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Doctoral Programme in Materials Science

Branch of knowledge
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

The Doctoral Programme in Materials Science was created with the purpose of providing the industrial and R&D&I sectors with highly qualified professionals in this emerging and interdisciplinary area. They will be capable of solving the problems that come up in the new and increasingly more economically important areas of electronic materials, functional materials, biomaterials and nanomaterials.

  • Duration: 3 academic years
    RUCT code: 5600484
    Seats number: 20

    Title coordinator:
    Pablo Taboada Antelo

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    ISCED codes:
    (440) Ciencias Físicas, quimicas, geológicas
    (540) Industria manufacturera y producción
    (0533) Física

    El Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia de Materiales surge con el objetivo de proporcionar al sector industrial y de I+D+I de profesionales altamente cualificados en esta área emergente e interdisciplinar capaces de resolver los problemas que se planteen no sólo en el clásico campo de los materiales estructurales (nicho tradicional) sino también en los nuevos y cada vez ecónomicamente más importantes campos de los materiales electrónicos, materiales funcionales, biomateriales y nanomateriales. A esta demanda no se puede responder con las enseñanzas tradicionales; para esta transformación hace falta el sólido bagaje científico interdisciplinar y la alta especialización que se pretende dar al Doctor en Ciencia de Materiales. Así, se pretende cubrir la necesidad de contar con investigadores especialistas en Ciencia de Materiales que puedan ejercer su labor investigadora en el campo del diseño, caracterización y aplicación de nuevos materiales, o bien, en la búsqueda de nuevas aplicaciones de materiales ya existentes, y permitan el trasvase y puesta en servicio de los conocimientos generados a la sociedad.

    The program aims to cover the need for scientists specialising in Materials Science who can develop their research tasks in the field of design, characterization and application of new materials, or, in the searching for new applications of existing materials, and who can implement and transfer the knowledge generated to society.

  • a) To access the Doctoral Programme in Materials Science, without supplementary training, students must demonstrate previous minimum training in some or all of the following contents:

    • Theoretical-experimental knowledge of the procurement, characterization and determination of the properties of the different types of materials
    • The various techniques for obtaining, preparing, processing, characterising and analysing (theoretically and/or experimentally) the properties of the various types of materials
    • The application of materials in present-day technologies
    • Basic knowledge of the methodologies and tools needed to develop R&D&I tasks in the field of Materials Science.

    b) Access is also open to students who have completed any of the following master's: Science and Technology of Materials, Science and Technology of Colloids and Interfaces, Renewable Energies, Mathematical Engineering, Nuclear and Particles Physics and their Technological and Medical Applications, Photonics and Laser Technology, Advanced Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling, as well as to students from other Master's degrees related to the area of Materials Science.

    c) Access is also open to students who can accredit research competence in a Doctoral Programme in Materials Science, Physics or Chemistry (and their specialties), and students holders of the Diploma of Advanced Studies through the former doctorate programmes in Materials Science, Science and Technology of Materials, Applied Physics, Nuclear Physics and Non-linear Dynamics, Science and Technology of Colloids and Interfaces, Chemical Science and Technology, Mathematical Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Renewable Energy and Energy Sustainability, Photonics and Laser Technologies, and Nuclear and Particles Physics.

    d) Students who have completed other master's degrees at the USC but whose content is not related to the Doctoral Programme (such as a Master's Degree in Biotechnology, a Master's Degree in Biomedical Research, Master's Degree in Research and Development of New Medicines, among others), will have access to the Doctoral Programme in Materials Science subject to the condition of taking supplementary training subjects, which will be specified for each student by the DPAC.

    e) In the case of profiles different to the above, the Academic Committee evaluates each case individually. The possibility of requiring supplementary training is also considered.In the case of candidates with other profiles who have not taken any Master's courses: They will need an equivalence of training in research credits, equal to at least the master's degree that provides direct access, which is 12 ECTS credits.

  • Points for each merit are evaluated by the committee in the following way:

    1. Academic transcript (maximum 50%)
    2. Previous research and/or professional experience in the field of the Materials Science (participation in research groups, publications, congresses, patents, etc.) (maximum 35%)
    3. Interview with the Academic Committee (if appropriated in order to clarify and weight merits and skills) (maximum 15%)

    In addition, the Academic Committee could arrange an interview with the candidates to clarify and analyser any of the merits presented.

    In the event that a personal interview is not carried out, the weight of the transcript and prior research experience ,will be increased by 55 and 45%, respectively.

