ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Agroforestry EngineeringAreas:
Construction EngineeringCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Development of the elementary analysis of structures, studying the most common typologies in civil engineering, and understanding how the characteristics of structures influence their behavior.
Capacity for elementary analysis of the most common structures in engineering.
Ability to understand how the characteristics of structures influence their behavior.
Predimensioning of the most common typologies in civil engineering.The title report covers the following contents for this subject:
Movements in bar structures.
Reactions and efforts in hyperstatic structures.
Hyperstatic structures: beams, portals, lattices and arches.
Historical evolution of the different typologies.
Characteristics and operation of portals, grids, sheets and plates.
Study of typologies of structures in civil engineering: historical evolution, characteristics, structural behavior and predimensioning.
These contents are developed following the following theoretical syllabus:
(30 hours, corresponding to 11 on-site class hours and 19 non-on-site class hours).
Movements in bar structures. Integration of differential equation of deformation. Bresse formulas. Calculation of movements and turns in isostatic beams. Calculation of reactions in hyperstatic beams of a span.
(30 hours, corresponding to 11 on-site class hours and 19 non-on-site class hours).
Typology: characteristics and historical evolution. Single-span hyperstatic beams. Multi-span hyperstatic beams. Elastic constraints: springs and springs. Differential seats. Symmetry and antisymmetry. Simplifications on the general approach.
(30 hours, corresponding to 11 on-site class hours and 19 non-on-site class hours).
Typology: characteristics and historical evolution. Planar structures of rigid knots. Hypotheses of deformation. Translationality and intraslationality. Symmetry and antisymmetry. Equations of stiffness of the straight bar in bending. Resolution of porches. Portals with semi-rigid links. Structures forming closed enclosures.
(30 hours, corresponding to 11 on-site class hours and 19 non-on-site class hours).
Typology: characteristics and historical evolution. Anti-funicular line and curve. Bi-articulated circular and parabolic arches. Cable-stayed arches. Bi-recessed arches. Internal joints. Symmetry and antisymmetry. Resolution of arcs. Closed guideline parts.
(30 hours, corresponding to 11 on-site class hours and 19 non-on-site class hours).
Typology: characteristics and historical evolution. Characteristics. Structural operation. Design principles.
Likewise, the contents are developed following the following practical agenda:
Calculation of movements applying the formulas of Bresse. Calculation of movements applying Mohr's formulas. Obtaining reactions in hyperstatic beams.
Calculation of reactions, stress and deformation laws in multi-span beams. Resolution of beams with differential seats. Resolution of continuous beams with supports and elastic springs. Calculation of beams from known movements at a point.
Calculation of the degree of translation in a porch. Resolution of a non-translational planar gantry. Resolution of a flat translational gantry. Resolution of a flat portico with closed enclosure. Resolution of a gantry with elastic links.
Resolution of a translational plane arc. Solving an arc with elastic links.
Interpretation of structural operation in frames, sheets and plates. Study of deformation in frames, sheets and plates.BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY
Mecánica de estruturas. Libro 1. Resistencia de Materiais. Cervera Ruiz, Blanco Díaz. Ediciones UPC Barcelona 2002
Mecánica de estruturas. Libro 2. Métodos de análise. Cervera Ruiz, Blanco Díaz. E. Ediciones UPC Barcelona 2002
Análise lineal de estruturas de barras. S. Hernández Ibáñez. E.T.S.I. Camiños, Canais e Portos. Universidade de A Coruña. 1996
Resistencia de materiais. Tomo 1. Timoshenko, Stephen P. Espasa Calpe S.A. 1980.
Teoría de las estruturas. Timoshenko, Stephen P. y Young, D.H. Urmo. 1983.
Razón e ser dos tipos estruturais. 7ª Ed. Torroja, E. Instituto Eduardo Torroja para a Construción e o Cemento. 1991.
Examples in Structural Analysis. William M.C. McKenzie. CRC Press (2013)
Guía de aplicación da Instrución de Formigón Estrutural. Edificación. Comisión Permanente do Formigón. 2002.
Formigón armado. P.Jiménez Montoya, A.García Meseguer, F.Morán Cabré. Ed. Gustavo Gili. 2009.
Proxecto e cálculo de estruturas de formigón (Tomos I y II). J. Calavera. Intemac. 2008.
Prontuario informático do formigón estrutural 3.1. H.Corres, J.L. Martínez, A.Pérez, J.C.López Agüi. IECA. 2013.
Prontuario informático do formigón adaptado ó Código estrutural. IECA e Universidade Politécnica de Cataluña (2021).
Colección de Recomendacións e Manuais Técnicos. ACHE. Colexio de Enxeñeiros de Camiños, Canais e Portos. 2005.
Obras de paso de nova construción. Ministerio de Fomento. 2000.
