Quality and Teaching Committee
- Chairperson. M.ª Elena López Lago. Dean, Coordinator of the Degree in Physics, Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Physics
- Secretary. Manuel Vázquez Ramallo. Secretary of the Faculty
- Board Members:
- Beatriz Fernández Domínguez. Quality manager, vice dean
- Víctor Manuel Brea Sánchez. Representative of external areas
- Andrea Iglesias Ramas. Student
- Vicente Moreno de las Cuevas. Representative of the Optics area, Applied Physics Department
- Isabel Pazos Ríos. Administrative and Services Staff Support Administrative Unit Manager for Centres and Departments
- Jose Antonio Rodriguez Añon. Member
- Juan Antonio Rodriguez Gónzalez. Member
- Gerardo Prieto Estévez. Member
- Vicente Moreno de las Cuevas. Member
- Pablo Taboada Antelo. Member
- Cibrán Santamarina Ríos. Member
- José Manuel Sánchez de Santos. Member
- Andrea Iglesias Rama. Students Representative
- José Manuel Álvarez Pérez. Students Representative
Academic Committee of the Degree in Physics.
- Chairperson. María Elena López Lago. Dean Coordinator of the Degree in Physics
- Secretary. Manuel Vázquez Ramallo. Secretary of the Faculty
- Board Members:
- Beatriz Fernández Domínguez. Quality Manager Vice-Dean
- Isabel Pazos Ríos. Support Administrative Unit Manager for Centres and Departments
- Juan Antonio Rodríguez González. 1st year Coordinator
- Silvia Barbosa Fernández. 2nd year Coordinator.
- Francisco Javier Castro Paredes. 3rd year Coordinator
- Héctor Alvarez Pol. 4th year coordinator
- Alfredo Amigo Pombo. Coordinator of the Teaching Laboratories
- José Iván Cambón Bouzas. Student
Academic Committee of the EDP in Physics
- Chairperson. María Elena López Lago. Dean Coordinator of the Degree in Physics
- Secretary. Manuel Vázquez Ramallo. Secretary of the Faculty
- Board Members:
- Beatriz Fernández Domínguez. Quality Manager Vice-Dean
- Isabel Pazos Ríos. Support Administrative Unit Manager for Centres and Departments
- Juan Antonio Rodríguez González. 1st year Coordinator
- Silvia Barbosa Fernández. 2nd year Coordinator
- Francisco Javier Castro Paredes. 3rd year Coordinator
- Héctor Alvarez Pol. 4th year Coordinator
- Alfredo Amigo Pombo. Coordinator of the Teaching Laboratories
Academic Committee of the Master’s degree in Physics
- Chairperson. María Elena López Lago. Dean, Master's Degree Coordinator in Physics
- Secretary. Manuel Vázquez Ramallo. Secretary of the Faculty
- Board Members:
- Beatriz Fernández Domínguez. Quality manager, vice dean
- Alejandro Doval Casas. Student
- Isabel Pazos Ríos. Administrative and Services Staff Support Administrative Unit Manager for Centres and Departments
- Jesús Liñares Beiras. Representative of the Optic Area, Applied Physics Department
- Alfredo Amigo Pombo. Representative of the Applied Physics Area, Applied Physics Department
- Francisco Javier Castro Paredes. Representative of the Electromagnetism Area, Applied Physics Department
- Alfonso Vázquez Ramallo. Representative of the Theoretical Physics Area, Particle Physics Department
- José Benlliure Anaya. Representative of the Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics Area, Particle Physics Department
- Alberto Pérez Muñuzuri. Representative of the Condensed Matter Physics Area, Particle Physics Department
Comisión Académica do Máster en Enerxías Renovables, Cambio Climático e Desenvolvemento Sustentable
- Presidenta: María Elena López Lago. Decana da Facultade
- Secretario: José Antonio Rodríguez Añón
- Vogais:
- Antonio Jesús García Loureiro. Coordinador Mestrado
- Beatriz Fernández Domínguez. Responsable de Calidade
- Luis Carral López. PAS. Responsable da Unidade administrativa
- Pastora María Bello Bugallo. Membro da comisión
- Xoán Ramón Doldán García. Membro da comisión
- Josefa Fernández Pérez. Membro da comisión
- Gonzalo Míguez Macho. Membro da comisión
- Jorge Proupín Castiñeiras. Membro da comisión
- María Eugenia Hirsch Veloso. Representante do alumnado.
Comisión Académica do Máster en Ciencia e Tecnoloxías de Información Cuántica
- Presidente: Javier Mas Solé, Coordinador Mestrado. USC
- Secretario: José Manuel Sánchez de Santos. USC
- Vogais:
- Jesús Liñares Beiras. PDI. USC
- Moshelem Molho López. Alumno. USC
- Vicente Moret Bonillo. PDI. UDC
- Diego Andrade Canosa. PDI. UDC
- Eduardo Mosqueira Rey. PDI. UDC
- Alejandro Mayorga Redondo, Alumno. UDC
- Manuel Fernández Veiga. PDI. UVigo
- Ángel Paredes Galán. PDI. UVigo
- Marcos Curty Alonso. PDI. UVigo
- Polina Acheva. Alumna. UVigo
The contents of this page were updated on 04.16.2024.