning in this field and its temporal development has been divided into: lectures, seminars, individual and / or group tutorials and exams.
The achievement of the basic training of students is based on 39 hours of lectures masterful type but with the active participation of students will be encouraged to continuously intervene. At these times, students receive explanations of concepts, ideas, description of processes, interpretation of plans, etc. Often, reading material related to the contents to exhibit at the lecture, to have them worked previously asked in advance.
For its applied nature, seminar 10 hours, compulsory attendance, are a fundamental part of matter, and this activity is mainly into three distinct types: debate and discussion seminars, workshops interpretation of plans and problems processes, and statement of work. Well. in the work and seminars shows the evolution of the student regarding the acquisition of these competences and objectives.
Related to this methodology, students will carry out a group work consisting of searching for information, preparing a report and presenting it on a subject related to the subject.
Individual tutorials will be conducted to clarify specific problems of each student and two hours of tutorials with small groups to work specific issues.
If possible, visits to process facilities will be made to observe on-site the applications of the knowledge acquired. These visits will be subject to the availability of financing and the possibility of being carried out by both the companies / facilities visited and the USC.
To support the development of teaching, the Learning Management System of the USC will be used."In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the" Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades will apply.
The evaluation system is continuous, with specific partial tests and monitoring of the learning with the approach of practical cases and activities to be solved, individually or in groups, mainly during the seminar hours. The student's final grade will consider both the result of the specific partial tests (50%) and their continuous evaluation (50%). This continuous evaluation includes both the work done by the student (25%) and the activities carried out in the classroom (25%).
Only students who have not carried out any of the evaluable activities will be able to obtain the final grade of Not Presented.
The evaluation will be carried out through Continuous Evaluation (50%) and specific partial tests (50%).
* A1) -Continuous Evaluation, the minimum required qualification will be 50% (2.5 points) and will consist of two sections:
1st) Works: performed asynchronously. Rating: 25% (up to 2.5 points), minimum required rating: 1.25 points. Personal initiative, the ability to work as a team and to confront and solve problems that may arise, as well as the results achieved and their criticism, will be valued. The quality of the works presented and their presentation will be taken into account. Competences assessed: CG4 (10%), CG7 (10%), CT3 (10%), CT4 (10%), CT15 (20%), CT8 (10%), CE20 (15%), CE21 (15%) .
2nd) Classroom activities: held synchronously. Rating: 25% (up to 2.5 points), minimum required rating: 1.25 points. In Classroom activities the student's interventions and the resolution of the problems and questions that arise will be valued. Competences assessed: CB2 (5%), CB3 (10%), CB4 (10%), CG1 (10%), CG6 (10%), CG7 (10%), CT1 (15%), CE20 (15%) , CE21 (15%).
Students who do not achieve the minimum grade required in either of these two sections will receive a final grade of Suspense and will be evaluated on the Second Chance as detailed in section (B2)
* A2) -Specific partial tests: synchronous. It is theoretical-practical tests on the contents of the subject. Rating 50% (up to 5 points), minimum required rating: 2.5 points. Competences assessed: CE20 (50%), CE21 (50%).
It is mandatory to achieve the minimum qualification required in each of the parts in order to obtain an average grade. It is necessary to obtain, at least, an average grade of 5 points to pass the subject.
* B1) -Students who have achieved the minimum grade required in the Continuous Assessment will keep that grade and will take a Final Exam with the same characteristics as the specific partial tests (A2).
* B2) -Students who did not reach the minimum grade required in the Continuous Assessment will lose this grade, and must take a final exam, synchronous in nature, with the following characteristics:
Final exam: theoretical-practical test on all the contents of the subject. Rating 100%, minimum rating required 5 points. Competences assessed: CE20 (50%), CE21 (50%).For monitoring, understanding and study of the contents is considered that the student must spend 42 hours for teaching expository, 10 hours for seminars, 15 hours to work and two hours for group tutorials.
In addition, 26 hours are necessary for the preparation and conduct of the examinations.It is advisable to have previously taken the courses "Basic Operations", "Transport of Fluids", "Mass Transfer", "Heat Transfer", "Chemical Reaction Engineering" and "Environmental Technology",
The subject is taught in both official languages of Galicia: Spanish and Galician.
Jose Manuel Martinez Ageitos
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- josemanuel.martinez.ageitos@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Tuesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish 1P CLASSROOM 4 FIRST FLOOR Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish 1P CLASSROOM 4 FIRST FLOOR Thursday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish 1P CLASSROOM 4 FIRST FLOOR Exams 01.08.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 0P CLASSROOM 7 GROUND FLOOR 06.10.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 1P CLASSROOM 5 FIRST FLOOR