Concrete Structures: Stresses and Deformations: Analysis and Design for Sustainability. Amin Ghali, Renaud Favre and Mamdouh Elbadry.
CÓDIGO ESTRUTURAL. Ministerio de Transportes, Mobilidade e Axenda Urbana. 2021.
EHE-08: Instrución para o proxecto e a execución do formigón estrutural. Ministerio de Fomento. 2008.
IAP'11: Instrución sobre las acciones a considerar no proxecto de pontes de estrada. Ministerio de Fomento. 2011.
IAPF'07: Instrución sobre las acciones a considerar no proxecto de pontes de ferrocarril. Ministerio de Fomento. 2007.
Class notes provided through the subject's virtual platform.BASIC COMPETENCES.
The subject allows the acquisition of the basic skills set in the ministerial order:
CB1 - That the students have demonstrated that they possess and understand knowledge in an area of study that starts from the basis of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of your field of study.
CB2 - That the students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the preparation and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.
CB3 - That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CB4 - That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both a specialized and non-specialized audience.
CB5 - That the students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
CG1. Scientific-technical training for the exercise of the profession of Technical Engineer of Public Works and knowledge of the functions of advice, analysis, design, calculation, project, construction, maintenance, conservation and exploitation..
CG10. Knowledge of the history of civil engineering and training to analyze and evaluate public works in particular and construction in general.
CECC4. Ability to analyze and understand how the characteristics of structures influence their behavior. Ability to apply knowledge about the resistant operation of structures to dimension them following existing regulations and using analytical and numerical calculation methods.
CECC6. Knowledge of the fundamentals of the behavior of reinforced concrete structures and metal structures and the ability to conceive, design, build and maintain these types of structures.
Observations on the specific skills: the skills CECC4 and CECC6 are also acquired in the subject Structures I.
CEOP1: Ability to apply knowledge about the resistant operation of structures to dimension them following existing Regulations and using analytical and numerical calculation methods.
CEOP2: Knowledge of the fundamentals of the behavior of reinforced concrete structures and metal structures and the ability to conceive, design, build and maintain these types of structures.
The subject allows the acquisition of the transversal skills indicated in the degree report.
CT1 Ability to analyze and synthesize.
CT2 Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
CT3 Ability to work individually, with a self-critical attitude.
CT4 Ability to work in a group and cover problematic situations collectively.
CT5 Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and up-to-date information.
CT6 Ability to prepare and present an organized and comprehensible text.
CT7 Ability to make a public presentation in a clear, concise and coherent manner.
CT8 Commitment to the veracity of the information you provide to others.
CT9 Skill in handling ICTs.
CT10 Use of bibliographic and Internet information.
CT11 Use of information in a foreign language.
CT12 Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of your knowledge.FACE-TO-FACE TEACHING IS DEVELOPED THROUGH:
Expository classes: the teacher develops in the classroom the content of the subject established in this Teaching Programme, supported by the notes provided on the virtual platform.
Seminars in small groups: they consist of practical sessions in small groups of 20 students, aimed at solving examples and exercises. The seminars complement the knowledge acquired in lectures and through the student's personal work.
Laboratory practices: they consist of practical sessions in small groups of 20 students, where the students will carry out, with the support of the teacher, a practical case that will serve as the basis for the course work to be presented by the students at the end of the course.
Tutoring: individual and in groups of a maximum of 10 students, where they will share and resolve doubts and all those aspects related to the subject.
Completion of a course work: the students will carry out, in groups of a maximum of five students, a course work consisting of the realization of a structure calculation report on the basic road layout project. The teacher will detail the content and scope of the work at the beginning of the course, so that the students can develop it based on what they have seen in the laboratory practices and tutorials.
Expository classes // Basic: CB1 to CB5, General: CG1 and CG10, Specific: CECC4 and CECC6 and Transversal: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT6, CT7, CT8 and CT12
Interactive seminars // Basic: CB1 to CB5, General: CG1 and CG10, Specific: CECC4 and CECC6 and Transversal: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT6, CT7, CT8 and CT12
Laboratory practices // Basic: CB1 to CB5, General: CG1 and CG10, Specific: CECC4 and CECC6 and Transversal: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT6, CT7, CT8 and CT12
Tutorials // Basic: CB1 to CB5, General: CG1 and CG10, Specific: CECC4 and CECC6 and Transversal: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT6, CT7, CT8 and CT12
Coursework // Basic: CB1 to CB5, General: CG1 and CG10, Specific: CECC4 and CECC6 and Transversal: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11 and CT12
The assessment of assistance will be carried out through the following activities:
Assistance to the subject.
Carrying out continuous assessment tests throughout the course, during lectures, small group seminars and laboratory practices. They include activities, problems and solving practical exercises, applying the theoretical and practical contents of the subject.
Completion of the course work consisting of a structure calculation report on the road layout project.
Final exam, consisting of an objective test on all the contents of the subject.
