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Doctoral Programme in Linguistics

Branch of knowledge
Arts and Humanities
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

This program brings together the teams and researchers that form the reference core for linguistics studies in the Galician University System. It relies on researchers from a variety of areas of knowledge and languages in the same lines of research. This cooperation between different areas and disciplines makes it possible to offer a more inclusive training, with theoretical approaches and current methodologies, and also makes it possible to work with different languages. Moreover, it relies on the collaboration of several renown international experts.

  • Duration: 3 academic years
    RUCT code: 5600505
    Seats number: 12

    Title coordinator:
    Irene Doval Reixa

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    ISCED codes:
    (223) Lenguas y dialectos españoles
    (222) Lenguas extranjeras
    (0232) Literatura y lingüística

    Este programa reúne a los equipos y a los investigadores que forman el núcleo de referencia de los estudos lingüísticos en el Sistema Universitario Gallego, con investigadores de diferentes áreas de conocimiento y de diferentes lenguas en unas mismas líneas de investigación. Esta cooperación entre diferentes áreas y disciplinas permite ofrecer una formación más abierta, con enfoques teóricos y metodologías actuales, además de permitir trabajar con diversas lenguas. Cuenta, además, con la colaboración de un número importante de expertos internacionales de relieve. De esta manera, ofrece a los nuevos doctores una formación completa y coherente, dentro de una mayor cooperación internacional y en un ambiente apropiado para el trabajo multidisciplinar, conforme a las demandas de la sociedad actual.

    Las líneas de investigación ofertadas en el programa garantizan tanto la formación avanzada en teoría gramatical y en las líneas ya consolidadas de investigación lingüística, como una formación en las líneas más recientes, como lingüística de corpus, procesamiento del lenguaje natural, lingüística aplicada, lingüística variacionista, entre otras.

    Thus, it provides the new doctors a complete and consistent training, within greater international cooperation and in an appropriate environment for multidisciplinary work, in accordance with the demands of today's society. The lines of research offered by the program guarantee both advanced training in grammatical theory and in the already consolidated lines of linguistic research, as well as training in more recent lines, such as corpus linguistics, natural language processing, applied linguistics, variational linguistics, among others.

  • Access to the Doctoral Programme in Linguistics without supplementary training, is open to:

    • Holders of any specialized master's degree in Linguistics offered by a Spanish university or by the EHEA.
    • Students who completed a Master's in Linguistic Studies, a Master's Degree in English Studies, both offered at USC, or those that may be implemented in the future as a result of the transformation of the current ones.
    • Students with a master's degree in Linguistics and its Applications (Univ. of Vigo and A Coruña) and Language and Professional Practices (Univ. of A Coruña), or those that may be implemented in the future as a result of the transformation of the current ones.
    • Holders of master's degrees from other Spanish and European universities with specialization in Linguistics, such as the University Master's in Applied Linguistics and Language Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts (Univ of Barcelona), Spanish Language and Linguistics (Univ. of Oviedo), Spanish: Research and Professional Practices (Autonomous Univ. of Madrid), English as a Second Language (Complutense Univ. of Madrid), Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (Univ. of Salamanca), Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language: Language, Culture and Methodology (Univ. of Granada), Higher Spanish Language Studies (Univ. of Granada).
    • Students holders of the Diploma of Advanced Studies obtained through the USC interuniversity «Linguistics» programmes, in «Galician Linguistics", by the USC, UDC and UVIGO.

    In the case of candidates with profiles different to those mentioned above, the Academic Committee evaluates each case individually.

    In the case of candidates without s Master's degree, they must provide proof of an equivalence of training in research credits, at least equal to those of the master's degree that provides direct access, which are 30 ECTS credits. Given that the advanced training in linguistic research requires solid pre-training, both in theory and in practice, it is necessary that students show proof of having taken graduate and master's with specialization in language and linguistics. If not, the Academic Committee will establish for each case the required supplementary training, based on the academic transcript of each student and the line of research they want to apply for. This supplementary training could consist of subjects from the degrees in Modern Languages and Literatures, Galician Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, offered by USC., or other degrees with a Linguistics content that may be established in the future. In some specific cases, the supplementary training subjects could be from the USC's Master's Degree in Linguistic Studies, from other Galician or Spanish universities or from other master's degrees that may result from the transformation of the current ones. In any case, these supplementary training subjects will consist of between 6 and 15 credits.

  • Asistencia a un congreso de especialidad

    • E5071A07

    Asistencia a actividades organizadas por los grupos de investigación vinculados al PD

    • E5071A08

    Actividad de gran área de conocimiento: Arte y Humanidades

    • E5071A09

    Actividad transversal de la EDIUS

    • E5071A10
  • No data available for the selected academic year.

  • Este programa reúne a los equipos y a los investigadores que forman el núcleo de referencia de los estudos lingüísticos en el Sistema Universitario Gallego, con investigadores de diferentes áreas de conocimiento y de diferentes lenguas en unas mismas líneas de investigación. Esta cooperación entre diferentes áreas y disciplinas permite ofrecer una formación más abierta, con enfoques teóricos y metodologías actuales, además de permitir trabajar con diversas lenguas. Cuenta, además, con la colaboración de un número importante de expertos internacionales de relieve. De esta manera, ofrece a los nuevos doctores una formación completa y coherente, dentro de una mayor cooperación internacional y en un ambiente apropiado para el trabajo multidisciplinar, conforme a las demandas de la sociedad actual.

    Las líneas de investigación ofertadas en el programa garantizan tanto la formación avanzada en teoría gramatical y en las líneas ya consolidadas de investigación lingüística, como una formación en las líneas más recientes, como lingüística de corpus, procesamiento del lenguaje natural, lingüística aplicada, lingüística variacionista, entre otras.

  • The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

  • Title Reading date Authorship Direction
    Language and communication development in premature children: the use of linguistic markers of personal deixis 20/03/2025 Carlos Gustavo Álvarez Escobar
    Linguistic Change in Real Time in the Available Lexicon of Galician: Food Mención doctorado internacional 02/12/2024 Clara Lago Caamaño Xulio Sousa Fernández
  • Coordinator
    Irene Doval Reixa

    Maria Paula Santalla Del Rio

    Juan Jose Lopez Rivera
    Tomas Eduardo Jimenez Julia
    Nuria Rodriguez Pedreira
    Benedict Buono
    Maria Alvarez De La Granja
    Francisco Xosé Dubert García

The contents of this page were updated on 07.07.2023.