ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 45
Hours of tutorials: 6
Expository Class: 12
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and PaediatricsAreas:
Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Specific objectives:
- To complement the knowledge acquired in Veterinary Toxicology discipline.
- Identify the main environmental contaminants, and their persistence and bioaccumulation in living organisms.
- Assess ecotoxicological effects using chemical and biological methods.
- To study the toxic processes suffered by ecosystems, and veterinary science associated with.
- Propose measures to protect the water environment and bioremediation.
Complementary objectives:
- Integrating ecotoxicological dimension in training future veterinarians according to the current demands of society, so that they sensitized and contribute to improving the quality management of the environment.
- Establish a forum for discussion and study that addresses the environmental situation in rural and urban areas, problems and deficiencies they consider most important, and possible solutions to be taken to promote sustainability.
Definitely, that students acquire a culture ecotoxicological.THEORETICAL PROGRAM ECOTOXICOLOGY
Item 1. - Introduction to ecotoxicology. Concepts. Contamination of ecosystems. Environmental Bioethics (1 hour).
Item 2. - Toxic processes in ecosystems. Types of contaminants. Persistent Pollutants: Biomagnification. Bioaccumulation. Eutrophication (1 hour).
Item 3. - Water pollution. Origin, type, physiochemical assessment of water pollution. Monitoring (1 hour).
Item 4. - Methodology for biological evaluation of water pollution: Bioassays. Biomarkers. Biosensors (2 hours).
Item 5. - Bioindicators for monitoring in terrestrial, freshwater fish and marine ecosystems (1 hour).
Item 6.- Environmental pollution, climate change and health (1 hour)
Item 7. - Poisoning by environmental pollutants: Fluorine (1 hour).
Item 8. - Poisoning by environmental pollutants: Nitrates and Nitrites (1 hour).
Item 9. - Poisoning environmental contaminants: Heavy Metals (I)-Arsenic (1 hour).
Item 10. - Poisoning environmental contaminants: Heavy Metal (II)-Mercury (1 hour).
Item 11. - Environmental management. Water purification. Bioremediation. Legislation (1 hour).
- LABORATORY: Quantitative determination of nitrates in drinking wáter. (ECOT LB) (4 hours).
- FIELD PRACTICE: Practical visit to the municipal sewage treatment plants (EDAR and ETAP) of Lugo. (ECOT LB Campo) (4 hours).
- Resolution of cases of environmental impact
- Exhibition of monographic works by students.BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY:
Buck WB, Osweiler GD, Van Gelder GA. Toxicología Veterinaria Clínica y Diagnóstica. Ed Acribia. Zaragoza, 1981.
Capó Martí, M. Incidencia ecotoxicológica de los metales pesados en poblaciones humanas. Ciencias Veterinarias-CGCVE, Volumen XX. Madrid, 1990
Capó Martí, M. Principios de Ecotoxicología: Diagnóstico, Tratamiento y Gestión del Medio Ambiente. McGraw-Hill Profesional. Madrid, 2002.
Duffus, JH. Toxicología Ambiental. Omega. Barcelona, 1983.
Humphreys DJ. Veterinary Toxicology. Ed. Baillière Tindall. 3ª ed. London, 1988.
Jurado Couto, R. Toxicología Veterianria. Ed. Salvat 2ª ed. Madrid, 1989.
Lagadic, L et al. Biomarqueurs en écotoxicologie : aspects fondamentaux. Edt Masson. París, 1997.
Lagadic, L et al. Utilisation de biomarqueurs pour la surveillance de la qualité de l’environnement. Tec & Doc Lavoisier, D.L. París, 1998.
Newman, M.C. Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology: The Science of Pollution. CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group. 4th Edc. New York, 2015.
Ramade, F. Précis d’écotoxicologie. Masson. París, 1992.
APHA.AWWA. WPCF. Métodos normalizados para el análisis de aguas potables y residuales. Díaz de Santos. Madrid. 1992.
BOE Núm 9, Real Decreto 3/2023, de 10 de enero, por el que se establecen los criterios técnico-sanitarios de la calidad del agua de consumo, su control y suministro.