Attendance to the subject and student participation in face-to-face classes:
Basics: CB1 to CB5
General: CG1 and CG10
Specific: CECC4 and CECC6
Transversal: CT1, CT2, CT7, and CT8
Carrying out continuous assessment tests throughout the course, during lectures, small group seminars and laboratory practices. They include activities, problems and solving practical exercises, applying the theoretical and practical contents of the subject.
Basics: CB1 to CB5
General: CG1 and CG10
Specific: CECC4 and CECC6
Transverse: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT6, CT7, CT8 and CT12
Completion of the course work.
Basics: CB1 to CB5
General: CG1 and CG10
Specific: CECC4 and CECC6
Transverse: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11 and CT12
Final exam, consisting of an objective test on all the contents of the subject.
Basics: CB1 to CB5
General: CG1 and CG10
Specific: CECC4 and CECC6
Compulsory attendance during the course at lectures, seminars and laboratories, with a maximum of three absences (to be retained in subsequent courses in the case of repeaters).
Competencies assessed: Basic: CB1 to CB5, General: CG1 and CG10, Specific: CECC4 and CECC6 and Transversal: CT1, CT2, CT7, and CT8
Performance of continuous assessment tests (CE) consisting of the resolution of five practical exercises formulated in the classroom. Students must correctly solve the proposed activities by applying the theoretical and practical content of the subject. Up to 10 points.
Competencies assessed: Basic: CB1 to CB5, General: CG1 and CG10, Specific: CECC4 and CECC6 and Transversal: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT6, CT7, CT8 and CT12
Completion of coursework (TC). Up to 10 points.
Competencies assessed: Basic: CB1 to CB5, General: CG1 and CG10, Specific: CECC4 and CECC6 and Transversal: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11 and CT12
Final exam (EF) consisting of an objective test on all the contents of the subject (according to the official EPS calendar). Up to 10 points.
Assessed competences: Basic: CB1 to CB5, General: CG1 and CG10, Specific: CECC4 and CECC6 and Transversal: CT1, CT2, CT3, CT6 and CT12.
The requirements to pass the subject in continuous assessment are:
- Comply with all attendance at lectures, seminars and laboratories.
- Delivery of the course work correctly completed.
- Qualification in the Final Exam greater than or equal to 3.50 points.
- Average qualification (0.15·EC+0.15.TC+0.70.EF) not less than 5 points.
The final grade in the continuous assessment will be obtained as the average (0.15·EC+0.15·TC+0.70·EF).
At least 50% of attendance at lectures, seminars and laboratories (will not be retained in subsequent courses in the case of repeaters).
Recovery work if you do not have 100% of the assistance.
Final exam consisting of an objective test on all the contents of the subject (according to the official EPS calendar). Up to 10 points.
The requirements to pass the subject in the July call are:
- At least 50% attendance at lectures, seminars and laboratories.
- Delivery of correctly solved recovery Jobs.
- Delivery of the coursework correctly completed.
- Qualification in the Final Exam no less than 5 points.
The final grade in the July call will be obtained as the average (0.15·EC+0.15·TC+0.70·EF).
Students without all of the previous attendance during the course will follow the same evaluation system as if they were non-repeaters.
In the case of repeaters with all attendance completed and coursework correctly completed in a previous call, they may follow the same continuous assessment system as non-repeat students (without attendance being mandatory), or appear directly for the ordinary final exam and/or of July; in that case they must obtain at least 5 points to pass the subject.
The final grade in the continuous or July call will be obtained as the average (0.15·EC+0.15·TC+0.70·EF).
Students who have been granted a dispensation to attend any of the teaching activities scheduled in accordance with the provisions of Instruction 1/2017 of the General Secretariat, must take into account that in order to pass this subject, attendance at the practical activities, both laboratory and field, is mandatory. indicated in the class schedule and programmed in the Teacher's Guide.
For the cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performance and review of qualifications will apply.WORK IN CLASSROOM HOURS
Theoretical classes...................................24
Interactive Seminars...................12
Practical work in groups...............6
Practical cases...................................6
Group tutoring...................................3
Evaluation activities...................4
Reading and preparation of topics..........36
Performing exercises...................12
Elaboration of works...................24
Preparation of assessment tests.....23
TOTAL..........................................95- Attendance and active participation in expository and interactive sessions.
- Daily study of the subject.
- Assistance to tutorials for monitoring and resolution of doubts about the subject.
- Carry out the course work with order, technical rigor and effort.
- Consult the specialized bibliography.
Iago Isasi Freire
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Construction Engineering
- iagoisasi.freire@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOSU (Organic Law Of University System) Associate University Professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 19:00-21:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4) Thursday 19:00-21:00 Grupo /CLIS_01 Spanish Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4) Exams 05.22.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4) 06.25.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 13 (Lecture room 4)