ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Zoology, Genetics and Physical AnthropologyAreas:
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Learning results: Knowledge, understanding and application of principles of Genetics, and biotechnology applicacions for animal and plant breeding.
Provide the students with basic Genetic principles and their applications in animal and plant breeding.The Degree program comprises for this subject the following contents: Molecular basis of genetic inheritance. Mendelian genetics and extensions. Chromosomal cartography. Quantitative genetics. Population genetics. Genetic Engeenering. Applications to genetic improvement and conservation of genetic resources.
These contents will be developed according to the following units and practical program. It is indicated the approximate time distribution per unit and laboratory session of presential (p) activities (total 48h, lectures and interactive classes), presential group tutorials (3h), and non-presential (np) work (total 96 h).
Unit 1. Introduction. Relationships between genetics and other sciences. Importance of Genetics for agronomy sciences. Nucleic acids. Eukaryotic, prokaryotic and viral genomes. Chromosomes. Karyotype. (3 h presential (p): 5 h non-presential (np))
Unit 2. Genetic material. Biological properties. Replication. Mitosis. Meiosis. Genic expression. Gene mutation. (7 h p: 12 h np)
Unit 3. Mendelian genetics.The experiments of Mendel. Segregation. Test cross. Independent transmision. Chromosomal basis of inheritance. Pedigrees. (3 h p: 5 h np)
Unit 4. Extensions of mendelian genetics.Variations of dominance. Mulitple alleles. Letal genes. Genetic interaction. Complementation. Pleiotropy. Sex determination and sex-linked inheritance. Sex-Limited and -influenced inheritance. Extranuclear inheritance. (6 h p: 1h presential group tutorial :15 h np)
Unit 5. Linkage and recombination.Linkage groups. Crossing-over. Genetic map. Map distance and recombination frequency. Coincidence and interference. Applications to the genetic improvement. (5h p: 10 h np)
Unit 6. Chromosome mutation.Numeric and structural variaions. Aneuploids. Euploids. Duplications. Deletions, Inversions. Translocations. Applications to the genetic improvement. (4 h p: 8 h np)
Unit 7. Quantitative genetics and genetic improvement. Quantitative and qualitative traits. Poligenic inheritance and QTL (quantitative trait loci). Components of genetic variance. Heritability: meaning and estimation methods. Selection response. (5 h p: 1 h presential group tutorial: 13 h np)
Unit 8. Population genetics. Genic and genotype frequencies. Genetic diversity. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Changes in genotypic frequencies: Non-random mating. Changes in genic and genotypic frecuencies: mutation, genetic drift, migration and selection. Conservation genetics. (6 h p : 12 h np)
Unit 9. Genetic ingenering.Tecnology of recombinant DNA. Genomics. Types of genomic sequences. Molecular Markers. Transgenic organisms. Biotechnology applications to the genetic improvement and conservation of genetic resources. (3 h p: 1 h presential group tutorial: 8 h np)
Laboratory practical contents (to be carried out in the laboratory)
I. Application of DNA technology to the detection of genetic variants of breeding interest. (2h p: 2h np)
II. Genetic analysis of qualitative traits. Study on corn kernels (Zea mays). (2h p: 2h np)
III. Genetic analysis of quantitative characters. Study on varieties of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). (2h p: 2h np)Basic
-KLUG WS, CUMMINGS MR. 2013. Conceptos de Genética. 10th Ed. Pearson-Prentice Hall, D.L. electronic book Library USC: https://www-ingebook-com.ezbusc.usc.gal/ib/NPcd/IB_Escritorio_Visualiza…
-PIERCE, B.A. 2016. Genética: Un enfoque Conceptual. 5ª Ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana. electronic book Library USC: http://sfx.bugalicia.org/san/ebooksearch/
-PIERCE BA. 2016. Genetics essentials: concepts and connections. 3rd edition. W.H. Freeman and Company.
-ACQUAAH G. 2012. Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding 2nd Ed. Wiley.
-BENITO JIMÉNEZ C. 2002. “360 problemas de Genética: resueltos paso a paso”. Síntesis.
-BLASCO A. 2021. Mejora genética animal. Editorial Síntesis.
-CUBERO S. 2013. Introducción a la mejora génetica vegetal. 3ª Ed. Mundi-Prensa.
-FITA AM, RODRÍGUEZ A, PROHENS J. 2008. Genética y Mejora Vegetal. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
-GRIFFITHS AJF, WESSLER SR, CARROLL SB, DOEBLEY J. 2015. Introduction to Genetic Analysis. W.H. Freeman and Company.
-HARTL DL. 2020. Essentials Genetics and Genomics. 7th Ed. Jonet & Bartlett Learning.
-KLUG WS; CUMMINGS MR; SPENCER CA, PALLADINO MA, KILLIAN D. 2018. Concepts of Genetics. Twelfth edition. Pearson Education, Inc.
-MARTÍNEZ F, SOLIS I. 2014. Mejora vegetal para ingeniería agronómica. Universidad de Sevilla.
-NICHOLAS FW. 2010. Introduction to veterinary genetics. Wiley-Blackwell.
-PIERCE BA. 2022.Fundamentos de genética: conceptos y relaciones. 5ª Ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
-PIERCE BA. 2020. Genetics: a conceptual approach. 7th Ed. Macmillan International Higher Education.
-RUEDA J, LINACERO R, TORO MA. 2021.Genética y biotecnología de plantas y animales. Editorial Síntesis.Achievement of competences will be complemented with other Subjects of the Degree.
CG1: Knowledge in basic, scientific and tecnological subjects, which permit continuous learning and capacity for adaptative response to changing contexts
CG2: Capacity for solving problems with creative and critical reasoning
CT2: Capacity for reasoning and argumentation
CT3: Ability to work individually with self-criticism
CT6: Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
CT10: Use of bibliographic information and Internet Resources.
