ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Total: 0Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Training complements PhD RD99/2011Center
Faculty of PhysicsCall:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
The fundamental purpose of this course is to see the physical behavior of materials under electric or magnetic fields. And the characterization of materials scientific or technological purposes.
I.Conductividad eléctrica. Modelo de Drude y de Bandas. Conductor. Semiconductor. Aislante.
II. Tipos de orden magnético y caracterización. Ferromagnetismo. Antiferromagnetismo. Dominios magnéticos.
III. Propiedades dieléctricas. Polarización eléctrica. Ferroelectricidad. Piezoelectricidad.
IV. Transiciones y excitaciones ópticas. Fotoemisión. Emisión raios-X. Lasers e quasers. Luminiscencia.
I. Electrical conductivity. Model of Drude and Bands. Conductor. Semiconductor. Insulator.
II. Types of magnetic order and characterization. Ferromagnetism. Piezoelectricity.
III. Dielectric properties. Electric polarization. Ferroelectricity.
IV.Optical transitions and excitations. Photoemission. X-ray emission. Lasers and quasers. Luminiscence.P.Robert, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Materials, Artech House, 1988.
C.Kittel, Introduction of Solid State Physics,John Wiley, 1971.In this course the student will acquire and practice a range of basic skills, desirable in any situation the behavior of materials under the effect of electric or magnetic fields. This will allow a classification of the materials on these fundamental properties of current technology.
The activities from which the teaching will unfold will be of several types: lectures, seminars and classes of problems. Student participation will be essential in classes and seminars problems. Also available tutoring hours will be individualized for the discussion of all questions arising on the content of the materials.
Class attendance is compulsory and continuous assessment will be conducted by the
delivery problem sets and / or performance of a monograph on a topic of recent literature relevant to the course.
Evaluation activity. Weight in the overall score
Delivery problems Up to 70%
Monograph Up to 30%
There will also be an examination on the date scheduled by the dean for students who fail the continuous assessment or want up noteTotal hours are 35 student.
The student should review the Solid State and Quantum Mechanics.
Tutorials will be online or in person, and will require an appointment