ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 16
Interactive Classroom: 16
Total: 34Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Microbiology and Parasitology, Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and BromatologyAreas:
Microbiology, Food TechnologyCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
To train professionals who know the composition, processing, analysis and traceability of food, in order to be able to select and apply the most appropriate methodologies to control its quality.
To train professionals capable of knowing and evaluating the problems related to food safety and who can act in tasks of prevention, detection, and decision making related to food quality and safety.The degree's memory contemplates the following contents for this subject:
Food components. Organoleptic properties. Physicochemical analysis of food. Sensory analysis. Microbiological examination of food: basic and advanced techniques. Food spoilage by microorganisms. Food safety: infections and intoxications.
These contents will be developed according to the following agenda:
Expository Teaching. 8 hours
- Topic 1. Introduction to the subject. The role of the Agricultural Engineer in food technology. Definition of food. Criteria for food classification. Food composition. Water in food and the importance of water activity. Food spoilage mechanisms. Shelf life and factors limiting the shelf life of a food (2 h).
- Topic 2. Quality and organoleptic characteristics of food. Quality criteria. Methods to evaluate food quality. Traditional methods of analysis. Molecular methods. Food traceability. Objectives and types. Identification systems. Food traceability, its relationship with the technological processing of a food and its quality (2 h).
- Topic 3. General fundamentals of food technology and its relationship with other sciences. Food ranges. Current situation and future perspective of the agri-food industry. Fundamental technological processes in an agro-food industry: Mechanical processes (separation, mixing, division and agglomeration) and thermal processes (heat transfer and matter transfer) (2 h).
- Topic 4. Food additives, types, regulations and legislation. Technological innovation in the food industry. High frequencies. High hydrostatic pressures. Quick-dry-slice systems. Edible films or coatings and active packaging. Current trends in the technology of different food products (2 h).
Interactive Teaching. 8 hours.
During the seminars, scientific articles related to food analysis, quality and technology will be presented and discussed in English. A glossary of the most commonly used terms in the area of Food Technology, using the English language, will also be prepared.
Likewise, topics on real food alerts will be discussed, focusing on the food product responsible for the alert, the technology used in such product, and the physical, chemical or biological element involved in such alert.
Visit to the Aula de Productos Lácteos y Tecnologías Alimentarias (APLTA), in order for students to learn in situ about the activities carried out in a company. It is possible to visit another company, if there is the opportunity to receive the group.
- Unit 1. Food security: origin and evolution. Areas of control and organisms involved. Rapid alert systems.
- Unit 2. Chemical security. Chemical dangers more important in the foods: plaguicides, antibiotics, metals, dioxins, additives, toxins... Allergens. Genetically-modified foods.
- Unit 3. Biological security.Factors affecting the microbial growth. Predictive food microbiology. Microorganisms causing food spoilage. Methods of control.
- Unit 4. Microbiological analysis of food. Traditional methods. Advanced methods. Criteria of food security and of hygiene of process.
- Unit 5. Foodborne illness. Bacterial food poisoning. Bacterial foods infections. Other food-borne infectious agents.
- Unit 6. The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. Definitions. Prerequisites. Hazard analysis. Identification of CCP. Table of control.
Laboratory and computer practices:
- Isolation and identification of foodborne pathogens.
- Microbiological analysis of food: criteria of food safety and process hygiene. Control of food handlers.
- Preparation and analysis of microbiological control reports on food safety.
- Management of web pages of interest in food safety in relation to regulations, alerts and notifications. Predictive microbiology: estimation of the risk of multiplication of pathogens in food.
- Practical application of the HACCP system.FOOD TECHNOLOGY:
Basic references:
- Garrido, M. (2020). Procesos Tecnológicos en la Industria Alimentaria. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid.
- Han, J.H. (2005) Innovations in Food Packaging. Elsevier. Academic Press. , London
- Raventós Santamaría, M. (2005) Industria Alimentaria. Tecnologías emergentes. UPC-Barcelona.
- Russel, N.J. y Gould, G.W. (2003) Food Preservatives. Springer. Alemania
- Sun, D.W. (2005) Emerging Technologies for Food Processing. Academic Press, London.
