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facultade de física
Faculty of Physics

Observation, understanding, modelling and experimentation are four words that describe the main activity of a physicist, who can focus on both solving fundamental problems and technological challenges, continuously contributing to improving the quality of people's lives. Advances in nuclear and particle physics, electromagnetism, optics, materials, etc. are very present in our daily lives, and this affects the high rate of employability of graduates. The centre, which is unique in Galicia, offers excellent training through the following degree and master’s degree study programmes: Degree in Physics, Double Degree in Mathematics and Physics, Double Degree in Physics and Chemistry, Master’s Degree in Physics and Master’s Degree in Renewable Energies, Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

Apoio Titorial Extraordinario

Prazo: 7-21 de febreiro
Convocatoria Matrícula: Páx 36

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Convocatoria do Programa de Titores 23-24

Prazo do 13 ao 24 de Febreiro

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The contents of this page were updated on 06.20.2022.