ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Plant Production and Engineering ProjectsAreas:
Plant ProductionCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
- Know, understand and use the principles of the bases of plant production and crop production systems.
- Know how to transfer technology, understand, interpret, communicate and adopt advances in the agronomic field.The title report contemplates the following contents for this subject:
Agricultural production technology: actions on the abiotic environment (management of agricultural soils, use of amendments, organic fertilizers, fertilization, climate management (protection against frost and wind).
Agricultural production technology: actions on the biotic component (control of weeds).
Management of agricultural space: organization of crops, agricultural systems, degradation of the agricultural environment.
These contents will be developed according to the following agenda:
I. Previous notions
Objectives and content of the subject (0.5 h)
Our environment: agriculture in Galicia (1 h)
II. Agricultural production technology
II.1. Actions on the abiotic environment
Topic 1. Correction of acidic soils: Liming (2h)
Topic 2. Maintenance of organic matter in crop soils:
2.1. Agronomic and environmental interest of organic matter in the soil (0.5h)
2.2. Incorporation of harvest remains (0.5h)
23. Green fertilizers (0.5h)
2.4. Solid manure management (1 hour)
2.5. Manure management (1h)
2.6. Composting (1h)
2.7. Handling of sewage sludge (1h)
2.8. Use of marine resources as amendment, fertilizer (1h)
Topic 3. Inorganic fertilization techniques:
3.1. Agronomic bases of fertilization (0.5h)
3.2. Fertilizer products (0.5h)
3.3. N and nitrogen fertilizer (2h)
3.4. P and phosphorus fertilizer (1h)
3.5. K and potassium fertilizer (1h)
3.6. Secondary elements (Ca, Mg, S) and micronutrients (1h)
3.7. Assessment of nutrient needs (1h)
3.8. Slow release fertilizers (0.5h)
3.9. Fertigation (0.5h)
Topic 4. Protection against low air temperatures (frost) (1.5h)
Topic 5. Protection against wind (1h)
Topic 6. Quality of irrigation water (0.5h)
II.2. Actions on the biotic component
Topic 7. Weed control (1 h)
III. Management and conservation of agricultural space crop
Topic 8. Crop rotations and alternatives (1h)
Topic 9. Secondary salinization (1h)
1. Establishment and monitoring of fertilization trials in greenhouse crops (10 h).
3. Field practice: visit to the Mabegondo Agrarian Research Center (CIAM) (5 h).
1. Calculation of doses of liming amendments (2 h)
2. Humic balance. Calculation of doses of organic fertilizers (2 h).
3. Interpretation of soil analysis. Calculation of mineral fertilizer doses in N, P and K (4 h).
4. Interpretation of irrigation water quality (1 h).BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY
- Cadahía López, C. 2005. Fertigation of horticultural, fruit and ornamental crops. Ed. Mundi -Press.
- Brady, NC & Weil, RR 2008. The Nature and Properties of Soils . Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Elías Castillo, F.; Castellvi Sentis, F. 2001. Agrometeorology. 2nd Ed. Ed. Mundi -Press.
- Finck , La. 1988. Fertilizers and fertilization. Ed. Reverté.
-Loomis , R.S.; Connor, DJ 2002. Crop ecology. Productivity and management in agricultural systems. Ed. Mundi -Press.
- Marschner , P. 2012. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants . Ed. Academic Press . Elsevier.
- Urbano Terrón, P. 2002. Phytotechnics. Plant Production Engineering. Ed. Mundi -Press.
- Villalobos, JJ; Mateos, L.; Orgaz, F and Fereres , Y. 2009. Phytotechnics. Bases and Technologies of Agricultural Production. Ed. Mundi -Press.
- Vilain , M. 1997. The production vegetate . Vol I. The components of production . Lavoisier.
- Vilain , M. 1997. The production vegetate . Vol. II. The maîtrise production technique . Lavoisier.