D'Mello, JPFD. Introducción a la Toxicología Ambiental. Ed. Acribia. Zargoza, 2021.
Easo, C and O’Halloran K. Biomarkers in toxicology versus ecological risk assessment. Toxicology, 2002.
Gafo J y otros. Ética y Ecología. Publicaciones de la Universidad Pontificaia de Comilllas. Madrid, 1991.
Hill M. Nitrates and nitrites in food and water. Ellis Horwood. New York, 1991.
Hodgson, E. A Textbook of Modern Toxicology. 3ª ed. Ed. Wiley-Interscience, New York, 2004
López Bellido, L. La salud del suelo. Ed. Acribia. Zaragoza, 2021.
McCarty, LS. Issues at the interface between ecology and toxicology. Toxicology, 2002. 181-182: 497-503.
Melgar, MJ. Métodos de evaluación ecotoxicológica, en: La gestión ambiental en la administración local de Galicia. Servizo de Publicacións da Deputación Provincial de Lugo. Lugo.2005.
Melgar Riol, MJ. Desafío a la Contaminación Medioambiental Hídrica mediante la Ecotoxicología y la Ética. Academia de Farmacia de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, 2011.
Muniategui Lorenzo, S. Medioambiente y salud: Una visión analítica sobre los contaminantes prioritarios y de interés emergente. Academia de Farmacia de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, 2013.
Nelson, W. Environmental contaminants in wildlife: interpreting tissue concentration. Lewis P.. Boca Raton, 1996.
Peña Castiñeira, FJ. y Melgar Riol MJ. A Xestión Ambiental nos Concellos Galegos. Curso de verano USC, 2009.
Peña Castiñeira, FJ. y Melgar Riol MJ. Xestión Integral de Residuos en Galicia. Curso de verano USC, 2010.
Reverte López, I. Fundamentos de Toxicología ambiental. Procompal. Almería, 2009.
Velázquez de Castro González, F. Atmosférica. Ed. Acribia. Zaragoza, 2019.
Wayne GL, Ming-Ho Y. Introduction to environmental toxicology: impacts of Chemicals upon ecological Systems. Lewis cop. Boca Raton, 1995.
http://publicacionescbs.izt.uam.mx/DOCS/ecotoxicologia.pdf- General Degree in Veterinary:
* GVUSC01-Ability to learn and adapt.
* GVUSC02-Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
* GVUSC03-General knowledge of the work area.
* GVUSC06-Ability to work independently and as a team.
* GVUSC10-Ethical commitment and accountability.
- Disciplinary-Specific (know):
* CEDVUSC11-Knowledge of the basics of operation and system optimization of plant and animal production and its impact on the environment.
* CEDVUSC 16 - Know the basic analytical techniques and interpretation.
- Specific Professionals (skills):
* D1VUSC03-Perform basic analytical techniques and interpret clinical, biological and chemical.
* D1VUSC14-Perform risk analysis, including environmental and biosafety, as well as its assessment, management and monitoring systems of quality management.
-Specific Academic (to do):
* CEAVUSC02-Behave ethical conduct in the exercise of its responsibilities to the veterinary profession and society.
* CEAVUSC08-Be aware of the need to keep knowledge, skills and attitudes of professional skills through a process of lifelong learning.
* CTVUSC01-Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
* CTVUSC02-Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated by various means, such as bibliographic information and the Internet, and analyze it critically.
* CTVUSC03-Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
* CTVUSC04-Ability to make a public display of a clear, consistent and concise.
* CTVUSC05-Ability to use ICT.
* CTVUSC06-Use information in a foreign language.
* CTVUSC07-Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.Teaching will be face-to-face and will be taught in the Classroom-Seminar of the Department of Toxicology.
Based on Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat in this matter, no exemption is granted, as it is necessary to attend all face-to-face success activities.
75 STUDENT TOTAL HOURS: 30 hours classroom work and 45 hours of personal work.
Temporal distribution classroom:
- 12 hours of lectures
- 4 hours Laboratory Interactive Classes (ECOT LB)
- 4 hours of Field Practical Classes (ECOT LB Campo)
- 7 hours of Interactive Seminar Classes (ECOT S)
- 3 hours of tutorials in groups (ECOT T)
- Complementary Attention through virtual Teaching: Virtual Campus Platform USC.
