USC policies for the development of Technology-Based Companies and programmes to support and stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives.
Knowledge-Based Enterprises (KBE)
A USC Knowledge-Based Enterprise (KBE) must:
Have its origin in the research activity of the USC.
Have the participation of professors, technical or ad…
Support for entrepreneurship in the university community
The Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area supports any member of the university community who has a business idea and wants to transform it into a comp…
Initiatives to support entrepreneurship
ARGOS: creating entrepreneurial teams
Through the programme, we support participants in the process of defining a business idea and assess their ability to turn it into a convincing business projec…
ICARUS - Dare to apply your knowledge
ICARUS is aimed at the entire university community of the campuses of Santiago de Compostela and Lugo and includes all areas of knowledge taught at the Univers…
Campus Emprende Verán 2023
A Área de Valorización, Transferencia e Emprendemento (AVTE) da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela lanza un Campus de Emprendemento para que o estudantado …
Santander Explorer
The Explorer programme is aimed at young men and women between the ages of 18 and 31 who have an innovative business idea and want to develop it. The best proj…
Innovative Business Projects Competition
The Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area of the USC, in collaboration with Uninova, announces the 16th Competition for Innovative Business Projects, w…
Concurso de Proxectos Empresariais Innovadores
A Área de Valorización Transferencia e Emprendemento da USC, en colaboración con UNINOVA, convoca o XVI Concurso de Proxectos Empresariais Innovadores que ten…