    Additionally, an intermediate knowledge of English is required and must be accredited before the DPAC by means of any official certification (intermediate level: B1, TOEFL, Cambridge, Official School of Languages, etc.). If the student lacks this official certification, the DPAC will perform the tests it considers necessary: spoken and/or written test and/or personal interview to evaluate the student's knowledge of English.

  • Specific training courses and seminars for the area of science and engineering

    • E1041A09

    Presentation of the research developed

    • E1041A10

    Scientific contributions

    • E1041A11

    Carrying out research stays

    • E1041A12

    Patents, designs and/or software developments

    • E1041A13

    Collaboration in teaching activities

    • E1041A14

    Workshops/Scientific exchange meetings between doctoral students of the programme (PhD Meet)

    • E1041A15

    Presentation of the research developed

    • E1041A17

    Transversal training courses and seminars

    • E1041A16
  • El Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia de Materiales surge con el objetivo de proporcionar al sector industrial y de I+D+I de profesionales altamente cualificados en esta área emergente e interdisciplinar capaces de resolver los problemas que se planteen no sólo en el clásico campo de los materiales estructurales (nicho tradicional) sino también en los nuevos y cada vez ecónomicamente más importantes campos de los materiales electrónicos, materiales funcionales, biomateriales y nanomateriales. A esta demanda no se puede responder con las enseñanzas tradicionales; para esta transformación hace falta el sólido bagaje científico interdisciplinar y la alta especialización que se pretende dar al Doctor en Ciencia de Materiales. Así, se pretende cubrir la necesidad de contar con investigadores especialistas en Ciencia de Materiales que puedan ejercer su labor investigadora en el campo del diseño, caracterización y aplicación de nuevos materiales, o bien, en la búsqueda de nuevas aplicaciones de materiales ya existentes, y permitan el trasvase y puesta en servicio de los conocimientos generados a la sociedad.

  • This doctoral programme offers training that allows graduates with a Master's degree in Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry, Nanotechnology/Nanoscience, or equivalent qualifications, to acquire the ability to work in the field of scientific and applied research, related to the development of new materials and techniques for their synthesis and characterisation and that have new properties that make them susceptible to being used in new applications, or that improve the qualities and characteristics of those currently used in existing applications and processes, all of this combined with respect with the environment and also promoting sustainable consumption of material and energy resources.

    The graduate of the Doctoral Programme in Materials Science will be a researcher with skills to lead high-level research teams, capable of proposing, carrying out and carrying out research and innovations that lead to the generation of new knowledge in the field of Materials Science and Nanotechnology and its multiple potential applications, and in its transversal sciences. It will also connect work, research and academic results with European, national and regional interests, advancing research projects that, from a scientific and technological base, satisfy the needs and priorities of companies and institutions, that is, of the fabric socioeconomic. The graduate can generate development and innovation from a perspective that improves the quality of life of society.

    Doctors work in public and private research centres (R&D+i centers), in universities and, in a very high percentage (more than 50%), in private companies ranging from the chemical, energy and energy sectors, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, food or environmental. Among others, the positions to be filled are, potentially:
    • Project managers
    • R&D&i technicians
    • R&D&i consultants
    • Senior Researchers
    • University professor
    • Managers and technicians in industry, engineering, administration, and services.

  • The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

  • Title Reading date Authorship Direction
    The influence of lipid composition on mechano-structural properties of cellular membranes: studies through Molecular Dynamics. Mención doctorado internacional, Mención doctorado industrial 20/12/2024 Alexandre Blanco González Rebeca Garcia Fandiño
    Angel Piñeiro Guillen
    ENGINEERING CORE-SHELL PLASMONIC NANOMOFs: SYNTHETIC METHODOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS Mención doctorado internacional 08/11/2024 Juan Manuel Ceballos Guzman Pablo Alfonso Del Pino Gonzalez De La Higuera
  • Coordinator
    Pablo Taboada Antelo

    Juan Manuel Ruso Veiras

    Alfredo Jose Amigo Pombo
    Francisco Javier Castro Paredes
    Francisco Guitian Rivera
    Massimo Lazzari
    Jesus Manuel Mosqueira Rey
    Alberto Pérez Muñuzuri
    Gerardo Prieto Estévez
    Luis Miguel Varela Cabo
    Silvia Barbosa Fernandez
    Daniel Baldomir Fernandez

The contents of this page were updated on 07.07.2023.