- Brito, M. 2006. Composting for Biological Agriculture. Manual of Organic Agriculture-Terras de Bouro. Higher Agricultural School of Ponte de Lima/IPVC.
- Comifer . 2013. Fertilization calculation spank Medical Guide pour L´établissement des prescriptions locales. Cultures annuelles et prairies . Paris. www.comifer.asso.fr.
- Rosenfeld A, Rayns F. 2011. Sort out your soil - a practical guide to green manures . Cotswold 763 Grass Seeds Direct and Garden Organic . Wilkinson & Milner (Eds.). www.cotswoddseeds.com.
- Sanz Cobena et al. 2014. Yield-scaled mitigation of ammonia emission from N fertilization : the Spanish case. Environ . Res. Lett.9.
- Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Environment. 2009. Characterization of sewage sludge generated in Spain. Ed. MMARM.
- Xunta de Galicia.2014. Guide to Good Livestock Practices. Available at: [https://libraria.junta.gal/eres/guia-de-buenas-practicas-ganaderas-proy…]
- Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Environment. 2010. Practical guide to rational crop fertilization in Spain. Part I. Ed. MMARM.
- Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Environment. 2010. Practical guide to rational crop fertilization in Spain. Part II. Ed. MMARM
Related web addresses
http://www.aemet.esIn this subject, the student will acquire or practice a series of generic skills, desirable in any university degree, and specific skills, typical of engineering in general. Within the framework of competencies that was designed for the degree, the following will be worked on in this subject:
General competencies:
CG1 - Knowledge in basic, scientific and technological subjects that allow continuous learning, as well as the ability to adapt to new situations or changing environments.
CG2 - Ability to solve problems with creativity, initiative, methodology and critical reasoning.
CG3 - Capacity for leadership, communication and transmission of knowledge, skills and abilities in the social areas of action.
CG5 - Ability to develop its activities, assuming a social, ethical and environmental commitment in tune with the reality of the human and natural environment.
CG6 - Ability to work in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams.
Essential transversal skills:
CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - Capacity for reasoning and argumentation.
CT3 - Capacity for individual work, with a self-critical attitude.
CT4 - Ability to work in a group and address problematic situations collectively.
CT5 - Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information.
CT6 - Ability to prepare and present an organized and understandable text
CT7 - Ability to make a public presentation in a clear, concise and coherent manner
CT9 - Skill in the management of information and communication technologies (ICT).
CT10 - Use of bibliographic and Internet information.
CT11 - Use of information in a foreign language.
CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
Specific competencies:
CEG1 - Capacity for the prior preparation, conception, drafting and signing of projects whose purpose is the construction, renovation, repair, conservation, demolition, manufacturing, installation, assembly or exploitation of movable or immovable property or buildings, operations, infrastructure and roads rural), the agri-food industry (extractive, fermentative, dairy, canning, fruit and vegetable, meat, fishing, salting industries and, in general, any other industry dedicated to the production and/or transformation, conservation, handling and distribution of food products) and gardening and landscaping (urban and/or rural green spaces (parks, gardens, nurseries, urban trees, etc.), public or private sports facilities and environments undergoing landscape recovery).
CEG5 - Ability to draft and sign studies on rural development, environmental impact and waste management of agri-food industries, agricultural and livestock farms, and spaces related to gardening and landscaping.
CR2 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of the bases of plant production, production, protection and exploitation systems.
CR4 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of biotechnology applications in agricultural and livestock engineering.
CR8- Ability to know, understand and use the principles of management and use of agroindustrial byproducts.
CR9 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of decision-making through the use of the resources available for work in multidisciplinary groups.
CR10 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of technology transfer, understand, interpret, communicate and adopt advances in the agricultural field.
EA2 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of plant production technologies: Crop production and exploitation systems. Crop protection against weeds.
