ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.25 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Faculty of Humanities
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
The main aim of this course is to introduce the student to a general vision of the evolution of the European society between the 15th and 20th centuries, as well as the social and cultural movements that gave it form. To achieve this a diachronic presentation will be used, but the course also will take a deeper insight in specific aspects that due to their particular features are marginalized from most of the general programs of the basic matters in Modern and Contemporary History.
1. The social organization of the modern world: Inequality and privilege.
2. The areas of daily life: The family, the woman and the child. The life conditions. The consumption of goods.
3. The mental universes: Forms of sociability. Religion and beliefs.
1. The 19th century: the crisis of the Old Regime; the liberalism and the bourgeoisie; change and continuity in the social structures; the origins of the historical feminism; the cultural transformations; the changes of end of century.
2. The interwar period: the European fracture; society and culture of postwar; the social consequences of the "big depression"; the renewal and homogenization of the cultural life; the development of the feminist movement and the triumph of the suffrage.
3. Europe from 1945: the new European order (1945-1991); the oriental Europe; the Western Europe; the 68 fracture; the end of the "years gilded", the social and cultural revolution of the second half of the 20th century.
ANDERSON, B.S. y ZINSSER, J.P. Historia de las mujeres: Una historia propia, Barcelona, Crítica, 1992
ARIÈS, P y DUBY, G. (comps), Historia de la vida privada. Del Renacimiento a la Ilustración, Madrid, Taurus, 2000
BERNIS, C., El traje y los tipos sociales en El Quijote, Madrid, Ediciones El Viso, 2001
BOCK, G., La mujer en la historia de Europa, Barcelona, Crítica, 2001
BURKE, P., La cultura popular en la Europa moderna, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1991
ELIAS, N., El proceso de civilización. Investigaciones sociogenéticas y psicogenéticas, Madrid, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1988
FRANCO RUBIO, G.A., El ámbito doméstico en el Antiguo Régimen. De puertas adentro, Madrid, Editorial Síntesis, 2018
KAMEN, H., La sociedad europea (1500-1700), Madrid, Alianza editorial, 1984
KERTZER, D.I. y BARBAGLI, M. (comp.), Historia de la familia europea, vol I. La vida familiar a principios de la era moderna (1500-1789), Barcelona, Paidós, 2001
LAVER, J., Breve historia del traje y la moda, Madrid, Cátedra, 1988
SAAVEDRA, P., La vida cotidiana en la Galicia del Antiguo Régimen, Barcelona, Crítica, 1994
SARTi, R., Vida en familia. Casa, comida y vestido en la Europa Moderna, Barcelona, Crítica, 2003
SERRANO, E. (coord), Muerte, religiosidad y cultura popular, siglos XIII-XVIII, Zaragoza, Instituto Fernando el Católico, 1994
THOMPSON, E.P., Constumbres en común, Barcelona, Crítica 2000
ANDERSON, B.S., ZINSSER, J.P. (2009): Historia de las mujeres, una historia propia, Barcelona, Crítica.
BOCK, G. (2001): La mujer en la historia de Europa, de la Edad Media a nuestros días, Bracelona, Crítica.
DUGAST, J. (2003): La vida cultural de Europa entre los siglos XIX y XX, Barcelona, Paidós.
FRADERA, J.M., MILLÄN, J. (2000): Las burguesías europeas del siglo XIX. Sociedad civil, política y cultura, Madrid/Valencia, Biblioteca Nueva/Universitat de Valencia.
GEOFF, E. (2003): Un mundo que ganar, historia de la izquierda en Europa, Barcelona, Crítica.
MELLÖN, J.A. (2008): Ideologías y movimientos políticos contemporáneos, Madrid, Tecnos.
MOSSË, G.L. (1997): La cultura europea del siglo XIX, Barcelona, Ariel.
La cultura europea del siglo XX, Barcelona, Ariel.
NÜÑEZ FLORENCIO, R. (1993): Sociedad y política en el siglo XX. Viejos y nuevos movimientos sociales, Madrid, Síntesis.
SÄNCHEZ BLANCO, F. (2013): La Ilustración y la unidad cultural europea, Madrid, Marcial Pons.
General competences: 1) Students should possess basic knowledge of the area of History of Spain as a result of secondary education and they should be able to expand and develop it through contact with specialized texts and recent approaches (CG1). 2) Students must apply their knowledge in a professional manner and should possess the skills typically demonstrated through devising and defending arguments and resolution of problems within the social and cultural history (CG2). 3) Students must have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (concerning the social and cultural history) to issue their opinions including a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical (CG3). 4) Students should be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist (CG4). 5) Students should manage those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy (CG5).
Transversal competences: 1) Appropriate composition of texts in which the formal presentation must be within the corresponding parameters that nowadays prevail in computer processors (CT2). 2) Skills in the use of new technologies (CT3).
Specific competences: 1) Acquisition of detailed knowledge about social and cultural history (CE4). 2) Capacity development of reasoned and critical reviews of books and texts related to social and cultural history (CE5). 3) Ability in developing, composing and presenting a written essay of basic introduction to academic research (CE6).
Esta materia está afectada por el proceso de extinción de la oferta del título. Por este motivo sólo puede matricularse en esta materia el alumnado que ya lo hiciese en cursos anteriores, teniendo derecho a la tutorización y evaluación pero no a la docencia lectiva.
La metodología de la enseñanza será, pues, de carácter tutorial. A lo largo del curso el alumnado matriculado podrá y deberá concertar sesiones de tutoría con el docente para aclarar cualquier aspecto de la materia y de su evaluación
In-person activities:
Expositive sessions: 18 hours
Interactive sessions: 18 hours
Tutorial sessions: 4 hours
Sessions of evaluation: 3 hours
Other activities: 2 hours
Activities not in-person:
Study and preparation activities: 20 hours
Realization of works: 17,5 hours
Readings: 15 hours
Preparation of examinations: 15 hours
. Assistance to the sessions.
. Active participation in those sessions as a method of acquisition of contents and resolution of doubts or conflicts in the learning of the matter.
. Previous reading to the expositive sessions of manuals or basic bibliography.
. Use of general and specific bibliography for the realization of works.
. Special attention and care to the oral exhibition -basic aims, clear contents and didactic resources- and written essay - editorial, appointments, bibliography used, etc.-.
It is recommended to have taken the courses "Early Modern History" and “Modern History” previously.
Scenario 2: distancing (partial restrictions on physical presence)
a) Expository and interactive teaching
- The expository teaching will be able to realize totally or partially of virtual way, or with synchronous mechanisms, or with asynchronous.
- In interactive teaching it will be possible to combine physical and telematic presence.
- The “remote” activities that are programmed as part of the student's personal work must be distributed over time, combining individual tasks with collaborative work. Deliveries will be made by telematic means.
b) Tutorials
- Priority will be given to the programming of tutorials electronically.
c) Evaluation
- The final tests, if applicable, will preferably be telematic.
Scenario 3: closure of the facilities (impossibility of teaching with physical presence)
a) Expository and interactive teaching
- Both expository and interactive teaching will be developed completely virtually, either with synchronous or asynchronous mechanisms.
b) Tutorials
- The programming of tutorials will be exclusively via telematics.
c) Evaluation
- The final tests, if applicable, will be telematic.
05.26.2025 12:30-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 12 |
07.01.2025 12:00-14:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 12 |