Complementary references:
- Brennan, J.G. (2007) Manual del procesado de los alimentos. Ed. Acribia.
- Delgado, J. y col. (2019). Tecnología Alimentaria. Ed. Síntesis, Madrid.
- Fellows, P. (2007) Tecnología del procesado de los alimentos: principios y prácticas. Ed. Acribia.
- Gil, G. (2017). Innovación Alimentaria. Ed. Síntesis, Madrid.
- Jeantet, R., Croguennec, T., Schuck, P. y Brulé, G. (2010) Ciencia de los alimentos: Bioquímica-Microbiología-Procesos-Productos. Volumen1: Estabilización biológica y fisicoquímica. Volumen 2: Tecnología de los productos alimentarios. Ed. Acribia.
- Morata, A. (2008) Nuevas tecnologías de conservación de alimentos Ed. AMV.
Basic references
- Jay J.M. Microbiología moderna de los alimentos” 5ª ed. Ed. Acribia (2009).
- Moll, M., Moll, N. Compendio de riesgos alimentarios. Ed. Acribia (2006).
Complementary references
- Carrascosa, A. Los microbios que comemos. Ed. Catarata. (2011).
-Mortimore, S., Wallace C. HACCP Enfoque práctico. 3ª Ed. Acribia (2018).
-SGS ESPAÑOLA DE CONTROL, S.A. en colaboración con la Federación Nacional de Industrias Lácteas (FeNIL). Guía de análisis de peligros y puntos de control crítico (APPCC) leches UHT y pasterizadas. https://www.aesan.gob.es/AECOSAN/docs/documentos/seguridad_alimentaria/…
Suggested websites
Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (AESAN) https://www.aesan.gob.es/AECOSAN/web/home/aecosan_inicio.htm
Elika. Fundación Vasca para la Seguridad Agroalimentaria https://www.elika.eus/es/
European Food Safety Authority https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/topics/topic/monitoring-foodborne-diseasesTYPE: Competencies
Comp06. - Ability to direct or supervise multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, to integrate knowledge into complex decision processes, with limited information, assuming the social, ethical, and environmental responsibility of their professional activity in harmony with the socio-economic and natural environment in which they operate.
Comp07. - Ability to develop the necessary skills to continue learning autonomously or directed, incorporating new concepts, processes, or methods derived from research, development, and innovation into their professional activity. TYPE: Competencies
Comp23. - Adequate knowledge and ability to develop and apply proprietary technology in quality and food safety management, food analysis, and traceability.
TYPE: Knowledge or content
Con02. - A deep knowledge and understanding of the engineering disciplines specific to your specialty, at the level necessary to acquire the rest of the skills of the degree.
TYPE: Skills or abilities
H/D04. - Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in emerging areas of their specialty.
H/D08. - Ability to carry out bibliographic searches, consult and use databases and other sources of information with criteria, to carry out simulations with the aim of carrying out research on complex topics in their specialty.
H/D11. - Ability to research the application of the most advanced technologies in their specialty.
H/D15. - Ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects that require new approaches, assuming responsibility for the decisions made.The teaching of this subject is shared 50% by the Food Technology Area (Part 1) and the Microbiology Area (Part 2).
PART 1 (Food Technology):
- Expository teaching: Theoretical classes in which the topics of the program will be developed and current issues related to food technology will be raised (8 hours; 2 hours/topic). Results: Comp06, Comp07, Comp23, Con02, H/D08, H/D11, H/D15.
- Interactive teaching: Seminars (4 hours) and visit to the Dairy Products and Food Technologies Classroom and/or another company of the agri-food industry (4 hours). Results: Comp06, Comp07, Comp23, H/D04, H/D08, H/D11, H/D15.
- Tutorials: resolution of doubts (1 hour).
The Virtual Campus of the USC will be used as a support for teaching, where announcements, material, bibliography, cited regulations, and guides for the completion of the tasks can be located. All activities will be carried out within the established schedules.
- Expositive section: the lectures will develop the different parts of the course. Current hot topics in the food security area will also be considered (8 hours; 1-1.5 hour/theme). Results: Con02, Comp06, Comp23, H/D11.
- Interactive section: laboratory and computer practices (8 hours). Results: Comp06, Comp07, Comp23.