CT11. Use of information in foreing languages.
CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
CR4: Ability to recognize, understand and use the principles of biotechnology in agricultural and livestock engineering.
EA1: Ability to recognize, understand and use the principles of animal production technologies: Animal Anatomy. Fisiology. Production systems, animal protection and exploitation. Animal production techniques. Genetics and animal breeding.
HJ3:Ability to recognize, understand and use the principles of genetics and plant breeding.
MC1: Ability to recognize, understand and use the principles of technologies for plant and animal production: Plant Science; Biotechnology and plant breeding; crops; crop protection; gardening and landscaping. Sports facilities.
MC2: Ability to recognize, understand and use the principles of nutrition. Hygiene and systems of animal production. Biotechnology and animal breeding. Animal products.The Campus Virtual-USC will be used to present the program, contents, support resources and tasks; also for communication purposes with the students along the course. The expositive and interactive activities will be developed in face-to-face (presential) classes. Other telematic media could be used for communication and/or teaching activities, if needed (e-mail, Microsoft-Teams).
Classes directed to the whole group of students. They will be focused on the contents of the subject, using PowerPoint presentations for each unit, together with other material such as videos and specific databases to aid in understanding conceptual contents of the subject, including material in English (Figures, text, web resources).
Competences: CG1, CG2, CT2, CT3, CT11, CT12, CR4, EA1, HJ3, MC1, MC2
-Laboratory classes to be carried out in groups of students, following specific protocols and technical video in English. The students should provide a report about the practical subject to be evaluated by the lecturer.
Competences: CG1, CG2, CT2, CT3, CT6, CT11, CT12, CR4, EA1, HJ3, MC1, MC2
-Seminars: Resolution and discussion of practical cases and problems related to the subject, using some resources in English. Each student should provide answers and/or reports for selected problems/case studies to be evaluated.
Competences: CG1, CG2, CT2, CT3, CT6, CT10, CT11, CT12, CR4, EA1, HJ3, MC1, MC2
-Tutorial support to small groups: Support and discussion on the resolution of practical cases and problems, including bibliographical resources in English, complementary to the expositive and interactive classes. The students should provide reports proposed by the lecturer to be evaluated.
Competences: CG2, CT2, CT6, CT10, CT11, CT12, CR4, EA1, HJ3, MC1, MC2Understanding of basic concepts and their application to solve problems and practical cases will be evaluated. For each assessment item, the maximum weighting (%) is indicated:
- Final exam/s in the official published date (70%*)
Face-to-face tests in the first- and second-opportunities scheduled in the timetable of the Centre. Assessment tests comprising conceptual questions and problems.
General/Transversal Competences: CG1, CG2, CT2, CT3, CT12
Specific competences: CR4, EA1, HJ3, MC1, MC2
- Continuous evaluation: Attendance and participation in interactive activities (20% *)
Attendance and student achievement related to the expositive classes and interactive activities (seminars and tutorial sessions for small groups), problem solving and presentation of written reports along the course.
General/Transversal Competences: CR4, EA1, HJ3, MC1, MC2
Specific competences: CG1, CG2, CT2, CT3, CT6, CT10, CT12
-Continuous evaluation: Laboratory practices (10% *)
Attendance and participation, presentation of reports and answers to assessment tests, which include some questions about technical terms in English:
General/Transversal Competences: CR4, EA1, HJ3, MC1, MC2
Specific competences: CG1, CG2, CT2, CT11, CT12
*The qualifications associated with participating in classes and interactive activities (seminars, small-group tutorial sessions, laboratory classes) will be computed in the final assessment only if a minimum mark of 5.0 (marking scale from 0 to 10) is obtained in the final exam, in the first and/or second assessment opportunity. Non-attendance and non-participation in the interactive activities during the class period (in the first semester) will prevent their evaluation and computation in the final grade of the subject, both in the first and second opportunity.
Repeating students can keep the positive ratings obtained from the assessment of the interactive activities and laboratory practical contents of the program carried out in the past three courses.
In the case of academic exemptions, the same evaluation system is maintained; the attendance at laboratory practices is mandatory, as well as the participation in the seminars and tutoring group-sessions, along the course, in order to compute the respective qualifications in the final assesment of the subject (*).
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the "Regulations on the evaluation of students' academic performance and review of grades" will apply. https://www.usc.gal/export9/sites/webinstitucional/gl/web/descargas/20_…Presencial class-room time: 54 hours (h)
51h: Expositive 24 h, Interactive 24h (seminars 18h: Laboratory 6h), and Tutorial support to small groups 3h.
Written exam 3h
Individual work and study time: 96 h (approximate ratio of 2h:1h for presential to non-presential work, except laboratory activities with ratio 1h:1h). It includes preparation of expositive and interactive classes, study time for exams, problem solving, preparation of written reports.
Total: 150 h (6 ECTS)Attend to expositive and interactive classes.
Monitor regularly the Subject in the Campus Virtual-USC.
Revise at least part of the recommended bibliography, material and resources.
Study and solve problems on the subject at regular intervals during the course.
Participate in expositive/interactive classes and tutorial sessions (individual/group) to ask doubts and questions.
Rafaela Maria Amaro Gonzalez
- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- rafaela.amaro@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
M Carmen Bouza Fernandez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- mcarmen.bouza@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Adrian Casanova Chiclana
- Department
- Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology
- Area
- Genetics
- adrian.casanova@usc.es
- Category
- Posdoutoral USC_Campus Terra
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) Tuesday 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) Wednesday 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) Exams 01.21.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3) 06.20.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 11 (Lecture room 3)