HJ7- Ability to know, understand and use the principles of environmental legislation and management; principles of sustainable development; professional practice market strategies; valuation of environmental assets.The proposed methodology will be applied to the implementation of various teaching activities, combining theoretical teaching with practice. It will be ensured that the practices are coordinated in time with the theoretical contents.
Expository classes in large groups: Theoretical teaching will be based on the participatory master lesson given by the teacher and always counting on the intervention of the students. Also, whenever possible, seminars and conferences given by experts on specific topics (other campus professors or guest lecturers) will be organized. This will be done relying on available audiovisual media, providing specific bibliography for each topic and making materials available to students that gather information that is often very dispersed. These materials will be available on the USC virtual campus. The skills worked on in these classes will be: CG1, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT5, CT10, CT11, EA2.
Field practices: Various field practices are designed in this subject, as detailed in its programming, as well as a technical visit at the end of the course to an agricultural research/experimentation center in the community. The skills worked on in the practices will be: CG2, CG3, CG10, CG6, CT12, EA2.
Activities in interactive seminars: Seminars are designed in which practical cases are proposed and resolved, as described in the subject program. The skills worked on in these seminars will be: CG2, CG3, CG10, CG6, CT12.
Preparation and presentation of a field work on an agricultural/livestock farm: Carrying out field work individually or in a group of two, throughout the course, allows students to get closer to reality and apply the knowledge acquired to a practical case. This work will be presented to the teacher and classmates at the end of the course, through a computer presentation. In these sessions, the exchange of opinions and active discussion among all students will be encouraged. Group tutorials will be used to plan and give work guidelines to carry out this work. The skills worked on will be: CG3, CG10, CG6, CT4, CT 6, CT 7, CT9, CT10, CT11.
To carry out tutorials, as well as to maintain direct communication, both between the students themselves and between them and the teacher, they can be done in person and through the Virtual Campus forum, through Ms Teams or by email.There will be a final written exam of the theoretical part. The internships are mandatory, as is the completion of a report on the work carried out in them. Field work is also mandatory. The grade for the practical part is kept in future calls.
The following table specifies the evaluation systems used, the competencies evaluated, as well as the weight in the rating of each of them:
Evaluation system-Competencies-Weight in the qualification:
Attendance: 3%
Written tests- CG2, CT1, CT 2,CT 6,CT12,CR2-50%
Use of internships-CT4, CT6, CT10, CR2-20%
Papers presented-CG2, CG5, CT3, CT5,CT6,CT7,CT10,CR2-24%
Student participation in classroom activities-CG 2,CR 2- 3%
Evaluation criteria for repeaters: The practices and field work approved in the previous course will be maintained.
Evaluation criteria in the second opportunity: In the second opportunity, the parts approved in the first opportunity are kept.
Students who are granted exemption from class attendance (following Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on exemption from class attendance in certain circumstances) will be evaluated with a specific final exam that will account for 100% of the qualification.
“In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades” will apply.Although the dedication time depends on the aptitude of each student, a dedication time to the subject could be estimated as:
In-person expository teaching: 24 hours
In-person interactive teaching: 24 hours
Face-to-face group tutorials: 3 hours
In-person evaluation activities: 3 hours
Reading and preparation of topics: 35 h
Performing exercises: 10 h
Preparation of practice book: 10 h
Field work preparation: 30 h
Exame preparation: 11 hIt is a subject that covers very diverse aspects. The main recommendation is that the study does not limit itself to the notes taken in class; it is very important to handle specific bibliography for each group of topics and go to different sources of information. It is advisable to solve the proposed practical cases by minimally studying the theory and carrying out the tasks assigned weekly by the teacher.
The subject is taught in the two official languages of the autonomous community, mainly in Galician.
Julián Jesús García Berrios
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Adolfo López Fabal
Coordinador/a- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- adolfo.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Mª Belén Díaz Hernández
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Thursday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 14 (Lecture room 4) Friday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 14 (Lecture room 4) Exams 05.27.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3) 05.27.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12 (Lecture room 3) 06.27.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3)