- Tutorial: resolution of doubts (1 hour).
The distribution of theoretical classes, interactive teaching and tutorial of both parts of the course is detailed on the official schedule approved by the Xunta de Centro.
For tutorial activities, and also for guaranteeing direct Communication either among students but also between students and the professor, these will be carried out either through the Virtual Campus, MS Teams or e-mail.The grade obtained by the student will be the average of the two parts of the course (Food Technology and Food Safety) after passing both parts.
EVALUATION PART 1 (Food Technology)
Theory (70% of the grade): Continuous evaluation will be carried out through attendance/assignments/questionnaires (20% of the grade) and an exam (50% of the grade) consisting of a written test with multiple choice questions on the aspects developed in the theoretical program (Comp06, Comp07, Comp23, Con02, H/D08, H/D11, H/D15).
Seminars (20% of the grade) and company visit (10% of the grade): Attendance, participation, elaboration and exposition of a final work that will be debated in a forum with a grade (Comp06, Comp07, Comp23, H/D04, H/D08, H/D11, H/D15).
To pass the Food Technology part, a minimum of 3.5 points must be obtained in the theoretical part and 1.5 points in the part of seminars and company visit(s).
Attendance to seminars and company(ies) is mandatory to pass this part.
These criteria will be maintained for the extraordinary exam. Partial grades will not be kept for repeating students.
Students who meet the legal requirements established by the USC, may request a waiver of class attendance. In the case that the student obtains dispensation from class attendance, he/she will have access to 70% of the theory grade through final exam, while attendance to seminars and company(ies) will be compulsory, including the work to be done.
Theoretical exam (70%): Continuous evaluation will be carried out using tasks/questionnaires (20% of the mark) and an exam (50% of the mark) consisting of a written test with short and specific questions on the aspects developed in the theoretical program. (Con02, Comp06, Comp23, H/D11).
Laboratory practices (20% of the grade) and computer (10% of the grade): Attendance, participation, and practical activities. (Comp06, Comp07, Comp23).
To pass the Food Safety part, a minimum of 3.5 points must be obtained in the theoretical part and 1.5 points in the practical part. Attendance at practices is mandatory to pass this part.
These criteria will be maintained for the extraordinary call in July. This criterion will also apply to repeating students.
Students exempt from class attendance will access 50% of the theory grade through a final exam, while attendance at practices will be mandatory.
For the cases of fraudulent realization of exercises or proofs will be of application the established in the “Regulations of evaluation of the academic performance of the students and of review of the qualifications”.PART 1. Food Technology
Presential work (18 h): Expository teaching: 8 h + Interactive teaching: 8 h + Tutorials: 1 h + Assessment activities: 1 h
Study time and personal work of the student: 32 h that are divided into:
Lectures: 4 topics x 4 hours of individual work per topic = 16 hours (Reading and preparing topics + Carrying out exercises + Preparing assessment tests)
Interactive: Preparation of course work + Virtual Classroom work = 16 hours
PART 2. Food safety
Presential work (18 h): Expository teaching: 8 h + Interactive teaching: 8 h + Tutorials: 1 h + Assessment activities: 1 h
Personal work of the student: 32 h
Total of the subject = 100 h- Showing attention and interest during attendance to face-to-face classes.
- Making outlines and summaries: understanding and memorizing them.
- Use the tutorials to solve doubts about the subject.
- To consult the recommended bibliography.The course is taught in the two official languages of the autonomous community. Knowledge of English is required.
For the realization of tutorials, as well as to maintain direct communication both among the students themselves and between them and the teacher, can be done through the forum of the Virtual Campus, through Ms. Teams or via email.
For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of article 16 of the Regulations for Assessment of Academic Performance and Review of qualifications on or plaxion of tests will apply.
Azucena Del Carmen Mora Gutierrez
- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- azucena.mora@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Alicia Del Carmen Mondragon Portocarrero
Coordinador/a- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- alicia.mondragon@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Vanesa Garcia Menendez
- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- vanesag.menendez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Intern Assistant LOSU
2º Semester - March 31st-April 06th Tuesday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Seminar I (Pav.III) Thursday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Seminar I (Pav.III)