In the lectures will be used together with audiovisual oral explanations from the teacher. Sporadically the teacher can interact with students asking questions for your immediate reply, and periodically (monthly) be requested in writing the answers to all students.
ECOT LB1. The activities are carried out in the Toxicology laboratory. In the Lab interactive class, in a continuation of a kind interactive seminar classes (1 h) which presents a case of poisoning from drinking water is proposed to the student in the Laboratory of Analytical Toxicology for the toxicology diagnosis through the UV-spectrophotometric Nitrate determination in drinking water. In its resolution, students must prepare reagents and standard solutions to obtain a calibration line in front of a white and apply on the analytical results excel software. Finally, students must interpret the results of the water problem in the light of current legislation. (4 h)
ECOT LB1 Campo. In class practice field, the student will move to the city sewage treatment plants (EDAR and ETAP) of Lugo, where they will visit the facilities with its operation, and then you will learn of the determinations (chemical analysis) routine parameters. Finally, students prepare a report on the lessons learned from environmental health criteria and sustainability. (4 h)
ECOT T. In Group tutorials, students will be proposed, mandatory, a monographic work, performance is monitored by the teacher in each hour of tutoring. (3 h)
Finally, the work of each group will be exposed to all students, in the hours devoted to seminars (ECOT S). The contents will form part of the assessable material on the final exam. (7 h).- To OVERCOME discipline, attendance is mandatory and active participation in:
* Laboratory Interactive Classes and Fiels Practical Classes (20%): valuing attitude, newsletters, reports duly completed (results, units, interpretation ...) in a timely manner.
* Tutorials in groups: development of monographic work.
* Classes Interactive Seminar: exhibition monographic work (20%)
- Attendance at lectures is optional. 100% assistance disclaims take the final exam, but no assessment involves assistance through a multiple choice final exam and / or conceptual (60%).
- Only students who have not made any measurable activity appear in ACTAS: Not presented (NP).
**The qualification of the “progressive evaluation” (Practices, Monographic Works and Seminars) will be kept for the following courses.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, it will be applicable or established in the "Rules of assessment of academic performance of students and review of qualifications" (Article 16).75 STUDENT TOTAL HOURS: 30 hours classroom work and 45 hours of personal work.
Temporal distribution classroom:
- 12 hours of lectures
- 4 hours Laboratory Interactive Classes
- 4 hours of Field Practical Classes
- 7 hours of Interactive Seminar Classes
- 3 hours of tutorials in groups
- Individual study: 21 h
- Development of practical memory: 5 h
- Preparation of work: 6 h
- Literature review, library, etc: 2 h
- Attendance at lectures, or other activities recommended: 2 hours
- Resolution of cases / problems: 2 h
- Oral presentations: 5 h
- Exams - tests: 2 h
Total hours of personal work (No. 15x ECTS): 45 h- Attendance at lectures.
- Consultation Basic Bibliography.
- Complete the interactive lectures and further reading.
- Having the support of individual tutorials and virtual-USC to resolve issues.
- Personalized study day.
- Study, attention and retention of concepts, ideas, ... and avoid unnecessary data (secondary). Seconding warnings by the teacher in class.Individual tutorial hours:
The hours of tutoring from teachers are officially on the notice board of the Department (Hall 2).
Teachers Time
M Julia Melgar Riol *Coordinator Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 11-13 h
Copyrigt. All rights are owned by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).
Their personal use is only allowed in the educational field, both in the classroom and on closed networks at the disposal of the students.
Its reproduction, copying, photography, recording or dissemination to third parties is not allowed without the consent of its owner.
Failure to comply will imply the complaint for violation of intellectual property rights and USC regulations.
TEACHERS ACTIVITIES CALENDAR:http://www.usc.gal/gal/centro/facultade-veterinaria/calendarios.
Maria Julia Melgar Riol
Coordinador/a- Department
- Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics
- Area
- Toxicology
- mj.melgar@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Toxicology Seminar Thursday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS01 Spanish Toxicology Seminar 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Toxicology Seminar Friday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Toxicology Seminar Exams 03.24.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 8 07.10.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 8