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Center's calendar

Teaching periods

1º Semestre Start date Finish date
Teaching 09/09/2024 20/12/2024
Exams 16/12/2024 31/01/2025
Anual grado y máster Start date Finish date
Teaching 09/09/2024 13/05/2025
Exams 13/05/2025 17/06/2025
2º Semestre Start date Finish date
Teaching 28/01/2025 16/05/2025
Exams 13/05/2025 17/06/2025
Segunda oportunidade/convocatoria Start date Finish date
Exams 13/05/2025 16/07/2025

Non-teaching periods

Start date Finish date
Nadal 21/12/2024 07/01/2025
Entroido 03/03/2025 04/03/2025
Semana Santa 14/04/2025 18/04/2025
Vacacións de verán 01/08/2025 31/08/2025


San Froilán - Campus de Lugo 05/10/2024
Día da Hispanidade 12/10/2024
Todos os santos 01/11/2024
Día da Constitución Española 06/12/2024
A Inmaculada 08/12/2024
San Tomé de Aquino 27/01/2025
Día do Traballo 01/05/2025
Día das Letras Galegas 17/05/2025
Día Nacional de Galicia- Santiago Apóstolo 25/07/2025
The contents of this page were updated on 09.22.2020.